Oh No!

"I think I'll be leaving, then." Professor King began as he stood, "Have a good evening." he stated as he turned to leave the Hospital wing.
"And you" Patrick replied as the Professor began to leave, "The hospital doors are always open if you want to see how she had progressed tomorrow".
He told the professor, then with another look towards the patient he went into his office, leaving the door ajar so he could keep a watchful eye on Ms. Green throughout the night.
~The Next Morning~

Bellatrix awoke, sometime in the morning the next day. She could see the bright sun through the windows..but was slightly confused. "I...I slept..." she muttered to her self, sitting up. She felt a wee bit better, no longer entirely useless and weak. She blinked a couple times as her vision came into view once more.
Patrick entered the hospital wing and opened the curtains in doing so. He noticed that Ms. Green was waking slowly and smiled as he walked towards her.

"Well goodmorning" he said to her, "How are you feeling then?"
He hoped the sleep would have done her the world of good, improved her manner as well. Time would soon tell, he thought.

He summoned a quill and parchment and placed them on the tray-table at the foot of the bed.
"I suppose we better see just how you are then!" Patrick smiled kindly at her.
"Shocked...." she muttered as an answer to his first question. "I-I haven't slept in....I can't even remember..."
Patrick paused before walking to the left side of the bed and pushing back the partition.
"How long exactly haven't you slept for? Ms. Green?" he asked her kindly, this could be of huge help to the reason why she had stopped eating or vise versa.
Bellatrix looked at him honestly, her eyes sunken in her face. "Summer...maybe before that...I can't really...remember..."
Patrick looked at her shocked had she really said since the summer? No wonder the poor girl hadn't been able to eat, it was a wonder she could function at all.

"Ms. Green that just isn't normal!" he told her as he went to pick up her arm to check her pulse, he held firm this time so she wouldn't pull it from his grasp like before, Patrick positioned his pointing and index finger over her pulse point turning her hand just slightly to make sure he had the right position when his eye caught sight of the tattoo on her arm. He let her hand drop back in shock. All he could do was stare from it to her. Patrick took a step backwards almost shaken. He hadn't seen one of those in a long time.

He was always swift with his reaction and within seconds had pulled out his wand calling forth his patronus and sending it to bring Professor King to the hospital ward. Should he immoblise her he thought, was this why the professor had the night before? He wasn't sure but kept his wand ready just incase.
"I...realised..." she muttered when suddenly Patrick grabbed her left arm. Panic suddenly flickering across her face she tried to pull it away, but he had suspected that and grasped her arm firm. But suddenly the curses Dark Mark etched its way beyond her sleeve...for him to see... When he let her arm fall back to the bed, limp and in shock, she could see a type of fear upon his face. He wouldn't put his wand away, even now, in the presence of a half dead Death Eater...he was afraid. When calling the Patronus, Bellatrix clung her bony knuckles to the sides of her bed. "I...Its...." she stammered out trying to come up with some type of excuse but failing to do so, she looked at him. Sadness planted in her body, and it was obvious. Bellatrix was ashamed...terrible ashamed.
Patrick looked at her and didn't know whether to believe his own eyes or not, he seen enough damage done by those that carried that mark but he had never seen it on one so young or one who seemed so afraid and if he were to put a word to it, ashamed.

