Injured students!!

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Liz grinned at Sophia. "Yeah, thanks!" she reached into her pocket, and offered something to Sophia. "Candy?"
Sophia gave Courtney a rare, slight smile as she looked up at her, making sure no one else could see but her. She then went back to Courtney's arm, cleaning and bandaging.
"Wait?! You said a large cat? Do you think it was Professor Larkin? She transfigures into a large Panther." Alicia hated to say it, but she didn't want it to come up later. She hated her Professors getting blamed for anything. Which reminded her....

Alicia quickly stood and walked to the fireplace. She was sure that Nicolas would be returning soon, he should know that she wouldn't let him get chased away from his own school.
After finishing with Courtney's wound, Sophia walked over to Liz. "Candy?" She seemed a bit skeptical.
Holding back a laugh, Sophia took the candy from Liz and pocketed it, then leaning closer to her. "Thank you," she said before straightening and looking to the headmistress.
Liz yawned, and stretched. "So, when do we get out of here?" she smiled. "Your bandaging makes me feel ready to play 3 quidditch games straight!"

Liz was eager to ask some questions.
Sophia looked back to Liz. "Although I appreciate the compliment, there is no possibility of you leaving the Hospital in the near future. You need to rest."
Liz looked pleadingly at Sophia. "Near future meaning the next couple hours? We can manage a few hours here, right?" she looked at Courtney. Liz was curious, and didn't want to sit still.
Courtney grinned at Elizabeth. "Of course we can. With nothing else to do but lay down, we can think up a whole plethora of pranks."
Liz grinned. Courtney knew how to keep her there. "Alright!" she said, excited. She was still curious, but maybe the professor would still be around after everyone else had left.
Sophia frowned and walked over to the cabinet that was in the Hospital Wing, opening it, and looking at the many things inside of it. She picked up a bottle, looked at it, then replaced it. She picked up another bottle, looked at it, and seemed satisfied. After closing the cabinet back up, Sophia walked over to Liz and Courtney. "Well, you will both have to take some of this blood replenishing potion. It takes some hours to finish completely."
Professor King reappeared in the fireplace, exhausted, "Alicia! You need to make these floo networks private, the ministry has issued an order to have the floo network monitered for 'suspicous' activity...."
Liz sniffed it, and flinched. "Okay... thank you!" she said, right before she chugged the entire thing. As soon as she tasted it, she coughed. "Ew nevermind! No thank you!" she winced, then drank the rest.

She grabbed a glass of water from the side table and chugged it. "Now that I can't taste it... thanks!"
Courtney watched Elizabeth drink the potion, then chugged hers. "Sounds promising." She said to Sophia.

As she saw Professor King pop up from the fireplace, she yelped. "You have to tell us everything!"
Sophia was quite surprised by Professor King's sudden appearance, but tried not to show it. She took the empty glasses from Liz and Courtney and began cleaning up the area.
(((OOC: Fireplace, not door)

"I'm fine the Ministry is a clueless bunch.... where do I have to go in the whole wizarding world, except somewhere else in the castle.... but I'm not sure what we are going to do next they have a warrent out for my arrest, heard it on the underground radio....." he paused pleased with his summary....
Alicia smirked. "They will not take you from this castle without a fight from me." Alicia looked around at everyone. "Our Professor King will be resuming his duties immediately. There's no need to worry for his safety. If the ministry wants to come back into my school they will deal with me personally. I've already replaced my office door twice, I can manage doing it again." Alicia laughed referring to her terrible temper when being threatened.
Liz grinned, "Oi, give me a call if they show up. Especially that bloke that was around today! Wouldn't mind seeing him again, and I did promise him some trouble from Courtney and I!"
"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I am not concerned for MY safety simply of those around me, the ministry will know where I am soon, they will attack this school if they feel you are habouring fugitives, like in their eyes, myself, I will waity until my trial date and turn myself over, at which point I will be cluelesss...." he was flustered with the warm welcome...
Bellatrix Green said:
"T-their returning?.." she studdered.
"If the Headmistress doesnt at least PRETEND to cooperate, they will..."
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