Ivy X Rita: They’re in the same year but Rita’s in Ravenclaw, so they’ve seen each other around through classes. Rita can tell Ivy is very studious, and Rita is finally interested in making friends. Rita is not shy, but she’s more reserved and prone to nervousness. However, she does have moments of spontaneity, like staying at the Hog’s Head with Tilly last year (if you can call that “spontaneous”). Rita may be susceptible to Ivy because she hasn’t consciously acknowledged she’s attracted to people and develops crushes easily. Rita could definitely fit in the “classmates who notice Ivy’s change” category.
Tobe-Mae X Gwen: Tobe-Mae Ellis is a sixth year Slytherin who went through a Revival. She may be too old for what you’re looking for Gwen to look up to, but Tobe-Mae is the child with all expectations placed on her. She plays cello and violin and has been training in ballet since her first year. But it depends on Gwen’s personal interests are? I’d say Tobe-Mae is your typical Slytherin who is ambitious, sarcastic, moderately stuck up, and has high standards. She’s not underhanded but has a big ego.
Adrian X Vincent: They are both in the necromancy faction. She is a mortician, arithmancer, and Mordred’s mother. Mordred is trying to build a relationship with her and she attended his graduation, but her feelings towards Mordred are wishy-washy. I don’t have any plans for her outside of Mordred, and she is asexual, but I definitely want to think up some dark necromancy plots.
