Open Learn How To Duel - SDA Event

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (16)
Savannah knew that from the interest in the club at the club fair, that this was largely down to the fact that people wanted to learn how to duel, they wanted to know how to duel. So she had taken the time to get the SDA area ready for people to learn. There were plenty of dummies about the place, and an area for younger kids and one for older. She had also put up pictures from the accio yearbook, which showed the duels from the previous year, but focused almost entirely just on the form the students were to have, on the first steps that they would do in a duel. She waited until most of the club members had arrived. "Right, we're learning, or practicing how to duel. First, second and third years, on the left side of the room, fourth years and above on the other side." She said. "Use the dummies to practice, focus on form, on the steps and a little on spell casting. Older students, you may help the younger students if you would wish, but you do not have to. I'll be floating around to help with the younger students. Older students, please avoid exploding the room,"

OOCOut of Character:

Just have character practice/learn how to duel. Tag Savannah if you want her to come help your character
Enoch wasn't very good at duelling. He had high hopes of being good at it, but tended to fail a lot. He just wasn't as quick as other students. Enoch wasn't as quick off the mark as they were. The slytherin was therefore thankful that the first club event of the year for SDA was duelling practice. Not actual duelling but duelling or spell practice. He got to the room and waited a few moments before others arrived. He went to the side of the room he was supposed to and then went to a dummy, immediately beginning practicing his spell work, and his form for duelling.
Friday knew that she could do better in the duels than she had previously, but she wasn't all that studied in them. She knew vaguely what to do and how to do it, but had never focused herself on learning all of the appropriate things that she might've needed to do. Friday reached the sda room and was glad when the leader said they would just be practicing and learning how to duel. She stood at the correct side of the room for her and then looked at the pictures on the walls, trying to spot if any of them were of her.
So far June wasn't so succesfull in dueling tournament at Hogwarts. It wasn't the most important thing for her, less important than classes but she wanted to win whatever she could. She knew she was good, but in some way she didn't managed to win the highest prize. But she only got motivated more to do so than. She beat Santiago, last year and that was feeling well. She would sure tease him with it, but that annoying Hufflepuff small man beat her too. Which made her become second, and for June only first was good enough. So when she heard about the club event of the SDA she ofcourse would join. Not only for dueling, but to show she participated in clubs too. June listened to the leader and made her way to the good side for fifth years. She searched fer her own picture, always liking to watch herself. She would like to slice the picture of most of the people. The blonde took an dummy and watched around with an smirk, than taking her wand out. And started with practicing some spellwork.
Apolline was pretty eager for an opportunity to improve her duelling, so she arrived at the SDA club room eagerly. She was a little surprised at who the leader was, having expected Anisha to be the leader of the club. She didn't mind too much, largely not spotting Anisha in the room just yet, she went to the area that she was supposed to and took some time to just work on her posture for spell cast, for the duelling, to be light on her feet, with her wand held properly.
William hadn't learned that many spells yet so he knew that any practice duelling he did would be difficult. Thankfully when he arrived at the duelling chamber for the first SDA meeting they were just practicing on training dummies. Some of the older students weren't happy about it but it was exactly what William needed. He grabbed a training dummy and took it to a secluded spot and started to practice.
It was a last minute decision for Alana to join the SDA, she hadn't been a member the prior year and she hadn't signed up during club fair, but she figured she wouldn't be turned away if she turned up to the clubs first meeting. The first meeting was just some duelling practice, but with dummies not people. That seemed a little tame but Alana grabbed herself a dummy and began practicing all the same.
When Sayuri heard that the SDA was holding an event to learn how to duel, she immediately decided that she was going to join. Arriving at the SDA area, she noted that there was already quite a number of people. She listened to the instructions and headed for the side of the room that was assigned to the younger students. Instead of getting a training dummy, however, she went to examine the posted pictures. They were quite eye-opening since it showcased a variety of information ranging from form to guidelines. She stayed there for a good while before deciding that she should try out the training dummies already, getting one and dragging it over near another first year to practice the few spells she'd been learning.
Elio had never duelled before, since he was homeschooled - so it made sense to him that the duelling club would have some kind of a meeting where they could learn and practice, though probably the important things for him were his form. He looked over at the club leader and waited until she looked like she was free enough to give him a hand. "Hi, I'm a transfer, but I was homeschooled before, so I've never actually duelled, would you be able to give me a hand working out form?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at some of the other students who were also practicing. The first years were at the most disadvantage he thought, since they were the ones who didn't really have any spells to use, especially those that hadn't done charms or defence yet, whereas he had spells, but no form. "Just a couple of basics I think and the rest should be fine."

