Quidditch Game: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
The referee was ready to begin a new season of quidditch. It was November, a bright and sunny day. His allergies were annoying him but not enough to put a damper on his mood.

He moved to and fro, keeping a quick pace as he readied the pitch. Then, it was just time to await the players and the captains so he could repeat some final instructions and get things moving along. As the stands continued to fill, Reeve could feel the energy on the pitch, the excitement was in the air.
OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please
She might only be on the bench for this, but Rose was still excited to be on the team, even if she was only an alternate. That didn't matter to her, because she was doing something she loved and she had more of an excuse to be in the air. She moved to the side, waiting patiently for the Captains and for the game to start so she could watch it, waiting to see if she would be needed for this game.​
Santiago squinted as he looked up into the stands. He wasn't really looking at anything in particular but tried to see how many people had showed up. Their team was popular at tryouts but their performances in previous years hadn't been very impressive. He was scared to feel it but he was tentatively hopeful things might turn around this year. He stood with his team and swung his bat a few times to keep his muscles warmed up. He was eager to get in the air and start the game already.
Miro had been practicing as much as he could, hoping to do his best for the Gryffindor team during their first quidditch game of the year. Miro arrived to the pitch bright and early and stood with the rest of the team, ready and excited for the game to be underway.​
If anything, the beaters being as aggressive as they were was only good for Ignatius today, since they wouldn't be aiming at him. Still sporting a black eye from the last training, Ignatius stood as far away from the captain and that awful chaser as he could, a little closer to the beaters for security, and held his head up high. He looked like a wreck, but he'd go up there and give it everything for his own sake. And if he did beat the Gryffindor seeker, their victory would be entirely thanks to him and not due to how awful their captain was. That was enough to get him motivated.
Sybil took her seat on the bench and tried not to get her hopes up about playing. She knew it could happen of course but it didn't feel right to hope for it, no matter how much she wanted to take to the air. She was hopeful they would win thought, as long as Ignatius was feeling rested after their practice. She sighed and was at least grateful for the lovely day and waited for the game to finally begin.
Milo swung his arms as he strolled out onto the pitch, getting in some stretches before Teddy or Fraser addressed the team. He was oozing confidence, simply refusing to acknowledge any thought in his mind that even so much as suggested he might not come out on top today. He'd done all the practice, all the reading, all the research, he knew the game and the positions inside and out. Milo was sure he could outsmart even the craftiest snitch, the cup was as good as Gryffindor's already he assured himself.
Fraser wasn't sure if he'd ever be truly ready for the first game with him in the captain's chair, it didn't matter that he shared the chair, it was still a game in which he was on the hook for for winning. He glanced at his teammates and to Teddy trying his best to come up with something he could say, something which would help them be fighting and ready for the first game. "Right gang, play well, we've got this." he told them, it wasn't much of a speech, but he glanced to Teddy who likely had more to say on this, as he took the time to hand in the line up to the referee.

