Oops Asking for Plots Again

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
I wasn't going to do this but then I did :r

I'm going to list all my students here, as well as a few other characters I could use plots for. I'm fairly busy so I'll probably ask everyone to choose 1 or 2 plots to start with and try to save the others for later.
Stole Rowan's formatting for this ty Rowan.


Isadora Novak
10 Years Old
rebellious - cheerful - troublemaker
Isadora is my only future student at the moment. She's going to be sorted next year and is Natalia's younger sister. Isadora is very different compared to Natalia, though she has also been raised in the same strict pureblood household. While Natalia tries her best to be exactly what her parents want her to be, Isadora is a lot more rebellious and doesn't really care about being a proper pureblood lady. She's rebellious and enjoys doing her own thing. Isadora is part of the Niffler Scouts and really enjoys it. She's a little spoiled and can be a bit clueless, but is a lot nicer than Natalia overall.

Looking for:
  • Friends
  • Pureblood conflicts potentially?
  • Future classmates she can meet
  • Scout plots

Eric Holland

Gryffindor 7th Year
sarcastic - angry - but kind of calming down?

Aisa Hunter

Gryffindor 7th Year
snarky - quiet - music lover
I feel like Eric has a pretty bad reputation at Hogwarts, but over the last year he has calmed down quite a bit. I wouldn't say he's a model student now, but at least he's no longer getting into fights every other day. He has been a lot nicer since he started dating Minnie Calida, who has a good influence on him. He still has his enemies but gets on a bit better with people like his roommates (Noel is the exception).

In his final year I'm looking for:
  • More? Friends? Maybe?
  • Maybe some plots to do with Minnie, maybe some people who would think he's not good enough for her?
  • Anything to do with his bad reputation at Hogwarts.
  • Am happy to reconnect with old enemies. Eric's final year doesn't have to be peaceful :r
Aisa had a pretty rough year last year, breaking up with her girlfriend and kissing her best friend when she was upset about it. She's still fairly confused and conflicted about that, though she's trying to move on from it. Aisa loves music and I haven't done a lot with that over the past years. She plays guitar, which could potentially be used in plots. She's not the friendliest person, but I think the idea of leaving Hogwarts is making her a bit melancholy and perhaps more ready to connect with her classmates before it is too late.

Looking for
  • Classmates she could become friends with.
  • Romance? Potentially? Aisa is bisexual but also quite reserved.
  • Any plots to do with music.

Emma van Houten

Gryffindor 6th Year
loud - energetic - loyal to a fault

Iris van Houten

Ravenclaw 6th Year
quiet - caring - thoughtful
Emma is the oldest van Houten twin and definitely the louder one of the two as well. She's a beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and close friends with Nicole Fisk and Lysander Summers. She decidedly chose Nicole's side in the whole Connor vs Nicole debacle and hasn't looked back. Emma is a bit of a troublemaker and can sometimes be found in the forest or doing other things she's not supposed to do. Iris used to stop her from going too far, but lately the twins haven't been spending as much time together as they used to. She recently started dating Issac Jacobs and is thrilled about it.

I'm looking for:
  • Any conflict to do with Emma being (too) loyal to her friends and seeing things in a very black and white way.
  • Trouble! I want Emma to get into some trouble and get some consequences for it.
  • Friends are always good.
  • Quidditch plots?
Iris is the younger twin and also the youngest van Houten sibling. She's been feeling a bit down lately. Things have been strained between her and Nicole ever since Iris decided not to let anyone else decide who she can be friends with anymore and reached out to Connor. Though things still aren't the same between them yet either. She has been feeling a bit adrift, not improving much in Divination and slowly having to accept the fact that she simply isn't very talented in that subject, as much as she loves it. She's been worrying about the future and is a pretty sad about her brother graduating, as she always felt like he understood her the most. She's been developing a crush on one of her friends as well, so it's a confusing time for her.

I'm looking for:
  • More friends or a rekindling of old friendships, Iris has been feeling a bit lonely lately.
  • Any plots to do with Iris trying to expand her horizon and try new things.
  • Anything to do with divination.

Lucas Fletcher
Hufflepuff 5th Year
friendly - energetic - stubborn

Augustus Westwick
Ravenclaw 5th Year
that weird kid who still stares at people too much
Lucas is my only Hufflepuff at the moment, which is really weird for me. He's a friendly and cheerful boy though he can also get very stubborn, especially when it comes to holding grudges or having arguments with his friends. He's a Quidditch player who has been the Hufflepuff alternate seeker for the past few years. He's hoping to get the real spot this year at tryouts. Lucas is gay and is currently dating Connor Holland. He's had a few crushes that haven't panned out and has no real idea how to deal with flirting and stuff. Things with Connor aren't going to last very long, and he'll be pretty upset once they end. He can be a bit naive and gullible and could easily be pulled along into something he's not supposed to. He's not someone who would break rules on his own, but he might be able to get talked into it.

