Rate the Sig


I love the fact that it's sweet and colourful. But the writing along the top is hard to read, and the middle picture doesn't seem to quite fit...Dunno if that's just me though. :) That's where the 2 marks were lost. ;)
Hmm, not too keen on the colouring. I am a big sucker for a story. I like a siggie to tell a story. Yours really dosen't say anything for me. Sorry kid, you get a 6/10 from me.
8 of 10 :)
What does the Japanese mean?
Lolz I dont speak Japanese but thanks to google...! :p
Anyway the meaning of that writing izz... "I am cute" Looll

anyway here u go... */10 :x


Seriously, I find this banner so super cute. It's like pretty colours. Good use of images. Nice flower theme. And the writing is very pretty. I seriously :wub: it.
hmm, 8/10 its simole, but it looks really good ^_^
I really really like it, but the alice in wonderland picture ruins it for me.

Okay, you changed it xD I like this one so much more, actually being serious when I say 10/10. The only problem that I had with it, was the 'rainbow' part. I thought it was part of the background, not the words. But, it's really creative. I love it.
8/10 I really like it, it stands out, but there is something about it that makes it look kinda odd to me, I can't quite place it though.

Sorry, but something about the font just dosen't sit right with me......


I like the style, I think It's a little dark. And The text could be more visible, but It's a good banner.
9/10 It's absolutely amazing and I love it. The only reason you loose a point is cause I can't read the writing very well, it's a bit small. Other than that it's awesome. :D.
I'm sorry, but I just don't like it. :(
hmm......I think a 9/10 Dont really like the writing.

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