Slytherin Practice S2

Celia lobbed another bludger at the seekers, and this time she was able to hit @Avery Lancaster .

Ares x3
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x2
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Ive searched some more.
Despite the slow start, this practice had been one of Celia's best. She surged forward to meet another bludger and easily sent it barreling towards @Indira Khatri.

Ares x3
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Avery grimaced as he was hit by another bludger. It had been hard enough keeping up with the snitch for him already.
Celia tried to hit another bludger towards Ivelisse, but it veered away and collided with @Liusaidh Fergusson instead.

Ares x3
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Liusaidh caught the quaffle after Indi's goal and headed to score.
Ive searched.
Ive flew up a little higher.
Lucie kept letting the quaffle through and it was frustrating her. At least everyone else seemed to be doing well.
Ares grimaced as another bludger hit him, this time on his left shoulder. He just continued to fly around, unsure whether he should bother trying anymore.
Ive kept searching.
Ares tried swinging at a bludger, but failed miserably.
Celia caught up to the bludger and batted it towards @Lucie Vernier. This was almost too easy.

Ares x3
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Atlas grimaced as she was hit by yet another bludger to take her total hits up to three, she was very aware of the fact she would have been taken out if they were playing a life game. She clutched her side as she flew up alongside the chaser in possession waiting for an opportunity to steal.
Celia aimed a bludger at Ivelisse, but her bat connected with the ball at an awkward angle, and it flew off towards @Natalia Novak instead.

Ares x3
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Ivelisse kept looking.
Liusaidh was able to score almost lazily. This was too easy. She was too good obviously.

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