Dear [Whomever]

Dear *^}%{,

I could deal with the more than sh*tty relationship we have, but dragging the kids in it is so not cool. I am nearly fed up with your freaking selfishness, spoiled attitude and immaturity. And so help me I swear to heaven and hell and back, if I reach my breaking point, I'll make sure you ain't seeing any of us for a d*mn good while.

~ "The Ungrateful Good-For-Nothing"
Dear Hairstylist,

I will be putting a ton of trust in you this afternoon. I am already worried about going natural, and I don't need you to mess up my hair. Please dye it well, and put all your hair styling expertise in the hair style I will ask for. If you do well, my soul will be soothed, and I won't be anxious about school on Monday.

~worried about going natural
Dear ,

I give up. I already know I lost you years ago, but I've been trying and I'm absolutely fed up with you. I have gone through a lot that you don't know about and even if you didn't know, if you are, or were for that matter, my , then you would not have called and talked me to like that. You want me to respect you when you can't even respect me as a human being at the very least? Well then @$(?$ you. It's your loss, not mine, cause I've already dealt with what I lost.

Too Tired For Your S**t
Dear media,

Stop calling Kate and Will's children "the heir" and "the spare." It's so rude.

Dear brat.

It's a shame I let you convince me that you were a mature person. I told you when we first started speaking that I didn't get along with guys younger than me, even by the slightest. But you insisted that you were more sensible, more adult than most people your age. I decided to believe you. Yet, since then, all you've shown me is just how dramatic, immature, possessive and selfish you are. I have never been so repulsed by anyone in my life. Never before have I seen anyone try to stir up as much sh*t, and cause as much drama over non-existent circumstances than you. You've lost so many of your friends, been dumped countless times and still continue to believe you're the victim, like none of it is at all your fault. Surprise, it is. It is entirely your fault. You are a horrible person and you need to grow the f*** up very soon. You're in the adult world now, and it's not going to tolerate any of your sh*t.

You were meant to be swallowed.

Displeased with the youth of today.
Dear Brutus,

You came into my life In march of this year, and to be honest I didn't know what to expect having never actually adopted a dog before. When you road in the car and gave me gentle kisses the whole way I was more than happy to give this the old college try and see if we were a right fit. Your training was wonderful, and proved to be well done from the start - but your fear and back story hurt me more than anything else.

Less than a week later I signed the adoption papers, against the wishes of everyone who thought I should have given the trial period a little longer. I was in love though. Whether it was the way you'd look over your shoulder when I told you you couldn't have my food, or the way you followed me around in the morning as I got ready - I loved you. I know that this has been hard, bounced around from shelter to shelter, abused by the people you love, but I love you.

People probably thing it's stupid that i sing to you when you have nightmares, or talk to you when I'm upset. They say you're just a dog, but you've already become my best friend.

Love -
Your owner Faithful companion.
Dear Essay,

You suck. I hate you.

Dear Cookie Markers of the World.
Why do you make the raisin cookie look like the chocolate chip cookie? :(
Much love from,
This is why I have trust issues.
Dear You,

Hey, it's me. I don't know why I'm writing this, it was suggested to me, but, I never really expected that this would be the medium I choose. It's still hard to think about, you, the way I heard, knowing you didn't tell me, it's still hard to think about why you didn't tell me, what you might have been trying to achieve. I googled searched this last night, writing a letter to a dead friend, none of it really spoke to me, the why, the where, the how, it just didn't sit right. I don't believe in ever afters, you know that. You know that I'm not religious or that I don't believe in god. You accepted that, you loved that, you appreciated that. You did though. You believed in love, in happily ever afters, in God, in His plan. People keep telling me that I should respect your wishes, that I should try to think about why you might not have wanted to tell me, but... you know me better than anyone. You know I'm not one to think about it. I try to bottle it, to get things done, but I keep coming back to this, back to you, back to the guilt and the anger that I feel for you. I loved you once, I still do, but now I feel like its been tainted by the memory of you, by the memory of your death, by the memory of not having you there for me, or I being there for you when you needed me. I'm haunted by the feeling of betrayal and loss at your expense and though it pains me, I hate you for it. You let me believe it was fine, that everything was okay when you knew that it wasn't. You knew that you were dying, in pain, but you never said a word. Now I'm left behind to try and cope with this. To try and deal with my grief in whatever way I can and I can't. My whole routine is now just totally screwed because you died. I know that sounds harsh and I feel guilty for feeling all of this, but it just makes me angrier. I know you were trying to protect me, but you hurt me instead. You did the exact opposite of what I wanted you to have done and it makes me feel like a horrible person. I feel like you didn't know me as well as I thought and that I didn't know you. Was our friendship all based on a lie? Was it all just something I imagined and that now you are gone I am remembering every fight and every bad thing we ever said to each other? We must have had happiness somewhere? Why can't I see it? Why isn't it there anymore?