@Savannah Walters
Tori was brimming with excitement and a touch of nervousness as she entered the SDA area with wide eyes. She had always been fascinated by duelling and was eager to learn and practice her skills, even if she didn't yet have the spells necessary to do that and even if she wasn't allowed to compete yet, since as first years they didn't yet have the necessary training. She took in the layout of the room, noting the dummies and the designated areas for different year groups. As Savannah addressed the group, Tori listened attentively, making her way to the left side of the room with the other younger years. She was slightly intimidated by the older students, but was determined to do her best. She found a spot near one of the dummies and took a deep breath, trying to remember everything she had ever read about form and duelling technique, which admittedly wasn't much. She glanced at the pictures from the Accio yearbook that showed various duelling stances, trying to mimic their posture. "Okay, Tori, you can do this," she whispered to herself, drawing her wand with a somewhat shaky hand. She positioned herself in what she hoped was the correct stance, recalling Savannah's emphasis on balance and deliberate movements.
Eli stood amongst the other first year students, his Ravenclaw robes neat and his wand clutched in his hand. The excitement was palpable as the students gathered in the SDA area, eager to learn the are of the duel - or whatever. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the dummies and the pictures from the previous duels, and he felt apprehensive, in part because of all the other students who could watch him and make notes on him, as he would on them, and because being in groups could be particularly troublesome when trying to learn something. Not to mention everyone here was just so loud. As Savannah gave her instructions, Eli listened intently, noting the emphasis on form and steps. He joined the other younger students on the left of the room, eyes bright as he watched them, and not just his potential opponents, but those older than him too.

"Alright, time to get this started," he murmured to himself, moving towards one of the dummies. He raised his wand, recalling the spells he had learnied so far and focusing on his stance. "It's all about the form and precision," he reminded himself, echoing Savannah's advice. He took a deep breath and began practicing, his movements deliberate and careful. He visualised the steps of the duel, positioning his feet correctly and maintaining his balance. He didn't have many spells to fall back on yet, and so worried more on the movement and the stance rather than the spell work itself, because he knew they were both equally important and if he could get basics down, the spells wouldn't matter as much. He wanted to master this as he would master the rest of his classes. That was just who he was.
Lumos watched in curiosity as the first SDA meeting of the year got underway, he was slightly eager to learn more about duelling, but he wasn't really sure if he cared. The room itself was abuzz with activity, and the setup made him think of those movies he'd seen with the highschools getting into wrestling matches, or like... taikwondo - something like that. Something to do with karate. As Savannah called out instructions, Lumos quickly made his way to the left side of the room, where the first, second, and third years were gathering. Standing near one of the dummies, he tried to recall the tips and techniques he had read about in preparation for this club. Watching Savannah and the older students, he noted their stance and the way they handled their wands. Mimicking their form, he took a deep breath and raised his wand, ready to practice. He didn't have very strong spells, or very many in his repertoire yet, but he didn't think it mattered since they wouldn't be able to duel until next year anyway and he hardly wanted someone to be watching his form and learning how he duelled anyway, so perhaps that was for the best? Hopefully he would develop a fairly solid form by then.
When Evan had heard that there was going to be an event related to dueling, he'd decided it was best to be present. He did not understand the children's propensity towards violence in this case. Did they not understand how good it was that they need not fight? It was a good thing that he'd diligently kept track of the days since time seemed to pass differently as a ghost. Once he'd arrived, he was aghast at the lack of professors and medical staff for this supposed practice of violence. "Where's your supervision child?" he asked one of the students who seemed to be roaming around, assuming that she was the one leading the event. How irresponsible to not have an adult around.

@Savannah Walters
Savannah watched as students began moving around to the areas and getting started. She started towrds the younger students, only to be stopped by one of the transfers, into her year group. She looked at him and nodded. "Sure," she agreed. "Show me the basic form that you know," she said, seeing if he knew what that was, and where the base was. She glanced away as a ghost was suddenly next to her and she rolled her eyes at it. "The children are practicing on dummies, no one will get hit with a spell, and I'm a prefect and club leader, I provide supervision,"
@Elio Boneheart @Evan Faire
Anisha was trying to get over the SDA thing, mostly because she knew now that Indi didn't care. She still cared, but it wasn't like she could do anything. She had to admit that duelling practice was a pretty good first meeting, and she headed to the side of the room for fourth years and above. Anisha grabbed a dummy and got started, hitting it with a Bat-bogey hex and Leek jinx in quick succession. She paused when she heard Savannah talk to a ghost, which was surprising. Anisha turned in their direction. "We're fine, just practicing on dummies and there are plenty of older students and prefects here to help if needed." She said, feeling the urge to defend Savannah despite their differences.

