Open Phoenix Scouts: Holiday Camp

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
Though working two jobs kept him plenty busy, Kauri had been thrilled to take on a new volunteer role with a magical scouting organisation. He was finding it really rewarding to help young people find their confidence and enjoy learning new skills, reminded fondly of his days as a prefect at Hogwarts. Though he spent more time with the younger Puffskein and Niffler scouts, Hogwarts holidays meant a camp out in the bush for the older groups, and that meant plenty of fun camp activities. After arriving at the site he had pre-selected with other volunteers a week earlier, Kauri grinned as he turned to the assembled scouts. "Alright gang, this is where we're spending the night! We'll get the tents set up later, but for now we're going to focus on some bushcraft. Let's imagine you didn't have a tent with you, say it got damaged for some reason. You can't do magic outside school, so you'll need to build a shelter out of the supplies around you." He gestured to the thick forest all around them. "I want you guys to work in small groups to gather supplies and assemble some shelters by hand. To start off you'll need supplies, plenty of large, sturdy sticks and something to cover them with, think thick leaves, fern, or any dried flax you can find around the clearing, but remember not to take too much from one plant. Drop your packs here and see what you can find in the bush around. Try not to get too far, and if you get turned around remember to call out!" He cupped his hands around his mouth and gave a loud COO-EEE call to demonstrate.

OOCOut of Character:
This thread is completely open to any characters who are members of the Phoenix or Hippogriff scouts! The group is completely open for any characters based in NZ who fit the age requirements, so just jump right in if you're keen! For more information on the organisation, read the thread here!
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Ares was glad to be part of something outside of school. The trips to New Zealand for him were nothing new and he hoped he would be able to understand well enough despite the fact he had been speaking French a lot lately and not English. He alternated between the languages frequently, but with all of the work he had to do written in French, it was beginning to become the more comfortable language. Nonetheless, the boy showed up to his first scouts meeting, hoping that he could get something out of it. The older man instructed everyone to head out into the forest to try and find some supplies that they could build a tent with. It was definitely a challenge, and Ares hoped that whoever he teamed up with would have more experience than himself. He stood around awkwardly, hoping that someone would come up to him first.
Since her parents were less keen on being away traveling all the time now, wanting to focus more on being around for family, Salem had found that the Phoenix Scouts were the next best thing. They did fun things like going on camping trips or hiking and Salem could pretend they were in some far off wilderness instead of what was ostensibly her backyard now.

She grinned when Kauri stopped the group, copying his call out just for fun after his own demonstration before looking around for the things he'd mentioned they should try and collect. She spotted one of the other Phoneix scouts she was pretty sure wasn't from New Zealand, wondering if he knew any cool European camping things or where ever he was from. "Hey, you're not from around here, right? Wanna help me find some big sticks?" She asked him, holding up a large one she'd already scooped up from nearby and having to duck as she swung it too close to their heads. "Oops, sorry." @Ares Kuya-Tine
Connor had found it hard settling in New Zealand after a life in Australia, and joining the Phoenix Scouts when he was younger had been a good way to feel connected, like this was a place that could become his home just as Australia had once been. He had been looking forward to the holiday camping trip, eager to take advantage of what New Zealand called "summer", and to help out as one of the Hippogriff Scouts looking after members of the younger group. The hike had been invigorating, but also reminded Connor that he really focused his exercises far too much on his upper body, only thinking about Quidditch. His legs were really starting to burn by the time they reached the camp site, and he couldn't hold back a tiny groan of frustration as Kauri announced they weren't going to be resting just yet. He set his pack down in the clearing and looked around, spotting a couple of the Phoenix Scouts who might need a Hippogriff to keep an eye on them. "Careful with that!" He smiled as he approached, catching the big stick one of them was waving around to stabilise it. "Do you guys have space for another in your group?"
@Ares Kuya-Tine @Salem Lee
Assimilating to magical society had been difficult at best, and Hester was glad to do anything she could to make the process easier on herself. Though by now she felt like she was in a good place in terms of feeling like a Real Witch, there were still so many things she just didn't know that magical people seemed to take for granted. So when Hester had heard about a scouting organisation for magical kids she had rushed to sign up, remembering her days as a Kea and Cub scout in the muggle world fondly. She was excited to go on a camping trip, enjoying seeing so many of her schoolmates outside of the usual setting. She listened carefully as Kauri explained their first task of the camp. She gave a cheerful three-fingered salute before setting her pack down and looking around for people to group up with, determined to build the best shelter they possibly could.
