Injured students!!

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Liz put her hands together, and begged. "But you have an authority over the welfare of students! I mean, I for one, am going insane!" she pouted. "We're going to be mental by the time you release us!"
"I have NO power to release you... so I will never release you ;) but Sophia can give the go ahead, or perhaps the head mistress?"
"Sorry girls, " the Professor smirked as he turned to leave the room holding Bellatrix's wand firmly in his left hand, his own in his right, he did hope it wouldnt change masters as he had taken it by force....
Liz turned to Courtney and said, "Well, time for us to beg Sophia and Alicia within an inch of our lives." she turned her pleading towards them.
Courtney turned to Sophia, then to the Headmistress. "Please! Let us leave! I don't want to be in the same room as Bella's wand. Even if she is not holding it."
Alicia winked, "Well, if you would feel safer....I suppose I could allow you girls to leave. But take it easy! I don't want to see either of you on the Quidditch Pitch or on brooms for a couple days." Alicia paused, and when the girls continued standing there, she signaled to the door. "Well, go if you must!" She winked again then turned to Professor King. "Nicolas, if you would help me escort Miss Green to the dungeons we can get her acquanted with her new living quarters."
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