Looking for:
  • Quidditch related plots
  • More plots with classmates, I feel like Lucas barely knows anyone in his year
  • Potentially romance down the line
  • Conflict? Could be fun if you can think of anything.
Augustus has gotten a growth spurt and is now very long, but he's still the same weird kid he used to be. He's learned not to stare at people as much, but still sometimes falls into the habit. I imagine he's someone your character could know about as one of the weird Ravenclaws. He mostly spends time with his roommates and Addison Beckett, he doesn't have many other friends. Augustus has an interest in magical creatures and the undiscovered. He has been very curious about the creature living in the lake and hopes to be the one to discover what it is.

Looking for:
  • Any relationships with his classmates. Augustus is very shy so he hasn't had many plots with his classmates over the years.
  • Any creature related plots, maybe?
  • Bullies! I feel like Augustus could easily be bullied for being kind of strange and shy.
  • Romance can be discussed.

Ivy Ashworth

Gryffindor 4th Year
conflicted - headstrong - smart - part veela
Ivy has always been a know-it-all and a bit of a nerd, trying her best to be top of her class. But over the past few years, Ivy has never quite managed to be as good as she wanted to be. A lot of the pressure she felt came from her father, and Ivy has started to realize she will never completely please him. This year, she's coming back from her break very different than when she left last year. Over break, Ivy spent more time with her mother than with her father and has been influenced to care more about her appearance and make that more of a priority. This has been a conflict between her parents since before Ivy was born, and she always used to be on her dad's side. Now, Ivy is coming back to Hogwarts with a different attitude, caring more about her looks and embracing her veela side more, leaving her studies to be less of a priority for her. Ivy hasn't made many friends over the years, mostly because her personality hasn't been the friendliest and she always put a lot of her time into her studies. This year, she will attempt to be more social, though I'm unsure if she'll succeed.

Looking for:

  • Friends, classmates who notice the change in Ivy
  • Maybe people who crush on her or at least notice her more in a romantic sense
  • Conflict, could be conflict with people who already didn't like her or maybe people who never noticed her before and now do.
  • Romance could be discussed.

Natalia Novak

Slytherin 3rd Year

prejudiced - cold - lonely - pureblood
Natalia has been having a rough time at Hogwarts. Ever since she was sorted in her first year, it became clear the school was nothing like how she had imagined it to be. Natalia had been raised with strict pureblood beliefs and had no idea they were considered outdated by most people. She still feels a little frustrated that the rules she grew up with just don't seem to matter much at Hogwarts, and is still trying to find a group of proper pureblood friends. If not that, she at least hopes to befriend people from fairly prominent magical families. So far, she hasn't been doing all that well. She's pretty lonely because of it, not really having many friends. Natalia barely knows most of her classmates and mostly looks down her nose at them, but it is starting to affect her. Natalia is slowly opening up more and more to the idea of being friends with people even if they aren't on the same level as her. Though a lot of the damage has been done already and I imagine a lot of her classmates simply find her arrogant or unapproachable.

Looking for:
  • Friends! It's not easy for Natalia to make friends but she really needs them.
  • Anyone who challenges her beliefs. I really want Natalia to start changing over time and I think she needs some good influences to do so.
  • Enemies are always fun as well :p
  • Romance is on the table completely, I haven't made any plans for her yet and it could be interesting to plot a bit for the future.

Louis Alcott
Gryffindor 2nd Year
french - sporty - arrogant - insensitive
Louis is a friendly guy who enjoys sports and being outside. He's French, but fluent in English as well. Louis can be a bit cocky and arrogant, often thinking very highly of himself even when it's not necessarily deserved. He can be a bit insensitive to others, sometimes without meaning to. He has a half-sister who has been sorted this year and often teases her for being a bit of a nerd. Louis grew up with only his dad, who isn't the most responsible father. Because of this, Louis is pretty independent but also pretty spoiled. He's used to getting what he wants, even if it's not very smart or responsible. Louis wants to make plenty of friends and be popular and admired. He's really hoping to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year.

Looking for:

  • Anything! Friends, enemies, rivals...
  • It's a bit too early for romance but I'm not against discussing it for the future, Louis is going to be a bit of an unreliable flirt when he's a bit more grown up.

Gwen Goodwin
Slytherin 1st Year
seems sweet - calculating - loves pink
Gwen is my new first year and she's been sorted into Slytherin, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. She's a very enthusiastic and happy girl on the outside, but her cheery personality hides a more calculating and manipulative side. Gwen has always tried to be the perfect daughter for her adoptive parents, so she's used to hiding parts of herself. She wants to make a ton of friends and be popular at Hogwarts. Gwen has little time for people she considers uncool, but would definitely try to befriend older students and people she does consider worth her time. Gwen could also be a bully, but only in a subtle way. She's very careful not to show her mean side unless she actually has to. I'm still developing her a bit, but I'm very eager to plot with her.

