Eurovision Songcontest 2021 Rotterdam!

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core


18 May it starts finally after an year of none. And this time in The Netherlands. As an dutchie that is ofcourse something to be excited about. Although the vibe is different because of covid. And didn't got any tickets :( I'm so excited that Nikkietutorials is one of the hosts I love her. Chantal Janzen is really a fun person as well.

Here we can talk about it all, give your 12 points and discuss the most crazy costumes.
So who do you like so far the most? I think Lithuania makes an good chance, and Cyprus is again a lot of glamourrr. And I always adore Sweden <3

I've only heard the norwegian entry so far, but I'm very much looking forward to it. It's gonna be gooood fun!
yay eurovision. I am looking forward to it.
unfortunatly as i now have housemates i cant blast eurovision at home as much as I would like. so no favorites... yet.
okay. I am watching semi-final 1 tonight. comments below. ones in bold are my top five. green got through and red didn't.
Lithuania 🇱🇹: reminds me of the kids tv show lazy town, but it is catchy and did get me up dancing
Slovenia 🇸🇮: the audio and video were out of sync which put me off the song. very safe/classic Eurovision. two shots, white suit and power ballard.
Russia 🇷🇺: another shot for changing languages. i actually quite like it. even the big dress that makes her looks like a doll.
Sweeden 🇸🇪: you can never go wrong with sweeden. and this year is no exception starting off subtle and reserved. but i was singing along by the middle of the first chorus.
Australia 🇦🇺: she wasn't my favourite in the election and performing remotely probably didn't help her chances. itwas a pretty good performance.
North Macedonia 🇲🇰: the first non-pop song. I am liking the animation, very heroes. and he is an actual disco ball.
Ireland 🇮🇪: the setting was pretty clever. like a puppet box. but the song is not one that sticks in your memory
Cyprus 🇨🇾: a very sexy performance. I think they all have a few extra joints in their spine how else can they moave that fluidly.
Norway 🇳🇴: I liked the staging. and I wasn't a fan of the song at the start but it grew on me as it progressed.
Croatia 🇭🇷: catchy. and got me dancing.
Belgium 🇧🇪: It is giving me an old school (70s?) vibe. i am enjoying it.
Israel 🇮🇱: no matter how good they are i doubt they will do well (hello Eurovision politics).that hair is pretty fabulous. a good song with a lot os sass. that note though, very impressive and she makes it seem so effortless.
Romania 🇷🇴: so dreamy. the lyrics were nice but it wasn't the best singer for it. the dance was good but somehow destracted from the song
Azerbaijan 🇦🇿: another sassy act. i don't know how they don't spear themselves with the shoulder pads. but it is fairly catchy.
Ukraine 🇺🇦: I like the folk music sound. it is not as easy on the ears as some of the others. but folk music isn't meant to be easy listening.
Malta 🇲🇹: another sassy song. I like this one. it has many classic Eurovision things, waterfall of sparks, sparkles, switching languages.
okay so semi final two.

San Marino 🇸🇲: a good energy to start and a catchy song with but I feel like they are certainly playing up the novelty facter. fill white outfits check, fireworks check, internationally renowned artist check, multiple languages (sort of). there is no way they aren't going though
Estonia 🇪🇪: is this the first male power Ballad this year. I like it.
Czech Republic 🇨🇿: he is having a good time. and I like the positivity and the sparkles. but it just feels a little flat.
Greece 🇬🇷: sparkles. was there a shot for a full-body catsuit? clever staging with the invisible people. though one of them has lost his glove.
Austria 🇦🇹: another male power ballad, and more sparkles. he has a very Magnus bane feel to him. and he is crying. I love it.
Poland 🇵🇱: very 80's, probably going through. but not one that does it for me.
Moldova 🇲🇩: they seem to be going for sexy. but it seems to be more of a dance than a song.
Iceland 🇮🇸: Iceland always seems to be underrated in Eurovision so I have decided that this is the act I will support as my two usual picks didn't get through (I decided this before hearing the song). as for this act. they are so geeky and the dance moves are so cheesy, and the song is catchy. and the lead singer reminds me of one of my good friends. I love it.
Serbia 🇷🇸: 90's pop divas. if their hair was natural I would have serious hair envy. though I would not envy trying to get a brush through it afterwards.
Georgia 🇬🇪: sweet lovesong. but now one that I would remember 20 seconds after it finishes
albania 🇦🇱:yay we are back with a female power ballad. this one is going through even after just the first note.
Portugal 🇵🇹: this song is very familiar. i am sure it is about 35 years older than the mandated one year It is good but not my favourite.
Bulgaria 🇧🇬: our commentators likened her to both Adel and Billie Eilish. it is very simple a very relatable emotion behind it.
Finland 🇫🇮: just what we needed after a few slow songs. a new metal act. very finnish i hope the go though as the refreshing between all the pop synth power divas. I have bolded it as it is the kind of act that the contest needs but isn't something i would pick to listen to on a daily basis.
Latvia 🇱🇻: i do like female power ballads. and songs with moon in the title (something i seem to have got from my mum) the backing dancers look like they are from a sci-fi show
Switzerland 🇨🇭: very gentle but builds. I like how the sparked in his shirt match the pattern on the wall behind him. this reminds me of the netherlands winner in 2019.
Denmark 🇩🇰: I am obligated to love the danish entry. it is a catchy 80's disco-pop. just pure good fun, catchy and bonus it is in danish. du er kvinden jeg er mand.

