Happy Birthday, Mr. Werewolf!

You do have a point, but...
I have always thought reveling rolls was very risky.

I still don't know who to vote for because of this whole purple dying first and it could be a purple doing the killing craziness.

For some reason I keep going back to day one and Emzies asking if she could vote to lynch herself. It could have just been a random question but it just doesn't sit right with me. So I am going to vote to lynch Stefan Archer. But there is still so much time left in the day phase that I could end up changing my vote.

Vote Received: Stefan Archer
I honestly have no idea at the moment. I've gone through the pages, but can't seem to come up to any conclusions, other than either it's a staff member throwing us off, or someone that likes killing staff, so that doesn't really help.
I don't see how revealing roles this early can be helpful. There are just too many people still left in the game and it'll be too difficult to determine who is lying, in my opinion. I can see how the angel revealing her role can be useful (like what happened with Briar last game), but how could we be sure. I'm suspicious that you are asking, Mel, so that you don't waste your night role by trying to eat that person. If you know which of us is the Angel, then you know who not to target. ;)

I agree that there are several people playing way under the radar, but I haven't had a reasom to suspect anyone else yet.

I might change my vote, but I want to hear more from others.
I've already revealed my role though Cyndi, and if I was a wolf, I would've claimed to be a villager instead. So there's no need to be suspicious of me for that.
Sorry to say Mel, but if you remember, the game before last, when I was the wolf, I claimed to be the ghost, which sent the whole lot of you crazy because there were two people claiming to be the ghost. So I'm just saying that didn't workout and I still survived to the end. Claiming to be a villager isn't the only defence they have because no-one can prove without a doubt (unless they die) which role they are.
So I've read through all the pages (So many pages!) to catch up and I also think that it would be naive to reveal roles. Revealing roles helps the wolves just as much as it helps us. Also, as Teigan pointed out, the wolves can just lie and create turmoil. So if someone wants to reveal they're role, I would advise against it.

I have been reluctant to vote for people (something that has been pointed out) and I think I'll address that now before it blows up in my face. Unless it's the first part of the game, I don't vote to lynch people off. even my first vote was for someone I doubted would be lynched because everyone else had voted for others. I like to vote on facts, any facts that I can think up. I don't just vote to lynch someone because I can and because everyone else things it's a great idea. Yes, I feel guilty about lynching someone in a game. :shy:

With that all said, I'm going to continue to think over my vote, because I'm quite confused. However, I do have a few suspicions, but nothing I'm willing to put a vote against just yet.
I am changing my vote to Sarah Keith but I still think the other wolf is Donna.
That's my working theory anyway.

Vote Changed: Sarah Keith
This time around, my vote is for Sarah Keith. I believe she is the wolf.

Vote Received: Sarah Keith
Sorry I did not vote last time. I was in this village but I am back in the city. So I read some of the ideas and I am lost for now. Maybe Cyndi could be the wolf cuz she is not killed yet and she's on staff
My second guess is Mia cuz she just does too much explanation and tables and stuff sometimes to convince others that what she is thinking is right.
I'm not sure if I will be able to log in again later so
I am voting to lynch of Briar Rowan (mia)

Invalid vote. Can't lynch a dead person.
oooo sorry. must have skipped a page. she was the guardian or something or the seer? okay then how about I vote to lynch of Cyndi. Why are people voting for Sarah? Totally confused xD

Vote Received: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
I think it's suspicious that the two of you are voting for me when I've revealed to be the fool. So I'm going to change my vote back to Cyndi as she started the voting. I think both she and Emzies are the wolves. Also, if I wasn't the fool, surely someone else would've claimed it. There's been enough time.

So I'm changing my vote to Cyndi Kingsley

Vote Received: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Voting to lynch me is silly. With staff being two of the first three deaths, if I was the wolf, I could have easily stayed under the radar because you all would have thought that I was going to be one of the next killed off during the night phase. Based on the first two night kills, why should you all have believed that anyone other than Kait, Emzies, Donna or myself would have been the next to go? Why then would I choose to out myself by saying that I thought one of the purples was a wolf? That would be an incredibly stupid move on my part.