Looking for:
  • Literally anything, friends, enemies... older students she could look up to or try to manipulate.
  • Phoebe Holland, 23 - Ministry (Unspeakable) - Former Ravenclaw
    • Phoebe was a troublemaker back in school and has put her talent for making things explode into her work. I haven't used her much so maybe she could reconnect with old classmates or find like-minded people she could befriend. Phoebe has always loved to experiment even when its slightly unethical. She's set for romance.
  • Sophie Wilson, 23 - Daily Prophet Reporter - Former Ravenclaw
    • Amber's snarky younger sister. She's been promoted to a reporter for the Prophet recently and puts a lot of time and effort into her work. Could use any plots related to that or simply any friends. Sophie is sarcastic and blunt, so any friends would have to put up with that. She's also set for romance.
  • Fleur van Houten, 21 - Aotearoa Dragonologist - Former Gryffindor
    • Fleur graduated a few years ago and I haven't used her much since. She is a dragonologist at the Aoteara Sanctuary and has been loving her job. She's single so I could potentially consider any romance plots for her. Fleur is interested in both men and women. I'm also happy for any friendship plots or Aotearoa plots.
  • Frederick Vincent, 27 - Necromancy Scitorari - Homeschooled
    • I'm always looking for ways to use Frederick for plots. He's a Scit and also works at Borgin & Burke's so could easily be involved in any sort of darker plot. He's a follower and a bit naive so easy for anyone to manipulate. He's also single and romance could be discussed (any gender).
  • Violette Holland, 14 - Beauxbatons Student - Former Ravenclaw
    • Violette is Grace's younger sister who transferred to Beauxbatons at the start of the previous year. She's been happier in France, though she's still shy and awkward around people. I'd be happy for any Beaux plot that would give her some friends. We could say they've been established friends as well, as she's been there for more than a year now.
  • Hugo De Rosier, 15 - Beauxbatons Student
    • Hugo is the Beauxbatons seeker and for him I also want more plots/friends. Anything to do with the Quidditch team is good as well. He has a bit of a temper and hasn't been the greatest lately, so maybe that could be fun to explore.
  • Abigail Martin, 13 - Ilvermorny Student
    • Last but not least, Abigail is a Thunderbird and chaser on the Ilvermorny team. She's a bit bossy and can be a bit of a mean girl. So I'm happy for her to have friends or conflict at Ilvermorny or within the Quidditch team.

This took way longer than I expected
Ello Ello Daphne! So I’ll give you a couple of options and then we can pick a couple ones we can do now and discuss them further? and then do others down the line?

But anyways for your 7th years, either one, I’d like to offer Samantha. Whether for friends or for drama, i don’t mind lol!

Emma x Issac, Natalia x Valencia, Louis x Charlie and Gwen x Molly

I think that’s the thoughts rn xD But I’m happy to discuss these further and decide which ones we can focus on now and then do later! :)
Ello Ello Daphne! So I’ll give you a couple of options and then we can pick a couple ones we can do now and discuss them further? and then do others down the line?

But anyways for your 7th years, either one, I’d like to offer Samantha. Whether for friends or for drama, i don’t mind lol!

Emma x Issac, Natalia x Valencia, Louis x Charlie and Gwen x Molly

I think that’s the thoughts rn xD But I’m happy to discuss these further and decide which ones we can focus on now and then do later! :)

I think friends with my seventh years could be tricky, but I could see Samantha and Aisa potentially being friendly.

As for the others, I enjoy the combinations and I feel like we've already RPed all of them at some point but do you have any specific ideas you'd want to do? Anything you'd like to do first?

Maybe Emma and Issac could go on a date, would be my idea, as we haven't really had time to rp them as a couple yet.

I think friends with my seventh years could be tricky, but I could see Samantha and Aisa potentially being friendly.

As for the others, I enjoy the combinations and I feel like we've already RPed all of them at some point but do you have any specific ideas you'd want to do? Anything you'd like to do first?

Maybe Emma and Issac could go on a date, would be my idea, as we haven't really had time to rp them as a couple yet.
Ahh, I see! That's all good! Yeah, I guess that sounds all good! I'd be willing to give them a shot!

Yeah, I think we have hehe! I don't have anything specific as of right now. Though I'll see what I can come up with.

Emma x Issac - Oh yes! A date would be nice! I saw also that you wanted Emma to get into some trouble, so maybe Emma could maybe potentially get and do some sort of trouble making together, maybe?

Natalia x Valencia - I know that they've had a few issues due to the blood status stuff, so I'm happy to continue doing that. Maybe Valencia could try and convince and show her the muggle side of things for some sort of different perspective? But with their current status at the moment, I find that hardly likely.

Louis x Charlie - Maybe some sort of mischief thread I guess? If Louis is up for any trouble making hehe! Or maybe a Quidditch thread? Though Charlie isn't very much into sport (But gets the gist of the rules for each sport and whatnot), more of the geeky side of things. But maybe Louis could use Charlie as a practice of some kind for his quidditch try-out or something?

Gwen x Molly - I liked their thread before Hogwarts, and I find it so funny how Gwen was just trying to keep cool with Molly's personality, so I'm willing to give them a shot. Maybe Gwen could like manipulate Molly if you need someone hehe! Molly is pretty gullible and will believe anything, even if it not necessarily true. If there was something she was told to do even though she knew it was wrong, she'll do it anyway cos she wants everyone to like her.

