Plot Things

Natalia Novak

🧊 2059 Grad | Ice Queen | Herbologist | Lonely 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Lesbian (Salem)
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
12/2040 (21)
Hi guys!

As you may have noticed, I've been a bit busy lately but I still want to plot. This year I only sorted Natalia, and I would like to focus on her a bit with plotting. This PD is mainly for her, but I'll list a few other characters I am happy to do things with underneath.

Natalia Novak

Natalia is very reserved, cold to people she doesn't know. She has been taught to look down on people from outside the magical world, and to curry favor of established magical families. Natalia is very loyal to her family and very dutiful. When her parents tell her to do something, she will always do her very best to obey them. She wants them to praise her, and has on multiple occasions snitched on her sister when she did something that was against the rules. Unless it goes against her duty to her family, Natalia looks out for herself first. Natalia is competitive, she wants to be good at what she does. She can be arrogant and feel like she is better than those around her. Deep down, she can be very sad and lonely, but she would rarely ever show that side to anyone. It is much easier for her to pretend indifference rather than reveal she has some sort of negative feeling that isn't outright disdain. She has respect for authority figures and has been raised with strict manners.

Natalia has been approved to be a pureblood. Her parents are strict and put pressure on her to socialize with other people in pure families, as well as other established wizarding families in NZ even if they're not purebloods speficically. It's something I don't have a lot of experience with, but I would like to plot more with other pureblood kids. Natalia would be pressured by her family to befriend them, but might not be very good at it. For later down the line, there would be the same pressure for romance as well.

What I'm looking for: People to challenge her beliefs, people she feels like she has to hang out with but wouldn't necessarily get along with (purebloods or established families), a few people she can be friends with (parent approved or not)

I also have my two second years that I could use more plots for:​

Ivy Ashworth
She's part veela and very studious and competitive. I intended for her to be pretty social, but so far she's mostly been annoying people. Ivy has a very narrow view of the world and only sees value in magical things and proving she's the best witch. This has to do with hangups her father has about her part-veela heritage. When she gets older, she'll start to embrace that part of her history more, which is something I want to start next year.

What I'm looking for: Friends/people that can put up with her. Academic rivals. People for plots related to her part-veela looks when she's a bit older (think: crushes ect. It's a bit early for those plots but I'd like to talk for the future as I have ideas!)​

Violette Holland

Violette is quiet and shy, and has ambitions to travel the world one day. Which is not what her family has in mind for her. Violette is under some pressure to make use of her familial connections, especially with her aunt who is the Minister of Magic in New Zealand. But Violette is terrible at socializing and prefers to be by herself. I've also started to notice that she is a bit of a follower. She could easily become some popular girl's lackey, and could also easily be manipulated into doing things she didn't want to do necessarily.

What I'm looking for: Friends, people who can get her out of her shell, bullies would be fun, someone to follow.​

I link aesthetic boards because I almost feel like I can explain my characters better with those than with my descriptions. I also have a lot of other characters I'm always happy to plot with. Feel free to PM me or reply to this with other ideas as well.

I also realize that different parental pressures have been a bit of a theme for me lately with my chars
Hey Daph!

First of all I would love for Indira and Natalia to clash some more, especially over the topic of pure blood stuff. She thinks it is very dumb and would love to argue about it with someone. And just more of them potentially becoming enemies??

I also really like Delilah with Ivy and Violette. I think Delilah's people pleasing instinct comes in handy when dealing with Ivy. Maybe doing something where she had to put that skill to the test could be fun. And with Violette I think Delilah senses a bit of a kindred spirit, someone with a lot of family expectations and not really knowing how to deal with that, and maybe they could have a bit of a heart to heart about it sometime.
I'm happy to RP Natalia and Lucie? Lucie isn't a pureblood but she's a mixedblood and doesn't really know anything different since she's been around magic her whole life. They're very similar in that they both look out for themselves first, and they're arrogant and competitive. Lucie has a very strong opinion on everything and believes that communication is more important than people's feelings. I feel like it could go either way for them since they're quite similar, so I'd be interested in RPing them!
Hiya Daph!

