Injured students!!

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((I'm a bit confused as to why you are using waddiwasi to summon things. Accio is the summoning charm. Waddiwasi was used by Lupin to remove gum from a keyhole...))

Sophia had finished with the cabinet and closed it up, now turning and looking around for something else to occupy her.
Sophia Stark said:
((I'm a bit confused as to why you are using waddiwasi to summon things. Accio is the summoning charm. Waddiwasi was used by Lupin to remove gum from a keyhole...))

Sophia had finished with the cabinet and closed it up, now turning and looking around for something else to occupy her.
(((OOC: This is true, but many websites suggest Waddiwassi is also a summoning charm, perhaps more successful in removing obstacles from ones path, the obstacle in my path of progressing with the conversation, was courtneys preoccupation with her wand....)))
Elizabeth Malfoy said:
((the obstacle in Liz's happiness was not enough pillows.))
Sophia Stark said:
((I can't help but feel they meant physical things in one's path, not emotional...))
(((I dont really care that much... i could accio it but i dont have a flippin clue in the forest it was....)))
((Yeah. Oh well. I'm just very...OCD about things like that. For all intensive purposes it's not really the most important thing, it just bothers me personally. And Nicolas I can't find anything saying it may be a summoning charm. Could you show me where you saw that?))
((((and now they all back out of using it... niiiice... veeeery)))
(((I could brb lol and whats OCD?)))
((OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I insist on everything being absolutely perfectly right.))
(((OOC: Here Sorta

kinda here too

but according to the latter sight to properly use it you might want to say for example, 'Wand-wasi')))
'You can join us if you wish Sophia" professor King continued, "You don't have to scuttle about pretending not to be here, I know you are, and you're not exactly deaf are you, any ideas on the present situation?"
Sophia looked over to Professor King, not entirely sure what to do. She walked over closer to them and stopped, still a bit outside of the group. "No, I'm not deaf. However, I am not entirely sure what the present situation is, and therefore am unable to comment."
Bellatrix Green said:
"We don't need her help!"
"You, You ungrateful little want to be death eater, you need all the help you can get, now either leave, or listen, either way i dont want any more snide comments from you...." he addressed bellatrix for the first time in a while, more frustrated with her then he had ever been before....
Sophia sent a scathing glance with her golden eyes to Bellatrix and then turned her attention back to Professor King, trying to remain calm.
"Well," professor king quickly cast the muffling charm and explained the situation (((just pretend i said everything you read about the situation in this forum)))
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