Kingsley Ranch

Cam kissed her back passionatly "Yes!"he breathed before kissing her again.
Caysi giggled and kissed his forehead. " What shall we do now?" She asked him before a kiss on the lips.
Cam kissed the top of Caysi's head "It's completly up to you!" he whispered in her ear.
Caysi giggled. " How about I try to skate board?" She asked hoping that Cam would say yes to teach her how to skate board. She kissed the top of his head.
"Sure!" Cam said happily grabbing her hand and climbing out of the pool.
Caysi got out of the pool. " Shall we go skateboarding in our bathing suits?" She said looking down at her bikini.
Cam smiled "No I don't think thats very wise, do you have any tracksuit bottoms or anything? If not you can borrow some of mine!" he said smiling and walking towards the house, Caysi's hand still entwined in his.
Caysi nodded. " Of course I do!" She said smiling, she ran up the stairs and put her track suit bottoms on and her Hufflepuff t-shirt on. She also put on her running shoes and let her hair down, it would go a bit wavy but Caysi liked that. She came down the stairs. " Ready?" She asked him as she fixed her belly ring.
Cam ran up to his room pulled on some tracksuit bottoms and an old t-shirt and met Caysi back in the hall. "Ready." he said grinning, "You can use this skateboard!I'm going to use my new one!" he said handing Caysi one then looking down in admiration at his own. "Lets go!" he said taking her hand and pulling her towards the garden.
Caysi nodded and took the skateboard and followed Cam. " Where are we going?" She asked smiling.
"Just to this little spot I know!" Cam said winking and walking out towards the garden, he led he by her hand out through the back gate and down the road a bit before walking through a park to a beautiful quite spot that was perfect for skateboarding, "What do you think?" he asked gesturing their surroundings.
Cam smiled "Glad you like it!" he said happily, "Right lets just start simple!" he said hopping on his skateboard and simply riding around abit.
Caysi nodded, " Alright." She got on the skateboard, it was a bit wobbily. She started to glide to the left and let her right went down to push, " Am I doing it?" She asked.
Cam grinned "Looking good!" he said with a wink, "Your a natural!" he added, watching Caysi on the skateboard.
Caysi smiled. She swerved round and round and stopped near Cam. " Anything harder?" She asked.
Cam raised one eyebrow "How about a little jump?" he asked skating along and then doing a small jump. "you try!"he said.
Caysi nodded. She did a little jump and landed right on her bottom. " Well, a little jump can hurt Caysi Finnigan as you can see!" She giggled and got back up.
Cam laughed and walked over to give Caysi a hand up. "Shall we go for a walk?" he asked, pointing to a small path through the park.
" Sure!" She said taking Cameron's hand. " How did you find out about these places?" She asked smiling.
"Now that would be telling!" Cam said squeezing her hand, "Well I just come for a little walk sometimes, you know clear my head, then kaboom here I am!" he said laughing.
Caysi laughed. " Oh, I'm sure!" She said sarcastically. " It's really nice here!" She said looking at the trees and the flowers.
"Glad you like it!" Cam said steering her off the path and towards a small playground, that happened to be empty. He walked over and sat on one of the swings laughing.
Caysi smiled and took the swing next to him. She started to swing around and stopped and started again. " Anything new?" She asked.
Cam thought about his year before he started to gently swing, "Not really, how about you? What have you and my sister been up to?" he asked laughing.

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