Last BOOK you read

I've just recently finished the first book in the Divine Comedy trio, Dante's Inferno. An old friend recommended the read. I didn't get around to it until just now, and honestly, its ironic that as i offered him forgiveness, I began reading about a journey through Hell. it really just was a stunning read. the allusions that were used in this book were all so well played; I could not have asked for a better book, and my friend even had a copy of it in the original language, which was just lovely. Anything I didn't understand, i could find in the other book after some searching and do a direct translation. just an amazing read, and i would recommend it highly.
Ironically, the last one I read was The Sorcerer's Stone for about the 20th odd time. I'm currently in the middle of The Chamber of Secrets and will be working my way through the rest of the series yet again. I've read the whole series multiple times, but I can't seem to get enough. Somehow I don't think these books require any explanation! :D
I decided to reread The Hunger Games out of sheer boredom. Still just as good a third time. :)
Great choice. ^^Jessye
Last book I read was Tiger's Quest. I'm actually not that far in it and am reading another book at the moment as well. I know I'm bananas. But my friend got me Tiger's Curse as an extremely late birthday present cause she thought I'd like it and talk about best friends knowing you better than you do. I looked at and thought cool cover don't think I'll like it though after reading the inside cover and back. Well Man I loved it! and Had to purchase the second book in the series at the same time as my two latin books.
Well, I just finished reading "The Power Of Six" by Pittacus Lore and read "The Son Of Neptune" by Rick Riordan but haven't gotten around to finishing it since my cousin borrowed it so I am now reading "The Red Pyramid" by Rick Riordan which is cooler than I thought it would be.
I usually juggle books in order to read more stories at the same time. So, I just finished Brisingr by Christopher Paolini and The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore. Both were interesting and I'm craving for more of it!
I think it was actually Harry Potter...hahaha :p Or Under the Dome by Stephen King. I really need to read more!
I finished reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins a few days ago. It was very exciting and it surely brought a lotta grins of my face. Anyways, I'm now reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan and it's bringing lotsa excitement than I've ever expected.
the last time i even had any time to read was about six months ago and at that point i think i had finished the whole of the fifty shades of grey series. my mother bought it as an eighteenth present. more fool her i guess. though i admit, i was on google almost every page because i didn't understand some of the sexual content. i definitely do not recommend it to anyone under the age of eighteen. seriously, if you ain't old enough to drink, don't even touch the book.
Ooh, finished two books!
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan and...
The Giver by Lois Lowry
The last book I read was 'a funny thing happened on the way to the future' by Michael J. Fox.

It's just a really good book about life lessons and such, the best book I've read in a while~
Just finishing up Heather Graham's (Not the actress) 2nd Harrison Investigation book The Presence. Then just waiting for the 4th series book which i think will be delivered later today.
The last book I read was the Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. It was nice and exactly the kind of romance, dark fantasy and teenage book I was hoping to read. I am currently in the second book of the series of six books and its very interesting.
The last one I read is probably The Mark of Athena, which is the third book in the series Heroes of Mount Olympus of Mr. Rick Riordan. It really is a fascinating series. ^.^
I just finished Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris. I figure that since I've read the other Sookie Stackhouse books that I might as well continue reading them until she is done with the series. It was one of the better ones.
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
Gaah, my friends are super emotionally attached to this book. I'm just like, I can't really feel the vibes of being so addicted to it. It was a good read anywho.

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