Kingsley Ranch

Cam grinned "Well its good to see all your years mix!" he said laughing. "Yup 6th year! Gosh I feel old!" he said rubbing his head.
Caysi laughed. " I feel old too!" She laughed. " I'm going to be 15, Holy!" She said laughing.
((that's's official...i'm waaaay too slow for you guys :p i don't even know where to start from, but i'll just BS my way through it :lol: ))

Kat flopped into one of the chairs in the living room, taking in the wonderful smell that was coming from the kitchen. At least they were going to eat soon and then she could go to sleep and she'd be much more alert and slightly more fun to be around in the morning. "What smells so good Kiera? It's making my mouth water." Kat said with a smile when she heard the door open. She peaked over the top of the chair and saw Cam and Caysi walk in and go upstairs. Kat smirked and chuckled under breath just a little bit and thought Those two are just too cute together!
((Cam is only going into his 5th year I believe! Double check his birthdate in Jacqueline Burke's personal history!!))

Kiera grinned at Kat. "Daddy is making Lasgana. Its so good! Lets go help him set the table!" she said as she skipped into the kitchen. She grabbed plates, silverware, and napkins. She walked into the dining room and started putting it all on the table.
Harri smiled as she smelt food. Her stomach growled and she laughed following Kiera towards the dining room "Your house is lovely!" she said poking her head around any door she saw.
((Okay :D ))

Cam laughed "15 is young!" he said remembering back to when he was 15, "I'm going into 5th year, 5th year!" he repeated shaking his head. "So what have you got Kiera for her birthday?"he asked thinking about his sisters fast approaching birthday.
Caysi laughed. " I got her a t-shirt, that says "Up to no good." And I got her, a belly ring and a ring." She smiled.
Kat followed Kiera and Harri into the dining room and helped them grab the stuff to set the table. The smell was absolutely heavenly. She didn't know what lasagna was, but all she knew was that she couldn't wait to try some. "Looks like everything is almost set up. Guess now all we have to do is wait for dinner to get done." she said as she sat in one of the chairs at the dining room table.
((( :lol: I agree, then Caysi has her diving competition the night before that. Could we skip until July 4th?)))
((Same. Harri's birthday is on the 12th July too, So we have two birthdays and two competitions! ))
As the sun entered Harri's room she began to stir in her sleep before finally waking up. She looked at a small calendar on her wall and saw it was July 3rd, it was nearly her birthday. Then it hit her, she was pretty sure today was Caysi's competition, she jumped out of bed not caring that her hair was all over the place and ran to Caysi's room knocking on the door "Caysi, you there?" she whispered, wondering if she was in her room.
Caysi was sleeping peacefully in her bed, she dreamed about dragons and bunnies. She heard her name being called, she got up rubbing her eyes and saw Harri. " Yeah, I'm here...what time is it?" She asked her.
Kiera heard her friends outside in the hallway talking. She grunted as she rolled over to look at the clock. It was only a little after eight. What on earth could the commotion be about? she thought grumpily. She crawled out of bed and walked out into the hallway. "What are yall doing! Its morning!" she complained.
Harri grinned as Caysi opened the door "It's July third!" she said happily, "Morning Kiera!" she whispered as Kiera came out of her room.
Caysi sighed. " Hey Kiera, July third!" She jumped out of bed and went to change in her bathing suit. " I need to go and practice for the competion!" She said.
Caysi laughed, " Just abit more!" She giggled, she went downstairs and ran to the pool, she didn't want to be late, she would only practice for half an hour. She swam around the pool doing her laps, she did a few dives and ran back to her friends. " Ok, I think were ready to go!" She said smiling packing some things that she would need in her bag for the competition.
Kat heard the commotion going on outside her room and then she heard someone, probably Caysi, splashing around outside in the pool. She jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Once she was finished she came back out, her hair up in a messy ponytail, looking rather shabby. I'm only going to be sitting at a diving competition all day...not much I need to get dressed up for she thought to herself as she took a last glance in the mirror. "Morning guys!" said Kat with a big yawn as she walked downstairs to her friends. "You ready Caysi?"
Caysi nodded. " Of course!" She said smiling. " Shall we all get going?" She asked. " We have about 1 hour 'till competition." She said smiling and giggling.
Kiera watched Caysi run outside. She shook her head and laughed before going to take a shower. She rushed around and put on a tub top with navy blue shorts. She walked out to find Caysi. "You ready to leave?" she asked into the hallway.

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