Hello Guys and Thanks for all your idea (sorry for being late college life is tiring my poor soul

Hildegard & Hester - These two are roommates, and I feel like they'd get on like a house on fire! Hester's very rambunctious and lots of fun, so I'd definitely be keen for them to be friends and get into adventures together some time!
Hilda really need a new chaoticfriend ! So her and Hester will get along very well! Maybe they could break almost all the rules together as a year challenge (let me know what you think

Benjamin & Manaia - Manaia's in the same house but a year younger than Benjamin, and I think they'd get along well! Manaia's musical as well and he's usually very outgoing and laid-back, though he's about to go through some rough times that'll make him more introspective, and I reckon he could really use a quiet buddy to help him through that time if you're keen?
Oh Benjamin would love to be a quiet buddy for Manaia , he know how time can be really rough even more when people are young. He could be a good listener if Manaia need to vent and do some music to cheer him up !
Roxanne & Giulia - Again, these two are roommates, which could be interesting! Giulia is quite nerdy and struggling a bit with Hogwarts. She's only just moved to NZ from France and doesn't speak much English (though she's getting better!) so she could use friendly people around her. Alternatively I can see their personalities clashing a bit because Giulia is quite pessimistic, so there's a potential source of drama there, if they wind up not getting along
Roxie would really help Giulia with her english if she need to as she has a lot of free time . A lot of possitive people are around Roxie so i think she will be suprise when she will talk to Giula (she's not used to Miss Pessi Mistic . So i will be a new and good experience and i'm not against some clash
Firstly, I can offer my Hufflepuff Fourth Year Estella Fuentes for Hilda. I'm thinking they could be friends or acquaintances depending on how well they get along.
Yes they could do some nices friends/acquaintances ! Hilda is very social so she will not have any problem befriend Estella (except if you want to ... ) and Estella look pretty fun to have around .
I can also offer my third year Hufflepuff Louis Vernier for Benjamin. They seem really similar so I'm thinking perhaps they could be best friends!? They're both a bit shy, so it seems fitting that they only become best friends now after sharing a dorm together for almost three years
YEAH !!! He's need a new best friend ! He would be like " Are you sure with spend three years in the same place ?! Oh my Merlin i could have someone to relate to since 3 YEARS !!!"
And finally for Charlie I can offer my first year Gryffindor Genevieve Fuentes. She's fun and adventurous and the pair of them could be good friends, and maybe even future lovers?
Ooh they would be cute together !!! So yeah i'm totally down for a friendship or maybe a friends to lovers (slowburn?)
I can offer you a couple of things, for Benjamin, I can offer Branson Archer as a friend, they're in the same year, different houses, but he's also a book worm, so they could study together/talk about books together etc.
They could totally help each other with homework and exchange books like " I thought you would like this one so ..." Library woud be their HQ
Second, is Melusine, I have Seamus Reid, he's a first year Slytherin who could be a wee rival. He's also competitive and driven. He's a little rude and quick to judge, but independent too. He's a twin who might often be around.
Mel can be really rude too when she feel threatened , she think rival can bring a better version of themselves when working to surpass each other . So she's can be lost beetween "do i respect him or do i crush him ?" can be be a fun dynamic
Third, Charlie Stark, he could be friends with either my second year, Eugene Nestor, whose a very happy and excitable, musically inclined boy or Leonardo Orr, a very serious and fairly lonely first year hufflepuff.
Charlie is also a social butterfly so he can really talk to any kind of personality but i think as first i will look to people more like him so i will first go towrad Eugene but if Leonardo need a buddy now or late is always free
And if you want you can totally message me when you want to talk about the plots , hope you guys having a great day !!!!