I have my top six for today. I don't know which to cut. ou of albania and latvia. so they get half bold each
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it's Final time baby

UK 🇬🇧: It's pretty catchy. being English i should support the UK, and it's a good song. not my favourite and there is no way that will win.
Spain 🇪🇸: I have no idea what he is singing about. but I like it. the stage is so pretty and dreamy.
Germany 🇩🇪: it is catchy. loving the big brass instruments at the back. It reminds me of something but I cant think what. it is a busy song. a giant peace sign, brass instruments, tap dancing, language switching, a lot going on.
France 🇫🇷: she is cute. and a beautifully classic feel to it. simple but beautiful and emotional. my french is not good enough to know what she is singing about. i am not sure on the last bit. where it gets a little bit cramped as if they are trying to get it into the three minutes.
The Netherlands 🇳🇱: we have the language switch. "they've imprisoned your thoughts" nice lyric. I like the rhythm. and the dancer in red. it probably wont be a winner. but most hosts don't want a back to back win.
Italy 🇮🇹: Different. glam rock. apparently another one of the favourites. (If i had adrink every time our hosts said that I would spend most of the contest on the toilet) it is a big presence on stage. I like it.
the english and german songs were pretty hopeless.

I really liked the Finnish entry, it was a real good song, and I liked Sweden's and Ukraine's songs. Lithunania and the icelandics were good too.

The french song was fine.....but it was very very french....
this was a really strong eurovisision final tho
what the hell is going on with the public voting. where are all the votes.
That was honestly the most derranged way of saying the public votes xD

Poor UK honestly zero points total, was brutual.
that voting was so tense. i wish I had counted votes and worked out how many were left as they came in.
a freraking glam rock song won. when did that last happen. the only rock winner I can think of is lordi whch was 2006
NGL I was kind of hoping for Iceland in the end. But overall the finale was great!
I've only been watching Eurovision a couple years, but this was definitely my favourite final I've seen by a long shot. (SO FEW BALLADS SO MANY FUN SONGS)

Few thoughts under the spoiley just in case someone who hasn't seen it yet is looking for some reason ✌️

OK my big top 5 were Ukraine, Netherlands, France, Iceland, and Lithuania, so overall VERY happy w the turnout. Italy weren't my fave but I very much appreciated their vibe so I'm fine with it. UK getting NOTHING was BRUTAL but his reaction was so funny, what a lad. Good vibes only. I'm pretty gutted Netherlands placed so low, but given the subject matter of the song it unfortunately isn't surprising. Also gutted Australia didn't make the finals at all, I really liked their song. Also OH MAN the amount of times they cut back to Switzerland as he was getting absolutely decimated in the audience vote was B R U T A L I felt so sorry for the poor kid. Jury votes were terrible as always but I'm glad the audience has taste.

Having watched this year's final I'm more firm in my conviction than ever that NZ should never be allowed to participate because all we would send is ballads. I love NZ music, but we'd have like 3 good years and then become a Ballad Country. (I have a long convoluted theory about exactly how our first 5 years would go pls do not @ me)
Thank you @Stefan Archer when I was watching it I was like I really want to know what graham Norton would say but thank you for the link.
he took it like a total bro.
Ok I loved Eurovision my god feel so proud on my country how they hosted and made it. Too bad it’s already over again.

About the winner:
I don’t really like the winner after all. It’s an song you don’t easily remember and just not my thing but many people thought differently. But looking forward to next year Italy hosting.

I loved Switzerland so much! And Malta, Lithuania and France. But it was so dramatic many country’s got 0 points. And you see the televoting is always making it so intense!

Didn’t expected The Netherlands to be high, so no suprise.

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