He thought long and hard about his next course of action and his righteous side won out as it always did. Patrick put his wand away. He very slowly turned her arm over and pushed the sleeve up further.
"How did you come by this Bellatrix?" he even called her by her first name to reassure her he had her and only her best interests at heart. If it hadn't been for his niece being cursed the way she was he didn't think he would be so understanding, but everyone deserved the benefit of the doubt, didn't they?
Professor King had received Patrick's Patronus and thrown his cloak on, grabbing his wand off the stand it levitated above. He walked with haste up the staircase and up to the third floor, he then entered the main room of the hospital wing and nodded toward Patrick. "I know." He started dismissively, "I'm not sure what else I can say to you, the ministry knows as well, however." he concluded, glancing at Bellatrix before turning his gaze back to Patrick.
Bellatrix winced as he pushed up her sleeve, thinking that he was going to hurt her in some way. And also, at first having the Mark was such a...a show off tool, but the euphoria of it died off...and she began to change...to turn away from all it signified. "I...well...in my first year...I asked for it...I begged for it...from a man that I swore never to reveal...he said the others would not approve of me...they never fully approved of my parents...and after they were killed the respect dropped even more...I begged for it...after I killed....after I killed Rose....Rose Landers...." she said letting Roses name come off her tongue as a whisper. Bellatrix then jumped at Professor Kings entrance. Eyeing him sadly, she stared at him...waiting... Professor King had never turned her in yet...but he knew too much about her...and she was afraid to make the wrong move...to have him...or another Professor send her back to the Ministry...back to another trial.
Patrick actually for probably the first time in his adult life stood dumbfounded.
He turned to Professor King and said.
"And you forgot to tell me this why exactly?" he asked looking at the mark on the girls arm, Patrick was shocked but definitly more the fact that such a horrendous piece of workmanship was visible at all before him. He didn't know why someone so young would have it.
"When you pulled this arm back yesterday evening it was because of this wasn't it?" he said to the girl before him.
He had heard everything the girl had told him and his heart was devastated.
"How old are you?" he asked her, she had killed! His face so obviously registered his horror, for someone at all to take a life was horrendous. Did Professor King know this as well?
Bellatrix did not take her eyes off of Professor King, in pure terror. If he suddenly changed his mind about her actions...then she would be gone...for good... Trying to then focus on what Patrick was saying to her, she nodded slowly. "It...its....painful...both physically...and mentally...."
Patrick summoned some stools one for the professor and one for himself. He really felt as if he needed to sit down.
"How many people in the school know that Bellatrix has this mark or that she has killed?"
ooc: Tee hee I know.

Bellatrix's face fell as she saw the stools conjurned. The Professor and Patrick were going to have a discussion...over her Mark...just what she wanted.
Professor King placed his wand in his pocket and shook his head slightly, "I suppose I didn't realize it was my place to divulge every detail of anybody I bring in here. In the future I will make regular reports to you about everybody in the school whom you may ever treat." Nicolas said with spite, appalled that the man had the audacity to speak to him as if he had done something wrong, even if out of shock.
The situation had lightened slightly after the Professors comment, Bellatrix tried to hide a rather obvious snicker.
Patrick scratched his head at the gall of the man, how arrogant could someone get?!
"I don't need to know every detail about every single patient that comes through my doors here but when one carries this mark and has killed, I think out of courtesy I as the nurse here have a right to know. The hospital may be quiet now and you may think she isn't a threat but that may not always be the case. In your class room I will not tell you how to run things just as I would expect the same courtesy to be shown here in my hospital wing!" Patrick's temper flared and abated momentarily, he would not raise his voice with the girl present but the professor had to understand that anything of this nature should have been brought to his attention immediately.
Shock suddenly hit Bellatrix's face. From what she had understood from what Patrick said, he called her a threat. She was appalled. "What?!" she suddenly snapped in disbelief. "What do you expect me to do? Kill half the bleedin school?! I killed Rose Landers, and don't make it sound as if I just walked off fine and dandy about it and would do it again in a heart beat!"
"She hasn't acted in accordance with that symbol for some time." Professor King began, his tone hushed but furious, "She was no threat to you. Her wand has restrictions on it. I'm sure you made mistakes in your first year in school. Would you have liked the professors that knew to advertise that? I think not. Now, when I enter what you claim to be your doors I am not any less of a Professor, Head of House, Deputy Headmaster, or Auror. And so long as I hold such positions of authority I believe what I divulge to you is at my own discretion." Professor King did not want to belittle the man prior to this, or show Bellatrix that he would be willing to defend her in front of other adults, however the fact that the school nurse was upset with him because he did not share mistakes his pupil had made in the past with him was absurd and Professor King was more than willing to make this known to him.
Patrick looked at both of them, they obviously just didn't get the point at all.
"I am new here Professor I do not know whether she has used this mark to her advantage since yesterday not to mind last year. You merely told me her wand had restrictions on it. And yes I made mistakes my first year but I don't think killing a student qualifies as a mistake do you?" he asked perplexed he was even having this conversation, "and I respect every office you hold but as I have said she may not be a threat of any kind now but as the person in charge of this hospital I think it only fair to have been forewarned about this at least then I mightened have nearly ripped the girls hand off when I saw it!"

Patrick looked at Bellatrix and exasperated shook his head,"I don't know your history Ms.Green and I certainly don't know the girl you killed. But you still killed her and you still bear this mark. I will not divulge this to anyone it is not my position to do so. There is such a thing as patient confidentiality I am just frustrated that I was made to find out the way I did!"
"Ripped my hand off?!" Bellatrix suddenly burst out in a strange high pitched tone for her. Her voice had cracked from all the strain that she has faced recently and accumatively, and this arugument was not helping her feel physically better at all.

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