These are just some possible ideas hehe! Let me know what you think! If there's anything you want to go further in detail with, you can always reach out to me on discord as well! :D
[parachutes in from the ceiling] im here for PLOTS

ok I'm gonna chuck a buncha stuff at you lemme know what sounds good

Thistle & Isadora - Niffler Scout buddies?

Shale & Aisa - I know u mentioned them already in my PD but I do want them to reunite sometime soon so I'm mentioning them again haha

Finn & Augustus - I don't think we've ever actually RPed these two one on one I just assume Theyre Friends Its Fine haha but we should.

Hester & Ivy - Hester's struggling with the whole . not feeling ready to date people thing, and it could be fun (for me to write)/upsetting (for hester) if she suddenly notices 'oh no my least favourite roommate is pretty????????????' would fit in well with the rest of her crisis. Also it's just been 2 long since we RPed these two :p

Jenna & Natalia - Let's do crimes

Manaia & Lous - Would be way in the future obvs but I feel like Louis could break Manaia's heart a lil

Bernard & Frederick - OK we've been talking about this plot for like two real actual years at least so let's do something about it :p

Vivian & Frederick - This could be a fun disaster fling

Hello daph.
here are some suggestions.

For iris
Selene. I have always seen them as friends. If you want them to have an owl thread or run into each other at some stage.
elvera. She is always welcome to come up to her office to talk about her problems. Divination and moon divination related. She always has a warm drink and an open ear.

For lucas
I have linden. Obviously they are friends even if we don’trp them that much. He is dating Alexei but I can’t see it lasting much longer. I am then hoping he will get around a bit. But we can definitely talk romance down the line.
Daph! Some of this might be redundant but I’m going to say it anyways lol.

Margo x Isadora: I like these two together and I think they can balance each other nicely. I had the thought of Isadora bringing Margo home for a playdate/sleepover and their differences in upbringing being very obvious.

Simon x Eric: We never got around to these two getting into it yet, and Simon will gladly tell Eric he isn’t good enough for Minnie.

Poppy x Iris: I don't think these two ever completely cut off communication but I think Poppy might have avoided her a bit since she was still technically friends with Nicole etc. But they should have a nice chat soon lol.

Nikko x Lucas: I know I've mentioned this to you in passing, but I think it would be fun to have them commiserate about how bad of a boyfriend Connor was and maybe give Nikko the chance to apologize about the dance confusion.

Indira x Natalia: I need more of these two, be it more fighting or teaming up together to bother Jenna who has recently surpassed Natalia as enemy #1 in Indi’s eyes.

Caleb x Louis: I’d love to do more with them. They both want to be the center of attention which could lead them to butting heads a bit. And maybe in the future leading to a very hot and cold flirting situation lol.

Gemma x Hugo/Violette: Always down to do more stuff with Gemma. Would love to flesh out her friendship with Hugo a bit, and maybe she can try and get Violette to get out of her shell a bit.

Micha x Abigail: Just more of him sticking his foot in his mouth around her. It's fun. She's pretty and she scares him.

I'm sure other stuff will come up eventually lol. But I'll leave it at this for now.
*cracks knuckles* You're gunna have to pick two, lol.

Isadora and Valerius Bianchi: Valerius is the son of a rich ceo, and I haven't technically made him yet, but he's nine right now. He's spoiled, but not exactly a brat, just.... entitled. I think they could be fun.

Ren/Eric. Roomies. They could talk maybe? Ren hasn't reached out since he tried defending Eric from that flobberworms incident in their dorm.

Eric/Emily. She is dating his arch-nemesis.

Aisa/Rose: Did you ask for music plots? Because Rose does like to play her guitar around the castle.

Iris/Rose: Rose is very smitten and very unsure about it, lol.

Ren/Iris: Nosy older brother?

Rose/Emma: Roomies. Emma could notice Iris and Rose have been hanging out.

Lucas/Casper: Lucas and Cas can hang out, Lucas is the King of Crafts now.

Augustus/Addy: They haven't spoken since that awkward kiss....

Ivy/Aubrey: They could be buddies.

Jordie/Nat: He can stubbornly insist they are best friends again.

Louis/Jordie: Isn't Jordie supposed to share secrets? And Jordie can catch him grumbling in french and respond in kind.

Gwen/Akihiro: Well, they need to speak.

Violette/Amelie: Amelie needs friends, and I think she and Violette would get along well.

Hugo/Amelie: They need to talk. lol.

Abby/Lucas: He is the new captain, technically. He and Hyun. They should talk, we can see what happens.
Hey daph,

Have some, we don't have to do it all because that's not possible but few we can do perhaps?

''Maybe some people who would think he's not good enough for her?''

Noel vs Eric: For sure. Even if Noel has let Minnie go and move on, they will never like eachother so I'm all up for them once again.