I think I can offer you my second years to your second years (Richard Andrews, Giselle Miller and Morgan Harvelle) though I'm not sure who would clash or get along with who - But I'm always happy to offer them if you need!

Richard is a laidback prankster, Giselle is an adopted closed-book girl who doesn't like being in New Zealand, and Morgan is a shy and quiet part goblin who doesn't really have friends - A brief summary of each of them haha

Let me know what you think! :D
Hey Daph!

First of all I would love for Indira and Natalia to clash some more, especially over the topic of pure blood stuff. She thinks it is very dumb and would love to argue about it with someone. And just more of them potentially becoming enemies??

I also really like Delilah with Ivy and Violette. I think Delilah's people pleasing instinct comes in handy when dealing with Ivy. Maybe doing something where she had to put that skill to the test could be fun. And with Violette I think Delilah senses a bit of a kindred spirit, someone with a lot of family expectations and not really knowing how to deal with that, and maybe they could have a bit of a heart to heart about it sometime.
Yess I'm so ready for more of Indira and Natalia, I think they would clash a lot. We should do a topic like that!

I also really like Delilah with both Ivy and Violette. I think her and Violette could be something we do first? I feel like Delilah and Ivy are a bit more established already, if that makes sense?

We could each start one?

Nat x Nat
That's all

Can you start something? :r

I'm happy to RP Natalia and Lucie? Lucie isn't a pureblood but she's a mixedblood and doesn't really know anything different since she's been around magic her whole life. They're very similar in that they both look out for themselves first, and they're arrogant and competitive. Lucie has a very strong opinion on everything and believes that communication is more important than people's feelings. I feel like it could go either way for them since they're quite similar, so I'd be interested in RPing them!
That sounds good! They're roommates too, so they are probably somewhat familiar with each other already.

Hiya Daph!

I think I can offer you my second years to your second years (Richard Andrews, Giselle Miller and Morgan Harvelle) though I'm not sure who would clash or get along with who - But I'm always happy to offer them if you need!

Richard is a laidback prankster, Giselle is an adopted closed-book girl who doesn't like being in New Zealand, and Morgan is a shy and quiet part goblin who doesn't really have friends - A brief summary of each of them haha

Let me know what you think! :D

I'm very interested to RP with your second years, they're all great. I think Morgan and Violette might be friends? They're both quiet and shy. Ivy would probably clash with both of your other kids. She thinks pranks are childish, so would definitely clash with Richard. Are any of them very academically driven? She could see them as rivals?
Okay! I can start something tomorrow and PM it to you when I'm done.

I'm very interested to RP with your second years, they're all great. I think Morgan and Violette might be friends? They're both quiet and shy. Ivy would probably clash with both of your other kids. She thinks pranks are childish, so would definitely clash with Richard. Are any of them very academically driven? She could see them as rivals?

Ah, I love the idea of Morgan and Violette being friends, Morgan needs more friends, so that would be totally great! My Slytherin Giselle, I think would be academically driven. Always loves to learn new things as well as keeping up with her school work and such Rivals would be quite interesting!
Ah, I love the idea of Morgan and Violette being friends, Morgan needs more friends, so that would be totally great! My Slytherin Giselle, I think would be academically driven. Always loves to learn new things as well as keeping up with her school work and such Rivals would be quite interesting!
Should we pick two combinations for now? Violette and Morgan and Ivy with either Giselle or Richard? You can pick who you want more at the moment, and we could do another one later?

I could start one and you the other?

I can start Delilah and Violette. If you want to take Indi and Natalia?
Yes! Sounds good
Should we pick two combinations for now? Violette and Morgan and Ivy with either Giselle or Richard? You can pick who you want more at the moment, and we could do another one later?

I could start one and you the other?

Yep! that sounds good! We could do one with Giselle and Ivy first? and see how that goes? and then we can do Richard and Ivy later? Whose thread would you like to start?

