Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y41/S1

René hung back, trying to get a read on a bludger only to realize he was now hopelessly behind Lucas. He decided to do a lap of the pitch instead of trying to keep up, well aware how much faster the seekers were able to fly.
Felix continued to fly around.
René's arms were starting to ache, the one thing he didn't miss about Quidditch over the break.
Spotting bludger, René swung hard, grinning as he managed to send it spiraling right at @Tilly Drage

x2 Felix
x2 Jordie
x2 Lucas
x2 Blair
x1 Rene
x2 Linden
x2 Leonardo
x2 Tilly
x1 Renata
x1 Zagreus
Lucas grumbled as he still didn't see the snitch anywhere.
Felix sighed and kept flying
When no one else did, Leonardo flew forward and grabbed the ball. He would keep trying until he was good at this.
Still no snitch anywhere, Lucas was really wondering if he had even released it.
Zag stayed alert in front of the hoops, ready for when someone tried to score on him.
Felix continued to fly around the pitch.
Lucas kept looking around for the snitch.
René felt pretty good about his last hit though he could definitely feel the strain in his arms and shoulders starting to build up, trying to shake them out as he flew.
Felix continued his search, even though it was starting to feel hopeless.
It was easy to forget how much stamina Quidditch needed considering you weren't running around on your feet the whole time. René's next swing was pretty weak and the bludger barely changed course, causing him to drop a few feet on his broom to stay clear.
Tilly grimaced when Rene's bludger crashed into her dominant arm. She meant to return another bludger to Rene, but ended up hitting @Renata Stepanova instead.

After making sure the second year was all right, she flew to Lucas. "Should we call a break?" she hollered. Everyone looked like they needed one.

x2 Felix
x2 Jordie
x2 Lucas
x2 Blair
x1 Rene
x2 Linden
x2 Leonardo
x2 Tilly
x2 Renata
x1 Zagreus
Renata was just flying and observing, starting to get a bit tired. She took the bludger hit to the back and winced, wobbling on her broom a bit but somehow keeping upright, turning to give a thumbs up to the co-captain. She'd had worse.
René slowed when Tilly went to talk to Lucas, knowing he'd be glad to take a break but not wanting to speak up until it was confirmed.
Felix sadly kept looking for the snitch.
René took another swing at a passing bludger, nearly over-balancing as his bat just missed and he had to grapple to hold onto his broom.
When Leonardo approached despite the pain of the bludgers, he threw the ball and was glad to watch it go through the hoop.
Circling the pitch, René gave a quick cheer as Leo managed a goal before taking off after one of the bludgers again.
Zagreus tried to dart for the quaffle when it headed his way but frowned when it brushed past his fingers and went through the hoop. The frown was still on his face as he went to fetch it again, tossing it back out to one of the chasers.
The search for the snitch continued for Felix.
Felix was starting to forget what the snitch looked like as he continued to fly around the pitch.
"All right, time for a quick break!" Tilly called out. Her teammates looked like they could use water and time to recover, no thanks to the beaters. Tilly herself descended to the pitch, keeping an eye on the bludgers but catching her breath.

OOCOut of Character:
Bludgers are reset. Practice will close in 72 hours due to the two week limit/upcoming game. Get your posts in to build up your stats!
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