Manaia had been in scouts for as long as he could remember, and he was still feeling the thrill of moving up to the Phoenix group last year. He had enjoyed Puffskein and Niffler of course, but Phoenix Scouts was where all the fun really started. He was extra excited for his first camp, following along with the group eagerly as they made their way into the bush. He was still bouncing a little with excitement as Kauri introduced the campsite and explained what they were doing. He had built survival shelters with Dad before, and couldn't wait to show off his skills to the leader. So Manaia shot through the trees immediately, only realising once he had left that they were supposed to group up. Oh well, he hoped someone would just run into him while he was out here and they could team up as they went.
It didn't take long before Ares was approached by a younger person. He smiled at them and nodded. "Yeah, big sticks sound like a good idea." he agreed, willing to partner up with her. His French accent was clear and he couldn't help but feel a little alienated because of it, but he was happy that someone wanted to partner up with him so soon. The boy's eyes widened as she swung a large stick close to their heads, and Ares had to duck to avoid it. He was glad that an older boy came over from the Hippogriffs group as it meant the girl would stop dangerously swinging it around. "Um, yes please." he responded to his request to join them. He was afraid that the younger girl might accidentally injure him if not.
@Salem Lee @Connor Holland
The great outdoors was where Lysander thrived, and he'd been ecstatic at having the opportunity to do something during the holidays that wasn't work. All of his activities were usually too close to home, and while he had missed it during his time at Hogwarts, it wasn't long before he'd wanted to go out and do more. Some much-needed adventure in the wilderness was perfect. He had, naturally, brought Fuzzfeathers along, to give the owl a chance to stretch his wings and fly around somewhere that wasn't the same old castle or harbor. Instead of doing that, however, the owl had decided to use Lysander's shoulder as a free taxi service on the hike up to the camping spot, chirruping contentedly while each step drew another exhausted groan from Lysander. He'd found himself a cool stick to hike with, like he'd seen people use in movies, but honestly, it wasn't doing much. He was grateful when they finally made it to the clearing, and dumped his pack on the ground, planting the stick firmly in the dirt to remind himself where it was, while he listened to their scout leader talk. It was always sort of weird to see Kauri, in the way it was weird to see anyone you vaguely knew from school, outside of it. He'd been the head boy during Lysander's first year, leading first years on tours through the castle, so really, it was unsurprising to know this was what he was doing now. He looked around the area for someone to partner up with, catching sight of the girl he'd practiced broom-surfing with. He didn't manage to get too close before Connor had joined her, and decided it was best if he steered clear, wandering over to another girl he recognised from the common room instead, who seemed to be searching for people herself. "Hey! Need a buddy?" He asked, giving his owl a light scratch beneath the chin. "Or two."
@Hester MacGillivray
Poppy valued the time away from school that she got to spend with her family but this year she had decided to spend part of her break camping with the Phoenix Scouts when she had heard about the event. She grew up exploring the land around her house and was no stranger to the outdoors. But now she was excited to share it with others. She had spent nearly the entire hike to the camp site pointing out different plants and explaining which ones were edible and which ones weren't to anyone who would listen. Once they were settled she stretched for a moment after setting down her pack and looked around to see if their were any groups for her to join. She had seen Connor earlier but kept her distance. It had been so long since they had talked she had no idea where they stood anymore. Thankfully she spotted Lysander talking to a younger girl who she recognized from her muggleborn meeting and relaxed. She picked up a few dropped fern leaves as she made her way over to them. "I think these should help." she said with a slight strain in her voice as she held them above her head. "If you don't mind me joining you." she said with a laugh before setting the leaves down on the ground next to them. @Hester MacGillivray @Lysander Summers
Felix could not be any more excited to be on a camping trip with the scouts. He had camped with his family around the lake by their house but this felt totally different. The hike to the campsite hadn't gone that well for him and he had tripped a few times, half over stray rocks on the path and half over his own feet trying to avoid said rocks. His knees hurt and he hoped that the camping trip would turn around soon now that they were finally at the campsite. But it seemed like they weren't ready to relax yet as they were tasked with making a shelter. Felix had no idea how to do that and looked around frantically for someone who did. He spotted a boy not much older than him and side stepped his way over. "Uh, do you know how to do any of this?" he asked in a hushed voice. He had seen the other boy a few times around the common room and figured he'd be a safe person to ask for help without looking like a total baby. @Manaia Te Rangi