Lucas x Christina: She needs friends too, and she kind of liked hanging out with him.

Natalia x Giselle: No match, and in the liusaid vs giselle battle they would sure cross paths again.

Louis x Crystal: 'We should do the forbidden topic and meeting with aspen this year! I like their friendship.
Oops sorry guys for taking a while to reply.

Ahh, I see! That's all good! Yeah, I guess that sounds all good! I'd be willing to give them a shot!

Yeah, I think we have hehe! I don't have anything specific as of right now. Though I'll see what I can come up with.

Emma x Issac - Oh yes! A date would be nice! I saw also that you wanted Emma to get into some trouble, so maybe Emma could maybe potentially get and do some sort of trouble making together, maybe?

Natalia x Valencia - I know that they've had a few issues due to the blood status stuff, so I'm happy to continue doing that. Maybe Valencia could try and convince and show her the muggle side of things for some sort of different perspective? But with their current status at the moment, I find that hardly likely.

Louis x Charlie - Maybe some sort of mischief thread I guess? If Louis is up for any trouble making hehe! Or maybe a Quidditch thread? Though Charlie isn't very much into sport (But gets the gist of the rules for each sport and whatnot), more of the geeky side of things. But maybe Louis could use Charlie as a practice of some kind for his quidditch try-out or something?

Gwen x Molly - I liked their thread before Hogwarts, and I find it so funny how Gwen was just trying to keep cool with Molly's personality, so I'm willing to give them a shot. Maybe Gwen could like manipulate Molly if you need someone hehe! Molly is pretty gullible and will believe anything, even if it not necessarily true. If there was something she was told to do even though she knew it was wrong, she'll do it anyway cos she wants everyone to like her.

These are just some possible ideas hehe! Let me know what you think! If there's anything you want to go further in detail with, you can always reach out to me on discord as well! :D
Emma and Issac in trouble sounds good, maybe a romantic walk in the forbidden forest? :p

I think Natalia and Valencia would be good but maybe a bit later on in Natalia's development.

I like Louis and Charlie and Louis talking him into playing Quidditch with him :p It's extremely unlikely he'll make the team so he could be salty about it after tryouts or something.

I like the idea of Gwen and Molly. Maybe Gwen could try talking her into something like going into the kitchens and getting some food or something similar (I'm trying not to immediately go to the forest again haha)

[parachutes in from the ceiling] im here for PLOTS

ok I'm gonna chuck a buncha stuff at you lemme know what sounds good

Thistle & Isadora - Niffler Scout buddies?

Shale & Aisa - I know u mentioned them already in my PD but I do want them to reunite sometime soon so I'm mentioning them again haha

Finn & Augustus - I don't think we've ever actually RPed these two one on one I just assume Theyre Friends Its Fine haha but we should.

Hester & Ivy - Hester's struggling with the whole . not feeling ready to date people thing, and it could be fun (for me to write)/upsetting (for hester) if she suddenly notices 'oh no my least favourite roommate is pretty????????????' would fit in well with the rest of her crisis. Also it's just been 2 long since we RPed these two :p

Jenna & Natalia - Let's do crimes

Manaia & Lous - Would be way in the future obvs but I feel like Louis could break Manaia's heart a lil

Bernard & Frederick - OK we've been talking about this plot for like two real actual years at least so let's do something about it :p

Vivian & Frederick - This could be a fun disaster fling

Ok we need to not do everything at once but let me see.

I like Thistle and Isadora, could be an older sister-type dynamic?

Shale & Aisa are roomies I'm sure we can throw them together easily.

Finn and Augustus is a must! He could talk about girl problems or prefect problems and Finn can be his weird little self.

Ivy and Hester sounds very interesting >:) I'm eager to see where that would go.

Jenna and Natalia I need some elaboration on 👀
I like Louis breaking Manaia's heart :r I want him to break many hearts tbh.

Bernard& Frederick we NEED to do. We can say a bit of it is already set up off-screen.

I'm open for both disaster flings too!

Now we both.. pick one for now?

Hello daph.
here are some suggestions.

For iris
Selene. I have always seen them as friends. If you want them to have an owl thread or run into each other at some stage.
elvera. She is always welcome to come up to her office to talk about her problems. Divination and moon divination related. She always has a warm drink and an open ear.

For lucas
I have linden. Obviously they are friends even if we don’trp them that much. He is dating Alexei but I can’t see it lasting much longer. I am then hoping he will get around a bit. But we can definitely talk romance down the line.
Hi Mia,

Am happy for both ideas for Iris. Could be fun to do a letter thread with Selene at first?

I could see Lucas and Linden having an (ill-advised?) fling. Also they're both prefects now which is another thing they have in common.
Daph! Some of this might be redundant but I’m going to say it anyways lol.

Margo x Isadora: I like these two together and I think they can balance each other nicely. I had the thought of Isadora bringing Margo home for a playdate/sleepover and their differences in upbringing being very obvious.

Simon x Eric: We never got around to these two getting into it yet, and Simon will gladly tell Eric he isn’t good enough for Minnie.

