Midsummer Werewolf

Wow, I've been played. I fell for that trap Kait, looks like I was the only one too, ripppp.
So, considering no one died last night, I'm going to go with the best case scenario and hope that the Cursed role hasn't actually been activated - meaning we only have the Sorceress left to lynch.

Part one of my thoughts today is finally being able to talk openly about something I've been leading up to over the past two day phases. With all the original wolves dead, the Cursed has either already been turned, and therefore we should know who that is, or they are no longer able to be turned and are therefore no longer a threat. I think Jesse is the Cursed, but that he has not actually been turned. My thinking on this stems from:
Kait (Known Wolf): "Also, aren't we down to three wolves since Dan was a wolf?"
(Had just been away at Disneyland, Dan was dead, Lovi and Ash's activity unknown)

Jesse: "I'm definitely, 100% innocent. I actually got excited because I thought I could have been the Cursed role on the day no one died, since I had 1 Notification in my inbox, but it turned out just to be someone liking my post."
(Now, I've always assumed that the Cursed role knew who they were from the start - so if this is true, Jesse getting excited just from seeing he had a notification indicates to me that he may have thought there was a possibility he had been turned, only to find out he hadn't)

Claire: "I still think the cursed has to be someone active, one of us. The wolves have only been killing active players at night."

Jesse: "If the Cursed is activated"

Claire: "The fact you keep suggesting there might not even be a cursed... Kait also said something earlier like 'Wouldn't there be three wolves, not four?' which, while it could have been a bluff to appear innocent, kind of seemed genuine in the way she worded it."
(Indicating that she read Kait as being genuinely confused/unknowing of the potential new situation. Now, Claire read that as meaning Kait was likely not a wolf - but because she was... does that mean the Cursed truly wasn't activated after all, and hence her confusion as to why we suddenly thought there was another wolf?)
Now, I could be reading far much into all that, but perhaps I'm not. The only one who knows for sure is Jesse - so what say you?

And then we come to part two - Steph, it's that time. Throughout the game you've continued to be quite non-committal to making sure statements about who is a wolf and who is not (even Claire noticed this way back when she was alive). Even though you've posted suspicions, and tables, and ways of actively trying to look like you're looking for wolves with the rest of us, you've steadily managed to convince me that even if you found those wolves, you wouldn't be doing anything to get rid of them. It's a way of playing I remember well from my days as the Devil.
Let's take your suspicion of me throughout the latter half of the game as an example. It began as early back as the fourth day (after Dan was lynched), and even though you continued to say you were suspicious of me, you never did anything about it. Now, other people were also suspicious of me - Phoebe, Anna... Kait was very suspicious of me. But with no one actually doing anything about it, how could you? What if I was a wolf, and you had convinced everyone to lynch me? What if I was innocent, and you ended up drawing everyone's attention and putting yourself in danger? Because, oh yes, I forgot to say - I think you're the Sorceress. The only role you were ever able to discover is if someone was the Seer or not, so you would have no idea whether I was a villager as I said, or just a brazenly lying wolf. And I continued to be ambiguous - Anna was suspicious of me as recently as just yesterday and heck, she might still be.

Now this is most likely just me being arrogant again, but I like to trust that I can feel whether someone is going to turn out to be innocent or not by the rebuttal they give me (apart from Abby, sadly, because I was really salty that day and being wrong just wasn't a palatable option. Alas, it was the only option and I was very, very embarrassed about the fuss and dance I made, I tell you xD ) Dan and Lovi never convinced me they weren't wolves the days they were trying to defend themselves (although Lovi's audacity was entertaining :p ). The day Jesse and Claire argued, I was unsure enough about his defence to wonder whether he was telling the truth as he seemed to be, or just very cunning about looking like he was telling the truth (it's your detriment in these games Jesse, in my experience you always seem to play with a plan and a few tricks up your sleeve when you need them i.e. are a wolf). Steph, your defence on the day the vote was tied between you and Ash was actually enough to make me take a step back and think, 'hey, maybe Steph isn't the wolf' (which I had actually been thinking up until that point) - hence, I kept the tie rather than let you stay in the lead, because I just couldn't be sure of anything at that stage. Yesterday, Kait didn't manage to convince me of her innocence either, which is why I eventually ended up voting for her.
All this is leading to, of course, your last post yesterday. Now, I know you've already posted today to say that you were duped, tricked, led up the garden path. But that's only natural for someone in your position, and something people tend to do whether they turned out to be wrong or right. Your post yesterday - nothing in it really stuck, for me. It all sounded like a desperate last moment attempt to convince people to do other than what they were doing. It's why I think you're the sorceress. Either you (correctly) believed Kait was the wolf and were trying in vain to save her... or you staked everything on me being the wolf, and thus looking like you were associated with the innocent - which sadly for that particular plan, Kait was not.

