My Brain is Goo

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Wasn't sure that I needed this just yet but after spending an entire 4 days without evening opening the site (the longest I've gone ever since joining the site I think wow), I figured I should just give everyone a heads up. Dealing with some family stuff right now and will be flying up to lend my mum a hand for an indefinite amount of time (I'm hoping 2 weeks but we'll see) so things may get even slower depending on the situation.

I'm hopeful that I will be in great need of a distraction while up there and will get back into the swing of things but just in case and in the mean time, please have patience with my slow reply speed 🙏 I still love writing on HNZ and I really enjoy the plots I have planned and are working on currently, I'm sorry I'm taking days/weeks to reply to things but I appreciate everyone who's chill with the more sedate pace atm (and please let me know if we have a time sensitive plot so I can do my best to prioritize!).

So yes, not a true absence, just a heads up that things are probs gonna continue to be slow for awhile and to say thanks x_x
I hope your brain becomes less goo-ified soon Kris! But take your time, family stuff is important. You know I'll bother you on or off site :r take your time!
I bonk our heads together to hear the goo slosh around.

Don’t have too much fun without me but I hope everything goes well. Come home soon so I can squish your dog.
Mood honestly, but please take your time and take care of yourself first and foremost! We'll still be here at the end of the day :wub:
All the best Kris and don't forget to look after yourself! I hope to see you back soon.
I hope everything settles down for you. Take care!

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