SeekerMilo Frogg
BeatersSantiago Torres, Miro Morales-Albertson
ChaserFraser Fergusson (Co-Captain), Ivy Cullen, Alicia Richelieu
KeeperTeddy Pirrip (Co-Captain)
Alternates Aroha Blenheim, Veronica Walden-Cade, Rose Edogawa
Enoch arrived at the quidditch pitch, just ready to get started on the game. He didn't want to waste any time listening to the captain, though he was sure the boy would have words of wisdom. He just wanted to get to playing.
Teddy would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about today. This was his first game as one of the captains and he kept reminding himself that they had to win. Not just winning the game, in Teddy's mind Gryffindor has to win the cup this year, and that couldn't happen if they didn't win today. He joined Fraser and the team and was caught off guard by Fraser’s quick speech. For a split second, Teddy panicked, he’d been banking on Fraser to say a bit more and he hadn’t prepared anything specific. But a beat later, Teddy decided to roll with it. “Alright, you heard Fraser! We’ve got this.” He added, “Stick to the strategy, trust your instincts, and back each other up. Go Gryffindor!”
Sayuri was looking forward to this game. It was only a shame that Rose wouldn't get to play as a starter and she was looking forward to the day her sister would get to be the official keeper on the team. For now, she'd just have to do her best and get goals in against their co-captain. Gripping her broom tightly and barely able to wait to be up in the air, she gave @Terror Zhefarovich a teasing grin and gave an "okay" sign to @Ignatius Wolffort for encouragement.
Sunny considered poisoning Vanity or Alana just to get to play today, but unfortunately, the idea struck her on the way to the pitch and far too late to act on it. Still, she hummed quietly to herself, mentally banking the idea for another day. She arrived onto the pitch and glanced over at Ignatius. He looked like a bruised and battered mess and that was just from training. Sunny tilted her head, her expression momentarily softening as she shot him a half hearted sorry look whilst waiting for the captain to address the team before the game.
Ivy was looking forward to the quiddirch game. She had been practising both at training and during the holidays with her mum. and now she was ready to play. she was dressed in her quidditch robes her hair back in two neat dutch braids to keep it out of her face. She headed over to the bench where the rest of the team were broom in one hand and water bottle in the other glad that the weather was better than it had been the last game.
as fraiser and teddy gave their prep talks which were both surprisingly short she let out a woop. "we got this" She echoed before taking a mouthful of water ready for the game to begin.
Being on the Quidditch team was the only thing that was going well for Alicia right now, so she had looked forward to this game a lot. If ntohing else, it would let her stop thinking about Marama and Eluned for a while. She was a starting player now, and while she wasn't sure if she had truly earned it over Veronica, she was glad for it. She needed this right now. She tied her hair up in a bun and listened vaguely to the captains. They didn't seem to be the types for rousing speeches, but that was a good thing right now. Alicia wasn't in the mood to listen to that.
Vanity wondered if Ignatius was fully recovered from the practice. She didn't think she was a sentimental person, but she had felt for him. It also just felt kind of stupid to injure their seeker that much before a game. She knew she was partly to blame, but she hadn't hit him that much. Was it mostly because she hadn't hit that many bludgers in general? Maybe. She glanced at Alana, hoping the other girl was ready to work together and take out the Gryffindor seeker.
Veronica was pretty bitter about the whole situation surrounding the Quidditch team, she couldn’t deny it and even if she tried her face was telling whenever she was around members of the team she felt had wronged her, Teddy mostly. Veronica made her way out onto the pitch with her broom in hand, safe in the knowledge that she wouldn’t play a minute on the pitch, even if one of the chasers was knocked out Teddy would no doubt stick one of the other alternates in ahead of her. She wouldn’t put it past him.
Alana was excited for the new season. Practice had been going well in the run up to the first game and Alana was hopeful they would have a strong season. She made her way out onto the pitch with her broom in hand and stood with her teammates. Eager to get the game started and crush Gryffindor.
Horror Zhefarovich arrived at the pitch, not a moment too soon, with his streak over his shoulder. He looked to the players, and then to the Gryffindors. Slytherin might have lost their edge over the past couple of years, but maybe they will get it back. "Treat them like you all treated Wolffort. More so if you can." Horror was one for speaking as little as possible. It was his way of saying good luck, and do their best, in a more brutal way while also bringing up the embarrassment of what happened with their seeker in their latest practice.
Horror ZhefarovichCaptain & Keeper
Alana CosgroveBeater
Vanity MettlestoneBeater
Sayuri EdogawaChaser
Terror ZhefarovichChaser
Enoch GoldewynChaser
Ignatius WolffortSeeker
Kanako KurosawaAlternate
Sybil St. JamesAlternate
Sunny DayAlternate
Reeve gave the captains a nod, sending them back to their teams after he'd reviewed the line up cards and given them some final instructions. "Welcome to the first match of the season! Gryffindor, you will be keeping the northern hoops and Slytherin, the southern ones. Let's get into the air and have a great game!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers and the snitch, happy for their cooperation. The ref grabbed the quaffle and headed for his broom. A moment later he was in the air, tossing the quaffle into the sky and yelling "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game notes, please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Sayuri grabbed the quaffle and made her way towards the hoops
Teddy flew up to the northern hoops and prepared to defend against the Slytherin chaser making her way towards him with the quaffle.
Ignatius tried to tune everything out and headed straight up to search for the snitch.
Sayuri always knew that the first shot was always the least likely to go through. So she threw the quaffle toward the hoops and quickly turned her broom around to go around. Maybe she'll even get to steal from the other team.
Vanity got to the air and looked for a bludger
Alicia caught the quaffle as it was thrown back in and made her way to the other side.

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