Injured students!!

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Sophia walked over to a trash bin and threw away some things. She had no idea what was going on, and felt a bit like she was intruding. She also did not want to just suddenly leave either though. Unsure of what to do, she walked over to the cabinet and began looking through the things inside, moving some things around.
Bellatrix swore and started pacing. Her mind was going a hundred miles and hour. "With Dementors?" she wuickly asked moments later.
Liz sighed incredulously. "Bella, if we didn't cause them to come here, we wouldn't have to worry about this. So maybe," Liz began, "we should stop causing them to come here."
Bellatrix Green said:
Bellatrix swore and started pacing. Her mind was going a hundred miles and hour. "With Dementors?" she wuickly asked moments later.
"If they know I'm here.... they will bring whatever it takes..." he frowned, "Alicia I'm a big boy, ;) I can take care of myself, you worry about this school and your students, what procautions are the professors and myself to take for the school, protective charms.... obviously, but witch?" he inquired intently....
Liz smiled at the professor. "Professor, if you don't mind me saying, I'm sure there are ways to help your situation without endangering the students." She was really starting to like this professor.
"That means Dementors knowing the ministry..." she said our loud mroe to her self though. "Their just dying to find a reason to get to me too, now Professor King also."
"I know this is completely off topic, but could someone try to summon my wand. I feel like part of me is missing without it."
Courtney Potter said:
"I know this is completely off topic, but could someone try to summon my wand. I feel like part of me is missing without it."
"Waddiwasi Wand" the wand flew through the open window and landed in Professor Kings hand, he handed it over to Courtney.....
Liz quickly looked for things around the hospital wing to practice on. "Waddiwasi pillow!" she pointed her wand at another bed.
Bellatrix Green said:
"Do you think they will come soon? Their bound to find you here."
"They will come when they are ready, and by then myself and the other professors will have charmed this place sooo much a fly couldnt come with 75 clicks without being severly injured, asked a password, losing orientation etc. after we will have donw this I may be gone, my first priority is your safety..."
Liz hit her head with the pillow she'd just summoned. "Bella" she groaned through the pillow. "You know the answer you're going to get."
Courtney laughed at Elizabeth summoning pillows. She pointed her wand at the one Liz just summoned and said, "Waddiwasi pillow."
"What exactly is that answer?" professor king mused....
Liz mock-glared at Courtney. "I'll waddi your wasi!" she tried to keep an angry face on, but burt out giggling. "Waddiwasi pillow!" she said, getting the pillow back.
Liz turned to the professor. "Something along the lines of 'I just care.' Bella still doesn't understand caring for the hell of it."
"Oh my!" Professor King exclaimed, "I didnt mean bellatrix's safty personnally but rather eveyones, all the students..."
Courtney looked at Liz, she saw Bella's back was turned so she mouthed words in Liz's direction. "Why is it a constant battle with her? Sheesh"
Liz grinned at the professor, "Yeah, I know. The entire student body."

She then turned her grin towards Courtney, mouthing "someday, hopefully, it won't be."
Courtney looked at Bellatrix. "Nobody is wasting their time right now, Liz and I are stuck in here. But you already knew that."
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