What do you have to say for yourself before I cast my vote?
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha xD

No, I really thought she wasn't the wolf actually. I thought Jesse was playing a really good game as wolf in all honesty xD voting for Ash was her biggest mistake cause I would have died no big deal and then the two of them could have wrecked! The wolves second biggest mistake was not biting the cursed on that first night no one died.

All, I'm going to say is that if you want to win today don't vote to lynch me, it'll leave you with yet another day to contend with. I'm not the sorceress.

riiiippppp Wolf Team
Well the fact that you felt comfortable laughing at me like that would usually indicate that I'm wrong xD
Jesse, how do you respond to Steph? Because unfortunately I'm reading her latest post as claiming she's the unactivated cursed - she seems so certain in saying "The wolves second biggest mistake was not biting the cursed on that first night no one died," and yet she can't be convinced about my thoughts about you, precisely because she's still throwing you under the bus.

And my table tells me she's said this with certainty before - which I only caught it because past-Kathy thought it was odd enough for someone to say that she bolded it:
Steph - Page 20 | Post #292 said:
"Always brings up cursed might not be activated, which is true but saying it a bunch hasn't helped your cause."
"Which is true."
Jesse, you were the one who said you thought Steph was the Sorceress - and to be honest, where I started getting the idea from. At this point I've pretty much decided Rowan is the villager - so would you like you or Steph to be lynched today?

I vote to lynch Samuel Phillips, just cause I think it'd be funny to see who she'd take down with her xD

Also, I'm pretty sure I meant to not say what I said there to Jesse, oops, I'm poop at this game xD Good catch Kathy xD
Well that pretty much confirms that you did mean it the way I thought you meant it - which at the time I thought indicated you were a wolf, but not a real one I guess.

Jesse, convince me of your role so this can be over and I can take a metaphorical nap; I'm exhausted xD
Erm. I was under the impression that the Cursed had no idea they were Cursed, and that was essentially the game changing point and reason no one could trust each other once it was activated. Someone who was under the belief they're a villager, only for their whole game to change, means its difficult for the other villagers to realise who it is, whereas someone knowing they're Cursed from the get go would play neutrally, as they don't know if they're going to win as a villager or a wolf early on.
If I was Cursed, and knew I was Cursed, I don't think I would have been so actively against Kait early on in the game, or even later into it. I think I could be the Cursed, but I also think any of us could be. I don't think they're made aware, and it's also a possibility that the Cursed died earlier on in the match, but was recorded as a "villager" in their death because they weren't activated. It honestly varies from game to game and I can't say with any certainty who it is or could have been.

I do strongly believe Steph is the sorceress as she has played so neutrally, but it could also potentially be Rowan who hasn't had a chance to actively use his ability as he's taken absence. I don't believe letting Annaleise risk being lynched today is a good idea, either, since it could ultimately change the outcome of the game with so few of us left, and in the event that its left down to the sorceress vs one town member, who wins?

edit: I vote to lynch Georgiana Night, also. I completely forgot to do that.

Also in my defense, I play a lot of Werewolf/Mafia/Town of Salem, and I'm accustomed to roles like the cursed being secret. It's also why I was pushing the option that the cursed might not have been activated on the night no one died, because it's not an uncommon strategy in the matches I've played prior. In my experience, shifting focus on new threats isn't always the best thing to do. I wanted to be aware of the potential for it to have happened, but I didn't want that to be what everyone flocked to - forgetting about old leads/suspicions to try make new theories on something that might not even exist, and increasing the chance of lynching villagers. Ideally I would have liked to keep the focus on the original wolves because they knew they were evil from day one, and their actions had a better chance of reflecting that than someone who until that point I assumed thought they were good.
Well... you're not wrong that the cursed might not have known. Can I please call for an active clarification on this one James?

If we assume they did know, at this point I would say Steph convinced me herself that she was the Cursed... but that Jesse didn't convince me that he was suitably upset about Steph thinking he was the Sorceress, and that, in addition to his actions and statements thus far in the game, has lead me to think he is in fact the other villager and Rowan is the sorceress.