@Evan Faire @Savannah Walters
Sybil had head a good deal about duelling and she was excited to one day get a chance to participate. She knew first years weren't allowed which she thought was a little unfair. But she also quickly realized she hadn't learned many spells she could use for duelling quiet yet. So she was a little annoyed when their first meeting was to practice. She did her best to observe some of the older students as the fired off spells at the dummies. She hoped she'd be as good as them one day. She was surprised to see so many kids in her year there practicing and she stopped when she saw a boy she had met at the park and who ended up in her house. She stood off to the side watching him for a while before she finally piped up. "I think you're going to want to hold your wand a bit higher." @Lumos Walden-Cade
Evan circled as he inspected the two girls, hands on his back, not noticing if he would be floating through other students around. "Surely neither of you are old enough to be providing healing to the students," he concluded. Children practicing violence. Disaster. "Poorly aimed spells can hit and kill children," he says, trailing off as he loses himself in memories.

@Savannah Walters @Anisha Khatri
Savannah was very surprised when of all people it was Anisha who backed her up. She looked at the gryffindor in surprise, an eyebrow raised, but she couldn't even try to discern the why of that when the ghost kept talking. "Okay, well, why don't you go get a professor or a nurse," she told him. "Since we have to keep monitoring the kids here in case they aim a deadly spell at one another,"
@Anisha Khatri @Evan Faire
June focused on her own dummy and used some different spells on it. Offensive as Defensive magic. But in a moment she heard some strange conversation and noticed an ghost joined them. She heard them speaking about supervision and all. She noticed it was the Hufflepuff old ghost dude and rolled her eyes, ofcourse it would be an Hufflepuff to be annoying and stupid and speak their advice. She grinned as she heard the leader commenting to the ghost to get an professor himself. She stepped away from her dummy for an moment and looked at Savannah. '' Well said. He thinks we are incapable of taking care of ourselves, that's ridiculus.'' The blonde than commented. And than smiled at the girl. '' I'm June. I also had an question. Which spell do you believe is most powerfull for duelling?''

@Savannah Walters
By the time Eoghan reached the dueling chamber, the session was already in full swing. As a first-year, he hadn't expected to be able to do a great deal given that he'd had neither his first Charms lesson, nor his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He wanted to come along however to see what the older students were doing so that he knew what to expect in the years to come. He spotted Tori practicing her stance, and while he believed that she was one of those students he thought didn't seem to really be making the most of her time at Hogwarts, he had to swallow the words when he saw her here. At least she was interested in learning something new and for that, he would give her credit. He moved a little closer towards her, eyes dragging on the other students before he eventually paused before the Gryffindor. "Is posture the best we can do?" he asked her. He'd known that it would be harder for first year's to be involved in this club, but he wasn't sure how he felt about having to wait a whole year before he could do something practical.

@Victoria de Lacey
Tori turned to Yew as she heard his voice and her face broke out into a wide grin. "Yew!" Her wand hand dropped as she stepped out of the posture she was trying out and shrugged. "That's what the leader said," she pointed out Savannah who'd moved since she last saw her, for emphasis. She didn't mind it though she was disappointed a little because even though she'd had some defence against the dark arts classes under her belt, she still didn't know much, but she would have liked to have some practice. "I guess we don't know enough, and since most of us are split off, it makes sense a bit," she said, though the frown on her face was telling a slightly different story. She wasn't all that happy at all, but she hardly was going to come out and say that, she had agreed to this when she'd signed up, since they'd made it clear that first years couldn't participate. "Do you want to practice together?" She asked, unsure if he would want to. He seemed really preoccupied lately, and whenever she was in the great hall for meal times he always seemed to be in the company of another Ravenclaw girl, she couldn't remember the name of. She didn't mean to let it upset her, but it did a bit.

@Eoghan Blyth
Savannah was glad the ghost left, and was sure that a professor would turn up, but she didn't care. Instead she turned to June who approached, and gave a little nod of agreement. "Yeah," she said with a little shrug. "Savannah, and it depends, what yours goal? Sheer power or defeating power?" she asked, since Savannah was sure she would have two different answers.
@June Davenport
Anisha turned away as the ghost went to get someone, a nurse maybe? She started focusing on her spells again but could still hear June asking what the most powerful spell was. Anisha snorted, but bit her tongue. If there was just one powerful spell to win all duels, everyone would be using it. She wanted to answer her question and tell her it was a little silly, but she held herself back. She wasn't the SDA leader, and Savannah said something close to what she would have said anyway. It was getting harder and harder to dislike the Ravenclaw, which was annoying.
Sunday was eager to begin her career. She knew her siblings had been in the duels already, so she knew she'd have to be either very successful or very creative to make her mark. She went through a few outfits before she'd decided on something cute but comfortable. She felt chic, with beige high waisted pants that fit her well, short, chunky cream colored heels, a button up white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a dark brown belt to tie the look together. Feeling stylish yet functional, Sunday listened to the club leader speak before taking her place with the other students her age. She needed this practice- she knew she did. Her wand was insanely stubborn and didn't like to work for her. But she wasn't going to give in. She fell into a stance, and began to practice. She was only able to cast every other spell, though thankfully her aim was fairly good. She was frowning, frustrated, trying to make it work.

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