Injured students!!

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Professor Nicolas King said:
Bellatrix Green said:
"We don't need her help!"
"You, You ungrateful little want to be death eater, you need all the help you can get, now either leave, or listen, either way i dont want any more snide comments from you...." he addressed bellatrix for the first time in a while, more frustrated with her then he had ever been before....
"You blood bastard! How dare you! I am not a wanna be Death Eater might I inform you! You know nothing!" she screeched.

ooc: Sorry for the language
Bellatrix Green said:
Professor Nicolas King said:
Bellatrix Green said:
"We don't need her help!"
"You, You ungrateful little want to be death eater, you need all the help you can get, now either leave, or listen, either way i dont want any more snide comments from you...." he addressed bellatrix for the first time in a while, more frustrated with her then he had ever been before....
"You blood bastard! How dare you! I am not a wanna be Death Eater might I inform you! You know nothing!" she screeched.

ooc: Sorry for the language
"You can go to azkaban right now if you so please!" Professor King excalaimed outraged by this comment, "And I too am a Pure Blood so dont make comments about things you havent the slightest clue about, I simply dont go galavanting around bragging that im a pure blood because its nothing to brag about...." he paused and then thought if he would cast a spell on Bellatrix... he drew his wand and stuck it to her throat, "I am condemed because YOU don't know how to control yoursel, I might as well KILL because you now since as far as the ministry is concerned, I've already cast an unforgiveable curse!" he lowered his wand a little and waited for the girls next remark...
Sophia nodded in understanding as the Professor explained the situation. Not everything had been covered, but she had a much better grasp on things now. She was then taken by surprise at Bellatrix's outburst. Her golden eyes widened in anger as she glared at Bellatrix, breathing deeply in an effort to keep her temper.
Her body tensed as the wand pointed at her. "You don't have the guts to do it!" she spat.

ooc: I have to go so if I disappear that's why.
Sophia was quite a bit more surprised at Professor King's actions. She knew very well that he could lose his temper, but she did not expect this from him at all. No longer in danger of losing her temper, Sophia was watching the situation with confusion and a bit of fear.
Bellatrix Green said:
Her body tensed as the wand pointed at her. "You don't have the guts to do it!" she spat.

ooc: I have to go so if I disappear that's why.
"I have more guts then you'll ever know young woman, enough guts to go to prison for the crimes of an ungrateful little snob like yourself.... but you know that don't you, you play mind games with people Ms. Green to see where they are coming from, and I am coming from a place the likes of which you could never dream... " he paused, "Now leave this room, you are no longer welcome here, you don't need to be healed any more, and surely we dont need your remarks..."
Liz reached up from her bed and grabbed the professors wrist. "Don't." she said, trying to sound soothing. She couldn't physically get up without making the bleeding start again.
Professor Nicolas King said:
Bellatrix Green said:
Her body tensed as the wand pointed at her. "You don't have the guts to do it!" she spat.

ooc: I have to go so if I disappear that's why.
"I have more guts then you'll ever know young woman, enough guts to go to prison for the crimes of an ungrateful little snob like yourself.... but you know that don't you, you play mind games with people Ms. Green to see where they are coming from, and I am coming from a place the likes of which you could never dream... " he paused, "Now leave this room, you are no longer welcome here, you don't need to be healed any more, and surely we dont need your remarks..."
"Oh I've seen plenty enought to dream. Your not that bad!" she mocked.
Courtney was rather frightened at the professor's outburst. She had never seen anyone act this way before, other than Bellatrix.
"I never intended to, " he said turning his attention to liz, "but she needs to recognize that people are at work to help her and we don't have to, and that she needs to start to understand that...."
Bellatrix Green said:
Professor Nicolas King said:
Bellatrix Green said:
Her body tensed as the wand pointed at her. "You don't have the guts to do it!" she spat.

