Injured students!!

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"I don't want her here," Bellatrix said then rolling her eyes. "But she can stay for you two..."
Sophia looked up at ceiling, taking in a deep breath so as to calm herself. She had a temper, but she was trying not to lose it at this point. Sophia and Bellatrix did not seem to see eye to eye on what it meant to be a proper Slytherin witch. She then turned her golden-eyed gaze on Bellatrix, a smug smile curled upon the corners of her lips. "Yes, I do volunteer here. If you would like me to leave, you may ask me to leave, but I under no means have to listen. The hospital wing has been left under my charge. The headmistress is of course in full control, but I still have authority here, whereas you do not. It appears you will just have to put up with my presence."
Sophia considered saying something to Bellatrix, but decided not to. She was learning to control her temper, and an argument with Bellatrix would not help things. She also did not want to stoop to her level and give Bellatrix the satisfaction of her agitation. Instead she looked to the headmistress, whom she had not noticed until that point. She hoped nothing she had said would be considered out of line.
(((OOC: I PMed her... shes not too pleased a dementor came in the school ;) )))
Courtney Potter said:
(((I told you that dementor had no place here! :lol: )))
((( ooo she just said as long as it was supervised and not snogging every student in site its ok mwhahaha and i didnt say it did, it just cameeee)))
(((OOOHHH!! Sorry it took me so long!!! :lol: ;) :p )))

Alicia stepped out of the little office which is where she had been enchanting some bandages when she heard the commotion. She stood back and watched as Professor King took the blame for something that Bellatrix did. Alicia shook her head, wondering if the little girl knew just how much so many people sacrificed for her. Just as Alicia was getting ready to step in, Professor King hopped in the fireplace. Figuring it was over for a moment, Alicia returned to the office to retrieve the bandages. That was when Sophia walked in.

Alicia walked up to Sophia and handed her the bandages. "These are some...special bandages. This will try to keep cetain....poisons out of their blood for the time." Alicia winked at the girls on the beds. "If you could please apply these to the girls, I will ask them a few questions quickly."
Having composed himself slightly, Lucien made his way back to the Hospital Wing, wondering if he could help in some way. Also wondering if he still had a job at the school.
Sophia took the bandages from the headmistress without asking questions. "Yes headmistress." She then walked to Liz and Courtney so she could bandage them. She began with Liz's neck, trying to clean up her neck and bandage it without hurting her too badly.
Alicia levitated a chair to sit between the two beds. She sat quickly and looked at the girls. She hoped they could see the warning in her eyes and the quick flick of her glance to Bellatrix and Sophia. "So girls, could you tell me just what happened?"
Lucien entered just in time to hear Alicia ask for the story. Well, this is it he thought, I guess I had better start packing.
"Well, I decided to go for a walk in the forest, Bellatrix and Liz followed me in. We noticed some rustling pretty deep in from behind some bushes...We went over to investigate, and well that wasn't the greatest idea. I'm not sure what happenned with Bellatrix and Professor King though."
Sophia had no idea what had happened to get the girls so injured. She had a feeling it wasn't a cat, but it wasn't her place to say anything. After finishing up Liz's neck she walked over to Courtney to work on her arm, cleaning and bandaging, remaining silent.
Liz continued, "When we went to investigate the rustling, a huge cat jumped out of the bushes. It was probably bigger than a cougar! Before it attacked me, I managed to get Bellatrix into a tree safely. Courtney came to help me as it attacked me, but then it went to her. Then Professor Embers showed up and scared the cat away. He brought us back here."
Lucien watched what was happening and felt himself relax. So no one blames me after all? He was relieved but terribly worried about the girl's health. He walked over to Courtney's bed and looked at her wound just before Sophia put the bandage over it. He cast a worried glance at Alicia then sat down on the other side of the bed.
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