While after moving to New Zealand when he was about six years of age, his mum had decided to put him into the scouts, as she was saying that it would help him grow some friendships with people. He had only made very few friends. Nolan wasn't much of a sports or outdoors sort of person, but his mum had forced him to join the scouts. And here he was, huffing and puffing from all that hike to the campsite. Nolan listened to the person in charge of the camp they were doing today, making sure he was going to do what he could right. When they were dismissed, Nolan got to work and tried to much find as many sticks as possible. Trying out the sturdiness and whatnot. Though he realised halfway through of him searching for sticks, he realised that he needed to be paired up with a group. With an armful of sticks he had found, we went around looking for someone he could possibly team up with. He smiled when he noticed a familiar face, and walked towards them. "What's up boys. Do you guys need help? I have a few sticks here if you need" @Manaia Te Rangi @Felix Carnahan
Molly didn't understand why her mum had dragged her here, or why she was even in the scouts in the first place. Her mum knew that she didn't like the dark, dirt and bugs, AT ALL. But she was dragged out here and she hated it. She guessed that she was with her brother. Someone that she knew. Molly had complained the whole way through on making their way to the campsite. Saying "Ew" and "Ugh" every few minutes when she saw a bug in sight or she was exhausted from the walk. It was like forever until they were finally at their destination. But when she found out that they had to make their own shelter, the girl let out a quiet sigh. Why did she have to do all this? It was too much work! When they were told to be in a group together and find the materials together, the girl was going to ask her brother, but he had already run off to do his own thing. So Molly had ended up being by herself, slowly making her way towards the trees, looking for leaves and stickers. "This is so stupid" Molly muttered to herself, lazily looking for materials.
Hester had barely started looking for people to group up with when she was approached by two older students she recognised as Prefects, though one of them had something far more noticeable than a Prefect badge about him. Hester had opted to leave Big Douglas at home, not sure whether there would be enough water for him to stay comfortably at the campsite, but she was thrilled that someone had brought a pet, nodding quickly as she looked up at the owl on the older boy's shoulder. "Can I pat your owl?" She asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to disturb the bird if it was settled. She glanced at Poppy, remembering her from the meeting last year, and smiled in surprise at the leaves she had collected. "Oh, those look perfect!"
@Lysander Summers @Poppy Perkins
Manaia had already found a couple of good-sized sticks when he heard a voice nearby, looking up to see a younger boy he had seen around the common room before. "Oh yeah, I've got you bro!" He was pleased when Nolan joined them too, glad to have his bandmate on the team. "Yeah, those look mean as!" He said in excitement. "We're gonna have the best shelter, let's grab some leaves too." He said enthusiastically, looking around for greenery that could add to their shelter.
Salem ducked her head in apology, trying to shuffle the two sticks she had picked up already into a less swing-y sort of grip. "I think so, yeah," she said in agreement, pleased that apparently she and the other guy, possibly French by the accent, if Salem wasn't getting her Europeans mixed up was happy to let Connor join. Salem thought it was pretty cool to have one of the Quidditch captains on their team, even if they weren't playing Quidditch. "I've never made my own tent before," she said conversationally, moving to poke around in the underbrush, moving some ferns aside with one of the sticks she already had. "You think these are long enough?" She asked the group, pointing at some sticks. They looked like they might be as long as Salem's arm, but she didn't have very long arms. "Maybe we can build tents for really short people," she offered. @Ares Kuya-Tine @Connor Holland
Juno was very excited for the opportunity to join Phoenix scouts - although he was more in it to avoid having to go home and face the eternal torment of spending time with his cousins. He figured it was probably like muggle scouts but with magic, and he'd done enough of the former to have some confidence in his capabilities. Not a lot of confidence, but like, some. Working in groups was not something he enjoyed doing, so he opted for gathering supplies before dealing with social interaction. Juno gathered some fern leaves off the ground, careful not to lose sight of the rest of the group in case he got horribly lost. Following Salem around like a hopeless puppy had never led him astray before, so he bounded over to her group, holding an armful of ferns and tripping over his own feet in the process. Juno landed in a graceless heap, depositing the foliage and grinning like he'd meant to fall. "Y'could just build, like, a really long tunnel and crawl through it." he said, having absolutely zero better ideas on how to complete the task.