ooc: I have to go so if I disappear that's why.
"I have more guts then you'll ever know young woman, enough guts to go to prison for the crimes of an ungrateful little snob like yourself.... but you know that don't you, you play mind games with people Ms. Green to see where they are coming from, and I am coming from a place the likes of which you could never dream... " he paused, "Now leave this room, you are no longer welcome here, you don't need to be healed any more, and surely we dont need your remarks..."
"Oh I've seen plenty enought to dream. Your not that bad!" she mocked.
"Bellatrix, leave or shut up, I simply no longer wish to hear you...." he said lowering his wand....
Liz smiled at the professor. "She won't now. You've done a lot, more than most would. Don't let the lack of appreciation from one person upset you. I know that others do appreciate what you've done."
Bellatrix Green said:
"To bad I won't!" she said pulling out her wand and gripping it tight to not lose it.
"Curse me! Do it!" he taunted, "You were in TEARS at the thought of cursing a professor, and even more so of dementors and azkaban, my wand is no longer out... do it, hurt me, control me, make me dance... KILL ME!"
Liz tried to push herself into a sitting position, wincing as her bandage pushed against the wound. "Bella, stop. I care, but you're being a prat."
A shield charm appeared between Bellatrix and King, "I knew it..." he chuckled...
Sophia was no longer feeling any fear, but instead anger at Bellatrix. Sophia jumped as Bellatrix attempted to cast the curse at Professor King, but was relieved to see the shield up between them. She hurried over to Liz and helped get her into a sitting position, not wanting her to strain herself and make her injuries worse.
"ENOUGH!! ALL OF YOU!!!" Alicia boomed. "Nicolas, you have nothing to worry about! You aren't going to be taken away! No one was hurt in the casting of the spell and I have already recieved permission from the Ministry to allow the casting of Unforgiveable Curses on the school premesis. As far as they know that is exactly what happened." She glanced at Bellatrix. "There will be a meeting with me and I will explain it all. Apparently they sent the ministry official a little too prematurely, and I will discuss that with them." She then fixed her gaze on Bellatrix. "I believe we have already had a few discussions and I think we had decided how you were going to behave. I understand you feel you are defending yourself, but I thought we had an agreement. Or don't you want to continue our discussion?"

(((Sophia, I agree with you about the Accio thing, too, by the way!)))
"You think I became a DADA professor without knowing a littl non-verbal magic, and some wandless magic as well?" he inquired mockingly at the shocked bellatrix, his hand had still been gripped tightly on the wand in his pocket, he would never trust her again....
(((Ok, I didn't see the Crucio curse. Bellatrix, seriously, I thought we had talked about this! You can't just go around casting the unfrogiveable curses. Seriously! OR else we will have everyone doing it and thinking it's ok! Use some imagination!)))
Professor Forrest had enter the hospital wing after he heard the news, he was coming to offer an assistance and that was when he ran into Miss green. as he took in what he saw he looked up and offer professor assistance

"is their a problem here" said Durick raising an eyebrow.
Alicia Barker said:
"ENOUGH!! ALL OF YOU!!!" Alicia boomed. "Nicolas, you have nothing to worry about! You aren't going to be taken away! No one was hurt in the casting of the spell and I have already recieved permission from the Ministry to allow the casting of Unforgiveable Curses on the school premesis. As far as they know that is exactly what happened." She glanced at Bellatrix. "There will be a meeting with me and I will explain it all. Apparently they sent the ministry official a little too prematurely, and I will discuss that with them." She then fixed her gaze on Bellatrix. "I believe we have already had a few discussions and I think we had decided how you were going to behave. I understand you feel you are defending yourself, but I thought we had an agreement. Or don't you want to continue our discussion?"

(((Sophia, I agree with you about the Accio thing, too, by the way!)))
(((OOC: when I first joined this rp bellatrix had pmed me and said she had cursed a prof and asked if it could be me... so someone was hit....and then in this rp she said it was crucio... but okay)))
Liz smiled up at Sophia, "Thanks. I'd a drag not to be able to move around!" she turned to Bellatrix. She wondered if it even entered Bella's mind that she just tried to curse the man who saved her life.
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