Let's take your suspicion of me throughout the latter half of the game as an example. It began as early back as the fourth day (after Dan was lynched), and even though you continued to say you were suspicious of me, you never did anything about it. Now, other people were also suspicious of me - Phoebe, Anna... Kait was
very suspicious of me. But with no one actually doing anything about it, how could you? What if I was a wolf, and you had convinced everyone to lynch me? What if I was innocent, and you ended up drawing everyone's attention and putting yourself in danger? Because, oh yes, I forgot to say - I think you're the Sorceress. The only role you were ever able to discover is if someone was the Seer or not, so you would have no idea whether I was a villager as I said, or just a brazenly lying wolf. And I continued to be ambiguous - Anna was suspicious of me as recently as just yesterday and heck, she might still be.
Now this is most likely just me being arrogant again, but I like to trust that I can feel whether someone is going to turn out to be innocent or not by the rebuttal they give me (apart from Abby, sadly, because I was really salty that day and being wrong just wasn't a palatable option. Alas, it was the only option and I was very,
very embarrassed about the fuss and dance I made, I tell you

) Dan and Lovi never convinced me they weren't wolves the days they were trying to defend themselves (although Lovi's audacity was entertaining

). The day Jesse and Claire argued, I was unsure enough about his defence to wonder whether he was telling the truth as he seemed to be, or just very cunning about
looking like he was telling the truth (it's your detriment in these games Jesse, in my experience you always seem to play with a plan and a few tricks up your sleeve when you need them i.e. are a wolf). Steph, your defence on the day the vote was tied between you and Ash was actually enough to make me take a step back and think, 'hey, maybe Steph isn't the wolf' (which I had actually been thinking up until that point) - hence, I kept the tie rather than let you stay in the lead, because I just couldn't be sure of anything at that stage. Yesterday, Kait didn't manage to convince me of her innocence either, which is why I eventually ended up voting for her.