Origin of Surnames

Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
I was just curious into where people surnames came from, or if they just randomly search it? Did it come from a book or a movie that you seen? What's the meaning of it if there a meaning, etc etc so I'm going to tell you my two main one.

They both from Harry Potter well somewhat of it is. Hollawarth came from Deadly Hollows or I forgot the title of the last book but yeah, I added awarth at the end for no reason at all. I'm not sure if it has a meaning probably do, and Woods is of course Woods from HP not related and I think Link is really Irish lol. I'm guessing that's his family history, since after he doesn't have much of a history =[
I don't know where most of mine came from..
Sedgwick was originally thought up by Libby as 'Sledgewick'
I decided to drop the L and eventually the E.

Now there is a little HNZ relevance here.. Can't remember it 100% but a while ago I made Larissa's family tree.. A relative of hers was Anna Dal or something like that.
I just took Dal and added Ton :p

Deimos' surname was from a generator for first names.. It is also an unintentional anagram..
Hehe, i don't quite remember Kandee's surname, But my other characters i do.

Angela Marion - She has a french last name, pronounced May-on. Honestly, it came from an old e-pal, Alexandra, i believe her name was.

Sarah Xu-Marion - She has a mix of a common Japanese surname, and the french name.

Izumi Toyohana - She has hers from two Japanese names meaning "Plentiful flower".

And those are the only i can remember.
Yearling was something I made up off the top of my head xD
Beatrice Blackmoore was actually the name of a family friend (she changed it) but I liked it and decided to use it.

Lesse... Samuel Sykes. Well, Sykes sort of reminded me of the movie Oliver (which I LOVE btw).

Forrester I found searching for interesting surnames, Piper just seemed to go with Pippin and Kvalhiem I wanted to add Scandinavian elements too. So it’s partly a r/l surname, but partly not.
Well, mine is this:

Rodriguez - Comes from my mother's maiden name
Cooper - Well, I kinda picked it from Jolly Cooper when I made the account in HS
Alfred - I watched it somewhere, I just don't know the title of that cartoon
Wolfe - Is from Breaking dawn book and its lovely
Crysin - Is from a dvd game

I think that's all of my accounts ...
Well all my characters names (apart from those that were made for others as part of plots :rofl: ) were just random names off of the top of my head, no real reason :lol:

But for my main character, Patricia Rogers I got lazy because it's my real name :p
Hmmm trying to remember all the surnames I have =))

ok - Fiorelli came about simply by giggling with my nephew trying to come up with a name for Andromeda. My handbag was near the computer and the make was Fiorelli so it seemed to fit somehow. mad I know =))

Gemini (as in Sakura) is from one of our favorite programs of all time 'Andromeda' (hence first name of main character) one of the characters in this sci. fi program is called Trance Gemini.

Rowann - (Lola) simply because I love it as a first name and surname and it means 'little red head' as well as red berry tree =))

Caliburn - (Merlina) They both stemmed from Merlin and Excalibur

Craven: (Moko) when missing from site for a bit watched all of Wes Craven's Freddy movies and just loved the name ;)

I know I have lots more but for now these will do ;)


For Imogen Day, I think I'd read it as a name in a book, But I'm not too sure, I can't really remember. But I think it fits well.


For Lily Fossil/Livia Delaney, Well the Fossil was from the book & Film, Ballet shoes, in which 3 girls, one of them a dancer, and all there last names were Fossil.
And Delaney, was just because I looked up at my book shelf, and the second name of an author who's books I :wub: was Delaney, and it seemed to fit.
Interesting xD okay well I came up with Crimson, from another rp site, I saw it was being used a lot in profiles. I didn't know what it meant till I looked it up. Funny I knew he end up being a Gryffindor :r ((Crimson being the color red))..The rest I either got it from a book or looked up surnames off the interweb o.o...,
And West from Kanye I can not lie to that xD!
when i fist started on a different harry potter based site I had a character called Alexander and I needed a last name and someone suggested Fields so I went with it > :p
I got Esquire from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure =)) Bill's full name is Bill S. Preston Esquire.

Unfortunately.. I only later discovered that Esquire is not a real surname. In fact, it's merely an American title showing that you're a lawyer/barrister/solicitor xD (like Sir, Dr, etc.. but at the end)
Brian Getathorn XIX as a few may know comes from a nickname I was using at the time including for my email adress, Brigeta19... which is based off letters from my first and last names... since I could use that I decided to break it and make Brian Geta and added thorn because I thought it would fit better...

Luxen Silverback: I think I was thinking of Silvernail or Silverwolf at the time but ended up naming him Silverback...

Pheonix, Le Creigh, came from characters I created in books I've written...