Poppy x Iris: I don't think these two ever completely cut off communication but I think Poppy might have avoided her a bit since she was still technically friends with Nicole etc. But they should have a nice chat soon lol.

Nikko x Lucas: I know I've mentioned this to you in passing, but I think it would be fun to have them commiserate about how bad of a boyfriend Connor was and maybe give Nikko the chance to apologize about the dance confusion.

Indira x Natalia: I need more of these two, be it more fighting or teaming up together to bother Jenna who has recently surpassed Natalia as enemy #1 in Indi’s eyes.

Caleb x Louis: I’d love to do more with them. They both want to be the center of attention which could lead them to butting heads a bit. And maybe in the future leading to a very hot and cold flirting situation lol.

Gemma x Hugo/Violette: Always down to do more stuff with Gemma. Would love to flesh out her friendship with Hugo a bit, and maybe she can try and get Violette to get out of her shell a bit.

Micha x Abigail: Just more of him sticking his foot in his mouth around her. It's fun. She's pretty and she scares him.

I'm sure other stuff will come up eventually lol. But I'll leave it at this for now.
Gosh ok so many

I like Margo and Isadora though I don't know if she'd invite her to her house easily, she's a bit nervous about her parents.

Ohhh Simon and Eric sounds very interesting, it's been a while since Eric has been in a fight :r

I'd be happy to do a Poppy and Iris thread, I feel like they have been somewhat friendly off-screen but it would be nice to have it on screen too.

Nikko & Lucas sounds good, though we'd have to wait for Lucas and Connor to break up first.

As for Indira and Natalia, Natalia is still kind of on Jenna's side right now. Jenna has been nothing but nice to her, but maybe that could change :r

Caleb and Louis is very fun. I think it would be interesting to have them but heads. Caleb could rub in his face that he (likely) isn't on the Quidditch team.

Gemma and Hugo sounds good! Maybe her and Violette later?

I love Abigail and Micha so I'm happy to do more with them too.

*cracks knuckles* You're gunna have to pick two, lol.

Isadora and Valerius Bianchi: Valerius is the son of a rich ceo, and I haven't technically made him yet, but he's nine right now. He's spoiled, but not exactly a brat, just.... entitled. I think they could be fun.

Ren/Eric. Roomies. They could talk maybe? Ren hasn't reached out since he tried defending Eric from that flobberworms incident in their dorm.

Eric/Emily. She is dating his arch-nemesis.

Aisa/Rose: Did you ask for music plots? Because Rose does like to play her guitar around the castle.

Iris/Rose: Rose is very smitten and very unsure about it, lol.

Ren/Iris: Nosy older brother?

Rose/Emma: Roomies. Emma could notice Iris and Rose have been hanging out.

Lucas/Casper: Lucas and Cas can hang out, Lucas is the King of Crafts now.

Augustus/Addy: They haven't spoken since that awkward kiss....

Ivy/Aubrey: They could be buddies.

Jordie/Nat: He can stubbornly insist they are best friends again.

Louis/Jordie: Isn't Jordie supposed to share secrets? And Jordie can catch him grumbling in french and respond in kind.

Gwen/Akihiro: Well, they need to speak.

Violette/Amelie: Amelie needs friends, and I think she and Violette would get along well.

Hugo/Amelie: They need to talk. lol.

Abby/Lucas: He is the new captain, technically. He and Hyun. They should talk, we can see what happens.
No way, you're picking one of the two :r

Iris and Rose I definitely want to develop. I could also throw Emma into the mix as the nosy sister along with Ren as the nosy brother. Also Emma and Rose are roommates like you said.

Lucas and Casper can always hang out.

Augustus and Addison I always kind of assumed they at least spoke after that but I could be wrong. I definitely think they need to talk again, though.

Ivy and Aubrey were interesting last year, would be happy to go on with that.

Jordie and Natalia would be fun but I don't think she's thawing out just yet :r I also like him and Louis.

Gwen and Akihiro yes!! Common room buddies! Maybe he could wonder why she's there in Slytherin?

Amelie and Violette would be fun, I think they could be friends.

Hugo and Amelie... sure :r though I enjoy their (one-sided) rivalry.

Abigail and Lucas could be fun though I don't think she think very highly of him I think I would be most keen for Augustus and Addison for now, what about you?
Hey daph,

Have some, we don't have to do it all because that's not possible but few we can do perhaps?


Noel vs Eric: For sure. Even if Noel has let Minnie go and move on, they will never like eachother so I'm all up for them once again.

Lucas x Christina: She needs friends too, and she kind of liked hanging out with him.

Natalia x Giselle: No match, and in the liusaid vs giselle battle they would sure cross paths again.

Louis x Crystal: 'We should do the forbidden topic and meeting with aspen this year! I like their friendship.
A few sounds good! I'm trying not to be buried in threads but we definitely need to RP.

Noel and Eric is a MUST I need them to interact. Also with Noel's new status it'd be very interesting.

Lucas and Christina sounds good, he needs more friends.

