Quidditch Game: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

Ivy was so impatient semeed like a long time waiting for the game to start. but when the whistle sounded she kicked off hard however this time she was not quick enough to get the quaffle from the start. however she pushed forward and followed the slytherin with it hoping to find a way to intercept it. however she was quick and had soon had a shot at the goal. she cheered as it didn't scored. she didn't get the throw in instead she flew along side alecia covering her as they made their way to the southern hoops.

((edit, Daph caught the pass in quicker))
Ignatius wasn't seeing the snitch as yet, but he was actually trying really hard for a nice change.
Alana kicked off the ground and immediately began hunting for a bludger.
Alicia flew up to the hoops and attempted to score, unfortunately she was blocked.
Vanity tried to hit a bludger but missed.
Teddy readied himself as Slytherin were about to take possession again.
Ivy dropped back as alicia flew up to the hoops. and let out a groan as it was blocked. "Good try" she called before heading back towards the north hoops keeping an eye on the slytherin chasers.
Horror tossed the quaffle back out to play when he blocked the Grydfindors from taking the first point.
Terror caught the quaffle when his twin tossed it back. He slid it under his arm and headed towards the goals on the other side.
Sayuri grinned as she chased after Terror, flying alongside him and then speeding up just a little
Alana failed to find a bludger to hit.
Vanity hit a bludger but it flew off harmlessly.
Santiago took to the air and spotted a bludger almost right away and sent it sailing towards the Slytherin seeker. That was a good start. @Ignatius Wolffort
Teddy defended the hoops as the Slytherin chasers approached
Terror aligned his shot but it was blocked.
Ignore my failed score I misclicked

Alicia grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, glad Teddy had blocked it.
Alicia flew to the Slytherin hoops and tried to score, she scowled as it was blocked again.
Santiago flew to meet another bludger but this time as he swung his bat missed the mark.
Vanity tried to hit the bludger Santiago hit, but she failed.
Milo wasn't all that surprised when Fraser and Teddy didn't have much to say, but they were right, they did have this. He kept an eye on the Slytherin seeker as he shot across the pitch, laughing quietly to himself when Santiago hit him so quickly. He'd have to be on guard himself today though, especially with Vanity on the other team.
Teddy checked the rest of his team were okay while he had a bit of time before Slytherin took possession again.
Horror caught the attempt Gryffindor made, and threw the quaffle back out to his teammate.
Santiago kept his eyes trained looking for bludgers and wasted not time finding and chasing after another. He swung and hit the bludger. His aim was off but he still hit one of the chasers. @Sayuri Edogawa

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