Slides in sheepishly

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Hi hi everyone, decided to make a post here. I was just coming back to HNZ to reply to some PMs, then realized I really have missed this place so I'm cautiously dipping my toes into coming back. I never officially left (though I did post an absence because of my new cat, but honestly my HNZ decline had already been going on by then) but I think I've now taken the longest (sort of) break on site since I've joined in 2016, between December and now I haven't really been around in my usual capacity.

My main reason for this is that my life/job is very busy at the moment, teaching drains a lot of my energy as much as I love it, and while usually HNZ is a way for me to wind down and regain some of that energy, lately it has felt like just another drain on my brain instead. This is mostly my own fault (It's me, I'm the problem it's me) because I get bogged down in keeping things organized and doing things a specific way. For example, having a fully updated bio for all my chars with every RP in it, or needing to have a new graphic every IC year, feeling the need to make sure I RP with all my students somewhat equally, wanting an (active) student in each year- etcetera. It causes me to go all out when the year starts and commit to a bunch of RPs and plots and then peter out by the time it's S1 break. This cycle has repeated itself a few times now, and it's sad because I do love HNZ a lot and I don't want to keep getting burned out on it.

Long story short, I'll be slowly coming back and trying to enjoy this hobby without all the rules/restraints I put on myself for no good reason. That might mean I'll be a bit less organized or active only on specific characters for a bit and it might mean I drop some plots/characters down the line, I'm not sure yet.

I do feel really bad dipping in the middle of the year like that and I also am very sad about all the roses I got and didn't reply to. If we had a plot that I dropped or if you sent a rose to my char that you would like to plot about, feel free to reach out. I'm going to try my best to find the balance in what I want to do and what I can do on here, and hopefully I can stop burning out on this fun hobby I do for my own enjoyment eventually xD.

TLDR: I'm slowly coming back, fighting my own brain about it.
Welcome baaaack Daph!
Welcome back Daphne!!! :hug: Never feel bad about taking breaks!! My muse also cycles with sorting, especially if I take too much on, it’s hard to find a good balance sometimes.
The problem is having more character ideas than you have time/energy to write them all huh HAHA

It’s good to see you back, hit me up for rps any time :wub:
Welcome backk Daphne also don't feel bad sometimes breaks are needed to keep going and to come back stronger!! If you want any plots at anyy pointtt shoot me a message :r
Welcome back Daphne!
I'm in a very similar boat honestly, my muse comes and goes and I like to be organised so it's a lot of work to feel like I have to commit to. Definitely only do the parts that make you happy though! It stops being fun if you're doing it because you feel like you have to, so if you only go "all out" on specific characters then that's just as valid!
Welcome back!
Welcome back, Daphne!
Welcome back, Daphne!!
I totally get it, I feel the same pressure sometimes, especially when I've got a lot to juggle and I feel like I haven't done my best at organising. I love HNZ, but the organising part is hard sometimes and the guilt for letting stuff peter out even though it's out of my control...yeah. Totally valid to just do what feels comfortable and what brings you joy, because that's ultimately what HNZ is for! Hope it becomes something you enjoy again!
Welcome back Daphne!

I totally get this and this happens to me a lot of the time as well! My muse usually comes and goes, but it’s usually in that same pattern too! Take your time and don’t feel bad! life and muse is just part of the process and that’s okay! hehe

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