Natalia and Gisele is funny, I think Natalia is honestly a little intimidated of her. She's mostly on Liuisaidh's side but I also think she'd rather not be part of this conflict at all.

I agree on Louis and Crystal!
No way, you're picking one of the two :r

Iris and Rose I definitely want to develop. I could also throw Emma into the mix as the nosy sister along with Ren as the nosy brother. Also Emma and Rose are roommates like you said.

Lucas and Casper can always hang out.

Augustus and Addison I always kind of assumed they at least spoke after that but I could be wrong. I definitely think they need to talk again, though.

Ivy and Aubrey were interesting last year, would be happy to go on with that.

Jordie and Natalia would be fun but I don't think she's thawing out just yet :r I also like him and Louis.

Gwen and Akihiro yes!! Common room buddies! Maybe he could wonder why she's there in Slytherin?

Amelie and Violette would be fun, I think they could be friends.

Hugo and Amelie... sure :r though I enjoy their (one-sided) rivalry.

Abigail and Lucas could be fun though I don't think she think very highly of him I think I would be most keen for Augustus and Addison for now, what about you?
I vote Augustus/Addy, and then Gwen and Akihiro for now. Addy's mom died over break, so that could be an interesting development. She's fairly upset about that.
Hi Mia,

Am happy for both ideas for Iris. Could be fun to do a letter thread with Selene at first?

I could see Lucas and Linden having an (ill-advised?) fling. Also they're both prefects now which is another thing they have in common.
I am liking the letter idea. they are nice and can be slow. and are a good way to show the development of a character without much effort. i guess you had better start it. whenever you are ready.

who said anything about ill-advised :p (I think the only ill advice would be if cas found out. otherwise he would be insufferable in the dorm) :p I can kind of see them on patrol together talking. and then the conversation turns to boys and they end up making out. I can start this but maybe after the prefect meeting.
Emma and Issac in trouble sounds good, maybe a romantic walk in the forbidden forest? :p

I think Natalia and Valencia would be good but maybe a bit later on in Natalia's development.

I like Louis and Charlie and Louis talking him into playing Quidditch with him :p It's extremely unlikely he'll make the team so he could be salty about it after tryouts or something.

I like the idea of Gwen and Molly. Maybe Gwen could try talking her into something like going into the kitchens and getting some food or something similar (I'm trying not to immediately go to the forest again haha)
Emma x Issac - A romantic walk in the forbidden forest sounds... perfect and romantic =))

Natalia x Valencia - Yeah, that's all good! :D

Louis x Charlie - Oh, I would love to see how that turns out hehe! Charlie might be iffy about it at first but I guess with some convincing he'll eventually try and play quidditch, even if its just for fun.

Gwen x Molly - Ah, the kitchens sounds interesting! Molly loves all things food anyways, so it might be slightly easier for her to be convinced to do hehe! Or making her go to the restricted section could be another idea - even if it could be a possible future idea, maybe? lolol!
I vote Augustus/Addy, and then Gwen and Akihiro for now. Addy's mom died over break, so that could be an interesting development. She's fairly upset about that.
Sounds good! I can start Augustus and Addy?

I am liking the letter idea. they are nice and can be slow. and are a good way to show the development of a character without much effort. i guess you had better start it. whenever you are ready.

who said anything about ill-advised :p (I think the only ill advice would be if cas found out. otherwise he would be insufferable in the dorm) :p I can kind of see them on patrol together talking. and then the conversation turns to boys and they end up making out. I can start this but maybe after the prefect meeting.
Yeah I can start Iris and Selene

I said ill-advised because I like drama Mia :r but yeah feel free to start it.

Emma x Issac - A romantic walk in the forbidden forest sounds... perfect and romantic =))

Natalia x Valencia - Yeah, that's all good! :D

Louis x Charlie - Oh, I would love to see how that turns out hehe! Charlie might be iffy about it at first but I guess with some convincing he'll eventually try and play quidditch, even if its just for fun.

Gwen x Molly - Ah, the kitchens sounds interesting! Molly loves all things food anyways, so it might be slightly easier for her to be convinced to do hehe! Or making her go to the restricted section could be another idea - even if it could be a possible future idea, maybe? lolol!
Glad you like all these ideas, do you mind if we pick two for now?
Glad you like all these ideas, do you mind if we pick two for now?
Oh yes, we shall! Did you have any in mind of which ones we wanted to start? I can start one thread and you can start the other?
Oh yes, we shall! Did you have any in mind of which ones we wanted to start? I can start one thread and you can start the other?
Maybe we can both pick one?

I'd like to do Emma and Issac early on, do you have one you'd like to do now too?
I'd like to do Emma and Issac early on, do you have one you'd like to do now too?
Okay, perfect! I think I'd like to do Molly and Gwen if that okay with you? And then maybe we can do the other two later on or something?
I said ill-advised because I like drama Mia :r but yeah feel free to start it.
Ill-advised it is. and it is here https://hogwarts.nz/threads/ill-advised-patrolling.106244/ i decided to start it mid patril so that they dont have to worry about the starting and introductions etc.
We already have Noel and Eric now! And I made one for Louis and Crystal.