Hey Daph,

Ivy: Tilly does not get along with @Seraphina My, who I've noticed Ivy has semi-befriended, so that could make for some drama if Kiersten is down.

I would potentially be interested in developing something with Natalia, but I need to think about it more. Tilly's from an established wizarding family on one side, but they've gained a reputation for mixing with Muggles/Muggleborns over the past few generations and they are spread all over the place. Her dad is pureblood and her mum is a muggleborn. Tilly would strongly disagree with Natalia's worldview. Given that they are in separate years and houses, I question how much they would interact, but I am open to ideas if that sparks anything.

Also, Professor Lydia Drage is Tilly's cousin- I saw Natalia's response to DADA Lesson Two ( xD ) and would be game if you wanted to do anything further with that. I'm always open to RP with my professor.
Hey Daph!

I think Giselle x Violette could meet again. I thought she was hanging out with Mackenzie also If I was not be mistaken? Ofcourse Giselle walks over her I think if she is a follower so If you want something with that I'm up for that! Giselle could use all the help with stuff and likes to be the boss and all. She will sure make use of poor Violette.
Yep! that sounds good! We could do one with Giselle and Ivy first? and see how that goes? and then we can do Richard and Ivy later? Whose thread would you like to start?

Sorry again for the late reponse!

I'd be happy to start Violette and Morgan and you can do Ivy and Giselle maybe?

Hey Daph,

Ivy: Tilly does not get along with @Seraphina My, who I've noticed Ivy has semi-befriended, so that could make for some drama if Kiersten is down.

I would potentially be interested in developing something with Natalia, but I need to think about it more. Tilly's from an established wizarding family on one side, but they've gained a reputation for mixing with Muggles/Muggleborns over the past few generations and they are spread all over the place. Her dad is pureblood and her mum is a muggleborn. Tilly would strongly disagree with Natalia's worldview. Given that they are in separate years and houses, I question how much they would interact, but I am open to ideas if that sparks anything.

Also, Professor Lydia Drage is Tilly's cousin- I saw Natalia's response to DADA Lesson Two ( xD ) and would be game if you wanted to do anything further with that. I'm always open to RP with my professor.

Hi Amanda! Definitely down for some Ivy + Tilly drama, though I do think it depends on how she sees her and Seraphina interact because if she sees Seraphina just outright be mean to her for no reason I feel like her sense of justice will prevail over the semi friendship she has :p

Very interested about Tilly and Natalia. If her family is an established family with pureblood members, I could easily see Natalia having heard about it. Especially if they were known for mixing with muggles/muggleborns. I think them being only one year apart could help bridge the gap between them. Does Tilly's family have branches that are still entirely pure? Maybe hearing her last name or something Natalia could ask her about her family to figure out if she's the sort of person she should spend time with? Or maybe if the family has a reputation like the one you said, she can react with disdain instead.

I'm not sure about the professor, though I'm very interested in the idea. I just don't know if Natalia would talk to her about it or confront her, I feel like she has decided the professor has an anti-pureblood bias already :p and being from the same family as Tilly, maybe that feeds into the reputation they have in Natalia's eyes and could help with the Tilly and Natalia conflict?

If that makes any sense xD
Hey Daph!

I think Giselle x Violette could meet again. I thought she was hanging out with Mackenzie also If I was not be mistaken? Ofcourse Giselle walks over her I think if she is a follower so If you want something with that I'm up for that! Giselle could use all the help with stuff and likes to be the boss and all. She will sure make use of poor Violette.

Yeah Violette has a thread with Mackenzie, are her and Giselle friends too? I'd be down with the two of them interacting, Violette is definitely afraid of Giselle :p
Sorry again for the late reponse!

I'd be happy to start Violette and Morgan and you can do Ivy and Giselle maybe?

That's okay!

Sure! I'd be happy to do that :D
@Natalia Novak Thanks for your patience with me in responding :tut:

I'll send you a separate PM with more of the deets about the Drage family because it is long. But I'm down for something between Natalia & Tilly :)

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