Matthews, Daniels were names I thought would match with Erica and Ravyn

Mack and Vandervoort, are the original surnames of the PB I was using and I liked them XD

Potter, well you know why Potter... hope so at least...
I made up all the lastnames myself..
Le Fey, from morgan Le Fey, or Le Fay, a character from Arthurian myth
Ohhh man... this brings back old memories xD

Estrella's original surname was Drage, until she got married =wub= I wanted her to be of Norwegian descent somehow, so I looked up different words in a Norwegian dictionary until I was happy with one. 'Drage' means 'dragon.' Estrella means 'star' in Spanish and I was in Spanish class at the time, so I went with it.

I took 'Harker' from Dracula, I thought the name was super sweet. And Chace is the name of one of my best elementary school friends who I haven't talked to in years.
Bones I actually got from the Harry Potter books. I made since that there would still be some around since Susen Bones was in the same year Harry was and Madam Bones was one of the people in Harry's trial in the fifth book. Even there the Bones family was huge so again in makes since.

Koshiba I actually got from a Manga I was reading at the time called Beauty Pop. I actually too a bit of the background from the Manga too but instead of having her father be the hair dresser her mother is. The names of the other pureblood families i came up with for Japan come from other Manga if anyone reads them :D

Paradox came from Ben 10 and Adlam came from my now ex-boyfriend who never got sorted.
I've got no idea where I got the name Weasley from :p . Seriously though, Ron was always my favorite character in the series. I knew when I created my character, she HAD to be a Weasley. And Cyndi is my real first name, so I guess I lacked creativity in that sense.

Finch I got from one of my other favorite books : To Kill a Mockingbird. Their first names, I kind of just randomly chose. I don't think I had a special reason for choosing them :tut: .

I really :wub: the name Sebastian and Rossi sounded good with it.
I just find random ones and keep them in my head for later, mainly off of the television.

I have the Camerons' I got off House
Torres from Lie To Me
Caine from a film I can't remember the name of

And I have Kalforovich wich is just a word I thought someones sneeze sounded like and I found it funny so made it into a surname.
Moko Craven said:
Rowann - (Lola) simply because I love it as a first name and surname and it means 'little red head' as well as red berry tree =))
Rowan (with only one n) is in fact my first name :) I squee'd when I saw there was a character on here with my name. There's also someone with my surname spelled backwards, I believe, which I found amusing.


Kyle Alcott - Well... it just sounded right! When I first joined, I wasn't planning on sticking around here for too long, and I didn't want to get too attached to my characters. I wish I'd paid more attention now, because the meanings of Kyle's names don't really have anything to do with him.

Gabriel Blume - I still wasn't thinking too much about the meaning of names, but I knew Gabriel was going to be Kyle's cousin from the Jewish side of his family, so I gave him a Jewish last name. Plus, Blume means flowers blooming in yiddish, and Gabriel's a bit.... feminine.

Maria/Ricky Madison - Madison came from the English version of Tomoyo from Cardcaptors. I was obsessed with Tomoyo as a little girl, and for a long time my internet handle was tomoyan, though it's evolved gradually to Tomo Potter. Plus, Tomoyo is a bit spoiled and obsessed with clothes, and so is Maria :]

Ellen Castor - I always knew I wanted Ellen to be a baker, even if it was just a hobby. I misspelled Caster sadly, when I was registering her, and didn't notice until I had been playing her for months, and it was too late to change.

Mercy Lee - Mercy was created to be Gemini Lee's sister, so naturally has the same last name as her :)
I got mine from a main character in a novel called 'goy crazy'. About some Jewish girl who fell in love with a christian boy.
"King" I got from Alicia.
All other surnames I used name generators for or just thought of the first surname I could. :r
Well, when I registered, I didn't have a clue what I was doing and just popped in the first HP related name I could think of. Alicia contacted me and said I could keep it as long as I wasn't Harry's mom or daughter, so I ran with it. She is now merely distant relations with him, a long lost distant cousin really.

Nicolae Kobori was found using a Bulgarian name database. I was being a bit goofy with Katalina Vanderhol (shocking I know) and when we made our Durmstrang bad boys, we thought it would be funny to have a nasty Nick to offset our awesome admin. :D

I have others, but those are the only two that I publicly will admit to. :p
Ah, I see. Hmm, well I got my character names from many'a places.

Merrythought - Because Aurora is the great granddaughter of Galatea Merrythought, I had given her this name, now I wish I didn't. -.-"

Lovelight - I was such a weirdo back then, I just made it up and thought it was sweet. Then I found out it was a song by Robbie Williams.

And they're the main ones. xD

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