I made those statements because I know I'm not the wolf, and you guys will find that out soon enough since I think I have the most votes to be lynched at the moment. FYI: I'm a villager.

Mel: There are a couple of people who haven't come on to put their votes so I don't think that's true. :correct:
You may have suggested that idea Cyndi, because you wanted to slip under the radar. You may have wanted to gain our trust, and even though some of us had not taken the idea to that extent, with you suggesting it, you gained our trust, and so hadn't really been voted for before.

And if you're not the wolf, I'm sorry, and that means I'm probably dead, but I really do feel suspicious of you Cyndi, and it would be a relief to know for sure.

And also, if I was the wolf, I would be flying under the radar claiming to be one of the few villagers left, instead of claiming a role that someone else could claim to be, casting suspicions on us both- wouldn't I?
Okay, while I do understand why people are voting for Cyndi; I still think it would've been a stupid move for her to suggest that it was a staff member, while she was a wolf all along. I'm not going to vote for her, though the arguments against her do make some sense.

Personally, I think Donna is acting more suspicious. As Cyndi pointed out, all of her votes have simply been copying whoever went before, and when she was asked for her opinion, and who she was suspicious of, she didn't offer anything, so for these reasons; I vote to lynch Riley Sparkles.

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles
So, I'd rather this come down to a tie and have a chance to survive then to leave my vote on Mel who doesn't appear to be getting lynched today. I'm changing my vote back to Riley Sparkles since I think she is a wolf anyway.

Oh, and Teigan started the votes today not me as you suggest, Mel. Look back at the votes. :r

OOCOut of Character:
I feel sorry for Nick who has to tally all of these changing votes today. :p

Vote Changed: Riley Sparkles
Okay, so I don't think Cyndi's the wolf because it would be really silly to point out a tendency the wolf has. I don't know about anyone else, but I would not have thought of the connection. I only began considering that when it was pointed out and it made sense. I've been questioning Riley Sparkles for a while because I think she's been acting pretty suspicious (as have other people) and I think she's the wolf. Though I am suspicious of Sarah Keith as well.

I'm voting for Riley Sparkles.

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles
Okay, so it looks like the majority is now leaning towards Donna. And I don't want to waste my vote

So, I change my vote to lynch Riley Sparkles

Vote Changed: Riley Sparkles

ALSO: Close your BBCode tags or face my wrath. :glare:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
I feel sorry for Nick who has to tally all of these changing votes today. :p
Ya, I feel sorry for that sucker, too.

Wait a second... :drat:
I have no idea how I have been acting suspicious! I promise I'm only a villager, not a wolf :(
I personally don't think it's Cyndi, but I don't know who it could be :correct:
The town was now in a state of panic - with their guardian consumed the previous night they knew that any one of them could be next and the wolves would have nobody standing in their way at all. The discussion quickly picked back up where it had left off the previous day, and votes were constantly being changed until the last moment. As one villager accumulated votes, she also came to realize the absolute absurdity of their system. How were they not just helping the wolves in their task? How could any townsperson, in good conscious, vote to murder another if they weren't positive that they were a wolf? It didn't make any sense.
It was with these ideals in mind that she steadfastly refused to cast her ballot, even as the sun set and her fate was duly sealed. She would condemn no other person to a fate they didn't deserve, even as the town was certain to do so to her.
In the end, Riley Sparkles, a villager, was mercilessly lynched by her peers.

It is night.

Players with night roles should now PM me their actions.
Sorry for the lateness! I was out all day. The day phase will be extended appropriately.

The village slept with weary minds and many questions. Their system of determining guilt seemed to be failing them, and their latest innocent victim seemed to have proven that to them all too well. Not only so, but it also seemed that any one of them was at risk of being consumed by the wolves at any time and that game them even more reason to reconsider how they hunted for the wolves in the hopes that they might actually survive future nights. As they awoke their uneasy slumber, they soon discovered that Sarah Keith, a seer was eaten by the wolves!

It is day.

Discuss your suspicions, defend your innocence, and cast your votes to lynch a member of the village today (hopefully a wolf).

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