Perhaps you want to start Lucas x Christina? And Giselle x Natalia we can do later on?

If you're still looking for present or future friends/enemies/partners in crime for Gwen I have Finn here. He's quiet and still adjusting to HNZ life, and finds enthusiastic/bubbly people a bit of work but I'm interested in getting him set up to have more interesting plots when he's a couple of years older! I could foresee him and Gwen getting into a bit of trouble together this year? He is an adventure-seeking Gryffindor, beneath the quiet exterior :r
Hey... I think Tiffaney could be a great match for Gwen... I mean since she's basically a pushover of sorts. Tiffaney won't question Gwen and they pretty much have the same background. So there's some common ground they could start off with... I'm also looking to grow Tiffaney so I think it would be cool to try a thread
Gosh ok so many

I like Margo and Isadora though I don't know if she'd invite her to her house easily, she's a bit nervous about her parents.

Ohhh Simon and Eric sounds very interesting, it's been a while since Eric has been in a fight :r

I'd be happy to do a Poppy and Iris thread, I feel like they have been somewhat friendly off-screen but it would be nice to have it on screen too.

Nikko & Lucas sounds good, though we'd have to wait for Lucas and Connor to break up first.

As for Indira and Natalia, Natalia is still kind of on Jenna's side right now. Jenna has been nothing but nice to her, but maybe that could change :r

Caleb and Louis is very fun. I think it would be interesting to have them but heads. Caleb could rub in his face that he (likely) isn't on the Quidditch team.

Gemma and Hugo sounds good! Maybe her and Violette later?

I love Abigail and Micha so I'm happy to do more with them too.
Now it is my turn to take forever to reply x_x

But yeah that makes sense for Margo x Isadora. It could potentially go the other way around, since Margo's grandma is desperate for her to have more age appropriate friends and invite her over. But we can also do something totally different too. I just enjoy them.

Even if it's just more Indi x Natalia fights I would be thrilled. It's been a while since they've gotten on each other's nerves. And depending who makes the quidditch team that could start some drama.

The rest sounds good and I don't have much to add about those at the moment. I'm not sure if you have any you wanted to start with but I haven't started anything with Poppy this year, so I can start something for her and Iris if you wanted to start another one?? Or we can just go with one. Let me know!
Okay, perfect! I think I'd like to do Molly and Gwen if that okay with you? And then maybe we can do the other two later on or something?
Sounds good! I can start Emma and Issac if you can start Molly and Gwen?

Ill-advised it is. and it is here https://hogwarts.nz/threads/ill-advised-patrolling.106244/ i decided to start it mid patril so that they dont have to worry about the starting and introductions etc.
Ty I'll try to start Iris and Selene soon

We already have Noel and Eric now! And I made one for Louis and Crystal.

Perhaps you want to start Lucas x Christina? And Giselle x Natalia we can do later on?
Sounds good, I'll add it to my list!

If you're still looking for present or future friends/enemies/partners in crime for Gwen I have Finn here. He's quiet and still adjusting to HNZ life, and finds enthusiastic/bubbly people a bit of work but I'm interested in getting him set up to have more interesting plots when he's a couple of years older! I could foresee him and Gwen getting into a bit of trouble together this year? He is an adventure-seeking Gryffindor, beneath the quiet exterior :r
Hi Liz! Sounds good! We could throw them together and see how they interact? I feel like they would get along, and I'm definitely down for trouble :r

Hey... I think Tiffaney could be a great match for Gwen... I mean since she's basically a pushover of sorts. Tiffaney won't question Gwen and they pretty much have the same background. So there's some common ground they could start off with... I'm also looking to grow Tiffaney so I think it would be cool to try a thread
Hi Lexi, sounds like a good combination! We can see how they interact together. Gwen is befriending a lot of Hufflepuffs, which seems fitting :p

Now it is my turn to take forever to reply x_x

But yeah that makes sense for Margo x Isadora. It could potentially go the other way around, since Margo's grandma is desperate for her to have more age appropriate friends and invite her over. But we can also do something totally different too. I just enjoy them.

Even if it's just more Indi x Natalia fights I would be thrilled. It's been a while since they've gotten on each other's nerves. And depending who makes the quidditch team that could start some drama.

The rest sounds good and I don't have much to add about those at the moment. I'm not sure if you have any you wanted to start with but I haven't started anything with Poppy this year, so I can start something for her and Iris if you wanted to start another one?? Or we can just go with one. Let me know!
I like the idea of Isadora visiting Margo, that could be fun.

I'm down for quidditch team drama... we could definitely RP Indi and Natalia having a fight.

Maybe we can just pick like.. two topics for now? I'm pretty keen for Eric and Simon and maybe you can pick something too?
We could also do 2 student topics and the Margo and Isadora one, since that one could take a bit longer if needed.
Here is the thread for Gwen and Molly! Let me know if you want me to make any changes :)


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