@Salem Lee
Ares nodded as the girl said she hadn't made her own tent before. He was sure half of the people there were in the same boat and that was why they were learning how to do it, but Ares didn't mention that and instead kept it to himself. He frowned a little as the girl then asked if the stick she was holding would be big enough. It definitely was not. Before he could answer however, a boy made his way over to them, falling over in the process. Ares was about to ask if he was okay, but he seemed to be completely fine as a smile was still on his face. "I guess a little cave would not be a bad idea." Ares suggested. "But, um, I'm still going to look for bigger sticks. And thicker ones too." Ares didn't want their tent to be a complete failure, and so made an effort to look amongst the foliage. He looked close to the trees, hoping he could find a large branch that may have fallen off one in the wind.
@Salem Lee @Connor Holland @Juno Belgrave
Taking the girl's question to mean yes to his, Lysander exchanged a glance with the owl on his shoulder, and gave a slight nod. "Yeah, he's fine with it. Just don't scratch the top of his head. He hates that, don't you?" He said, promptly ruffling the feathers on top of his friends head. Fuzzfeathers gave him a resigned, indignant hoot. Lysander turned his attention to Poppy as she came up, already with a leg up in the competition. "How can we say no when you come bearing gifts?" He chuckled. Poppy seemed like a good person to have in the group, and it was great to hang out with someone he knew during the trip. He cast a look, deeper into the bush, with a questioning furrow of his brows. There was probably plenty of cool stuff to come across in there that they could build a shelter with. "How far do you think is too far?" He asked. This was always the problem with people setting rules and boundaries. "Don't go into the forbidden forest, don't swim too far out in the lake" did not do anything but motivate him to do exactly that. It was still a wonder why he'd ever been made a prefect.
@Hester MacGillivray @Poppy Perkins
Connor smiled when the younger kids agreed that he could join them, pondering the girl's question, and nodding in agreement with the French boy. "Well, we'll need a mix of long and short ones, I reckon. One or two long ones to be the canopy, and then lots of mid-length and shorter ones to act as supports. I think strength is more important, so let's collect thicker sticks of any length to start with, then sort them?" He asked, quickly trying to get them working in a consistent direction. He laughed slightly when another boy commented about making a tunnel, smiling. "It'd need to be pretty long to fit us all."
@Ares Kuya-Tine @Salem Lee @Juno Belgrave
Salem was briefly distracted from her stick search when Juno appeared in a heap, nodding thoughtfully at his suggestion before tucking her sticks under her arm to offer him a hand up. "Hmm, good point. Maybe one big structure with tunnels to little rooms?" She was glad Connor was around to offer some more direction, Hippogriff scouts probably already built plenty of shelters and gone on camps before. Salem had only ever really stayed in urban areas when she was traveling, so it was fun to be a bit more out of her element. "Oh hey, this one still has leaves and stuff on it," she said, tugging up a larger branch and trying not to hit herself in the face with the smaller branches still attached. She was definitely getting dirt and bark all over her clothes, but Salem figured you weren't really camping unless you were getting a bit messy. @Connor Holland @Juno Belgrave @Ares Kuya-Tine
Poppy tried to hide another laugh as Lysander told Hester not to scratch the top of his owl’s head, only to do it himself a moment later. She grinned when they welcomed her. “I could hardly come empty handed.” She teased and followed Lysander as they went farther into the brush looking for supplies. She considered his question seriously. “As long as we can still hear them. we're probably good.” she said, not sounding entirely certain. But it seemed appropriate to her. If anything happened they could just shout. @Lysander Summers @Hester MacGillivray
“That’s good.” Felix said, relieved. He watched the older boy pick up sticks that were probably good so he started to look for ones that he thought looked similar. But when another boy he recognized from his house showed up with more sticks he sighed and dropped the few scraggly twigs he was holding. But quickly he had new orders and started to look for leaves. “On it!” he said excitedly. @Manaia Te Rangi

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