Slytherin Practice S2

Celia flew after the bludger that Seamus had missed and slammed it towards @Ares Kuya-Tine. She wondered how much longer he would remain in the air.

Ares x4
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Ive kept looking.
Ive flew a little higher in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the snitch.
Celia aimed a bludger at Ivelisse, but the seeker suddenly ascended, leaving the ball to shoot forward and crash into @Atlas James-Cade instead.

Ares x4
Atlas x4
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Ive still didn't see the snitch, glad she had already caught it a few times.
Lucie clutched her side as the bludger hit her. She didn't bother reaching out to save the quaffle as the pain flooded through her. She just collected it and threw it back out.
Ares saw the quaffle fly towards him, but he didn't bother trying to dodge it. He took it right in his left arm with a groan. He had completely given up.
Indi was getting a little annoyed of all these bludger hits. She figured the beaters would get tired eventually but she stayed focused and grabbed the quaffle after Liusaidh made another goal.
Ares sighed as he continued flying around in search for bludgers.
Indi let out a cheer as she made yet another goal.
Ares couldn't help but enjoy Celia missing that bludger.
Lucie threw the quaffle back out into play.
Undeterred by her miss, Celia chased down the other bludger and sent it soaring towards @Avery Lancaster.

Ares x4
Atlas x4
Avery x4
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Avery winced as another bludger hit him. His vision jostled while he righted himself, and he had to take a moment to survey the area and get his bearings back.
This time, Celia aimed for Ivelisse. Unfortunately, the ball spun off and hit @Indira Khatri instead.

Ares x4
Atlas x4
Avery x4
Celia x2
Indira x4
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Ares kept in search for bludgers.
Ivelisse searched.
Ivelisse kept looking for a hint of gold anywhere.

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