Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y40 S1

At least things were picking up. If this was supposed to be a competition it was obvious he was winning.
Stan caught the quaffle underneath his arm when it was thrown to him and made for the other hoops.
Lysander struck a bludger toward Isaiah, but it barreled harmlessly past.
He continued to fly around as he kept looking.
Emma tried to hit the bludger back at Lysander but failed to hit it, instead it hit her. She winced.
Isaiah watched as Lysander hit a bludger towards him, flying after it to see if he could hit it.
Lysander chased off after another bludger.
Isaiah gave the bludger he had been chasing a whack but send it flying into the empty air.
There was no sign of the snitch again but he kept looking.
When Stan got close to the hoops and couldn't see Zee around him to pass the quaffle too, he once again decided to take the shot rather than wait for Chloe to steal the ball from him. He missed.
Emma wasn't having much luck this practice, and she was getting frustrated.
Flynn didn't know where Elara was, but he didn't care. Just so long as he caught the snitch more than she did.
Nikko was pleased he was able to block more than one shot getting past him and threw the quaffle back into the game for someone else to grab.
Ronald be on ready when Nikko tossed quaflfe back to Stan and going to his area
Elara was daydreaming again and not paying attention. She snapped back into it and kept looking for the snitch.
Flynn continued to fly around as he searched.
Isaiah smacked a bludger towards Emma but it sailed right past her.
Stan caught the quaffle again and headed towards the other side of the pitch.
Emma tried to hit the bludger that moved past her but missed it. She sighed angrily.
No sign of the snitch again, but he wasn't too bothered.
When none of the other chasers came to get the quaffle from him, Stan threw the ball as hard as he could through the left hoop. Ronald managed to catch it, however. Better luck next time.
Emma hit a bludger but it flew harmlessly past the player she had been targetting.
Isaiah looked for another bludger to hit.
Nikko kept his eyes on the quaffle to see who would grab it next.
Elara was tired and felt like this was just not her day. She couldn't get a chance at the snitch, and Flynn had caught it multiple times. Hopefully she'd be successful at least once, but it wasn't looking up.

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