Rate the Sig


this banner is really nice. Well made and good use of images. It's got good clear writing and the font you picked is super nice. It's just a little dark, but I'm guessing that's the style you were going for which is why it only loses half a mark.
I love it. I love the sparkles/dots/glitter type thing lol. It's blended perfectly.
You only loose a mark, because I don't like Kristen Stewart xD
that really nice and tasteful but is hasn't got full marks because it doesn't quite have the zest of a 10/10, but it is sooo close. very nice and simple


It's a nice banner. Really colourful and good use of effects. I'm just not keen on the text or Justin Bieber.

It's okay, but nothing about it really stands out..Just kind of bland..
this is one of my favorate banners on the site right now. It is briliantly construsted and Kate mcgrath is a wise choice of pb I love it
((Is also Leah)) OMG. Katie Mcgrath just seemed perfect for her pb. You can thank Bella for the amazing banner, she's a super hero when it comes to graphics. :D

Anyhoo. Yours is 9/10

The banner is awesomely awesome. I love the outfit she has on. ^_^

LOVE the colors! And the pictures are soo pwetty. I think it really suits the character too. Plus its simple, which is always a plus ^_^

I like your PB, and the photos you've chosen, but you lose a few points because of the cutting and dots on his face. It's a good start, though! ^_^
((i know i was considering changing elvera to her but couldnt find any but i have found some now so i may try makeing one.
a first glance it looks a bit odd but it has grown on me a bit. i like the dots behind the name and the pb
For some reason I just don't like it. :erm:
Personal opinion, no insult meant to your graphicz making skillzz. ^_^
>.> What am I rating? xD

I like the Accio little banner going on there.

Not sure what to score it though. >.<

Oh what the hell, Causes it's Accio
8/10. It looks goodish, but it's kind of dull. ;)
10/10 I love it. It looks amazing. I love the way the pictures have been blended.

I like this banner alot, though I do wish it were a little lighter...​
I feel like a border would make it moar excellent. :r

The Accio! Perfect, correct size and good font, plus it leads to something awesome.
And the Signatures in the spoiler, are really cool. And I likes them all a lot.
I love how simple it is! And I like the coloring too, I don't know if it was changed much from the original picture, but it looks good!

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