However if it comes down to a tie between Steph and Anna (which I suppose it will if Jesse's theory about the cursed not knowing turns out to be true) - it's pretty obvious which of the two I'm going to vote for.
Aurora Night said:
Well... you're not wrong that the cursed might not have known. Can I please call for an active clarification on this one James?
Actually I think the cursed role should have been worded better perhaps - the Cursed knows from the beginning that they are Cursed, but cannot talk with the wolves until bitten (if they work out who the wolves are before they are bitten that is).
Oh. xD
Well in that case, I'm definitely a villager.
If anyone else has a problem with this please speak, but - Jesse, do you agree we should vote for Rowan, seeing as Steph seems to be the Cursed, and not an actual wolf at this point?
I'm happy with this. I don't want to endure another night phase. :p
I switch my vote to Rowan in this case.
Daaang I missed all of this =))

To be honest, Steph, wanting to lynch me just to see who I would kill is not a smart decision. At this point my choice would be random and likely to do more harm than good.

It's redundant but I'm happy to vote for Rowan, too, and roll with the punch if Rowan isn't a sorceress.
We did it guys.

Congratulations to the Village for winning Midsummer Werewolf!

My final count: [ul][li]Samuel Phillips - 1</LI><LI>[li]Ainsley Lynch - 3[/li][/ul]Ainsley Lynch, the sorceress, has been killed.

I intend to do a bit of a write-up on my thoughts tomorrow if I can; for now, here's an (albeit ugly) list of all the participants with their roles. If anybody wants to prettify it, feel free. It appears to be rendering a few characters that aren't actually in my post, so I don't know what's going on there.
1. Professor Katherine Alicastell - villager

2. James Cade - dire wolf

3. Amber Chou Wilson - bodyguard

4. Professor Sloane Stark - villager

5. Amy Rosemary - spellcaster

6. Professor Monty Pendleton - seer

7. Ainsley Lynch - sorceress 

8. Samuel Phillips - hunter

9. Georgiana Night - cursed (READ)

10. Professor Justin Cliffeton - villager

11. Professor Wren Louise - villager

12. Evelyn Manning - mayor

13. Lyra Potter - werewolf

14. Sara Moon - villager

15. Aurora Night - villager

16. Professor Kida Frost - werewolf

17. Rama Mowry - werewolf

18. Geovanna Volt - villager

19. Marisol Woods - villager

James Cade
Rama Mowry
Professor Kida Frost
Lyra Potter

Georgina Night (Cursed)
Ainsley Lynch (Sorceress)
James Cade (Dire Wolf) x Monty Pendleton
As a quick side note now, I was really disappointed in Claire not getting killed earlier. Would have been nice to get a double lynching in, especially since it's an amazing pairing :p
What a game! I hate how early I died xD it was so frustrating at times. Seeing the villagers turn on each other made me yell at the screen a little :r though I also associate very defensive behavior with baddies so I can't really blame anyone for that xD I probably would have done the same.

Still, very well played by a few of the villagers that stayed alive the longest. Kathy, I don't know how you didn't die ages ago but I think it's fair to say you put a lot of effort into this win ^_^ good job! I'm already excited for the next one :p
Me watching Kait stay alive for so long even though I knew she was a werewolf from! the! beginning!! and y'all chose to kill me instead & she got to skate by the entire game
I got to a point where I was like "There's no point defending myself, because then I'll sound suspicious." I love this game.
YAY for the village winning! :woot: Was worried for a bit there that I would be voted to be lynched and whoever I took with me would cause the villagers to lose =))

Was super fun to play this!
The game would have been more intense if I had been just a villager I think xD But as it was, I was very frustrated the wolves never saw me as a good enough target especially at the end. Cause then I would have been a wolf and been able to actually do something! argggghhhh xD And I still can't believe I accidentally let out the cursed hadn't been bit xD I mean just well played by all who made it to the end xD I'll think about playing again in the future but that was super stressful xD
I've been present this entire game (I just never speak) however that doesn't mean I wasn't contributing to the wolves, (even though those contributions where generally ignored which more than likely lead to the downfall of the wolves.)
I almost got you Kathy! I voted for you the night I was betrayed but my vote was changed last minute.

Next time.
Alas, that I did not live to see the triumph of my people.

-wipes away a tear-

Lol, what little are left of them. That was pretty impressive, though, there are so many bad roles to fight against XD Good job, everyone.
Professor Kida Frost said:
I've been present this entire game (I just never speak) however that doesn't mean I wasn't contributing to the wolves, (even though those contributions where generally ignored which more than likely lead to the downfall of the wolves.)
I almost got you Kathy! I voted for you the night I was betrayed but my vote was changed last minute.

Next time.
I'm really curious how it happened that no one died that one night. Kait was busy as she said, but there were still two more wolves to vote someone off right?

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