My counsellor says that you were my special person, that you were special to me and I you. I wrote your eulogy. You were so selfish in the end. I can't believe you forced me into a corner. How could I have said no? You always did everything for everyone else, never for yourself... why stop now? Why do this one thing? Your little act of rebellion... WHY DID YOU DIE!? I don't care if you were sick, you had no right. If you didn't want to live for you, then why not for me? For your mum? For your sister? Your brother even? I wasn't there in your last hours. I'll never see you again and I couldn't even attend the funeral. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel? Angry, scared, guilty, alone. I can't stop feeling these until I accept your death. But I never will, because even though I know its true, I will never believe it. You were supposed to be with me forever, you promised.

So where's my forever, Tiff? Where is it?

I love you.
I miss you.
I hate you.

Dear Anxiety,

I don't normally post here but I was taking a nap earlier and I dreamt that I was writing this, so here we are. I was taking a nap because I walked half way into town, only to have a panic attack, turn around and come home crying. It kills me that you mess my life up this much. How am I supposed to achieve my dreams when all you do is stamp on them?
Anyway, in my dream, I think I was writing an angry letter to you.. But that's not why I'm writing now. I'm writing this because I've been wondering for so long why it's me you've chosen to latch onto, and this evening I think I worked out why. For years, I've seen you as a curse, something that holds me back from my full potential. But what if you're there for a reason? What if there's a purpose to this perpetual crap you put me through? With you around, I can't get a job, or go to school, or become a TV extra, or become a comedian.. but wait! What if I'm not supposed to do any of those things? See, there are many things that I can still do without going out. That's not to say I'm not going to try my best to get over you, but maybe it's a sign that I should be working on the things I can do.
I've spent so much time crying about the things I'll never be able to do that I haven't stopped to think about what I can do. I can still compose music, I can still write, and I can still spread joy to others, which is my main goal really. Perhaps I would hate being a TV actor/comedian - maybe I'd find the hours and the standing around and the stress too much. Maybe this anxiety is here to steer me away from the things that I'm not going to enjoy anyway.
I'm still not sure what makes me happy in life. I want to make others laugh, I want to give other people an escape from the horrible bits of their lives with comedy and music. I wish someone would tell me how to get rid of you so that I could live to my full potential. But sadly, nobody can, and my phobia is one which is extremely hard to cure. I doubt I will ever be free from you, and I will likely be scared every day for the rest of my life. It won't be great, but if I can make others happy during that time, my life will have been worthwhile. I just hope I can do that.

Yours forever, I expect,
Dear you,

No! You are not doing this to me now. I have been planning this party for months, you have known about it for months and you've told me you were coming for weeks! You can't turn around now and tell me that your boyfriend is having a party at the same time because "its the only time he can do it". That is not acceptable! I have been your best friend for years, I have always been there for you and yet you are never there for me. This one time, one time I need you because I have been having the worst kind of year imaginable and you turn around and pull this!? Are we even friends? Don't tell me that he has ordered you to come, because thats not right! This is something you shouldn't even have to think about. It's my 21st. I don't ask for much, i don't even want a present. I just want my best friend... is that really too much to ask?

I can't believe you.
Dear Me,

Sometimes you rush into things, and that's okay. Stop beating yourself up so much. It's hard to remind yourself that people aren't out to get you because they take to long to respond to a facebook message or skype message. Just remember that regardless you are you, and you will be okay. Just take some extra time to think. And for the love of God keep going. I believe in you...

You are your biggest destroyer, be a support for once.
Dear Essay,

Would you mind terribly writing yourself? It's not easy for me to concentrate these days and I don't have long. You always make these things difficult!

DEar Chris...

Today we will ride in a procession to celebrate a soldier, a firefighter, a father, a son, and a hero. A very stupid hero. I'm so impossibly mad at you and I know it's not fair. You know what else isn't fair though? Your mom and dad and brother all crying because they have to bury you at 27. Your five year old daughter growing up without a father. The people who raised and cared for you having to watch them lower that casket in the ground with that flag on top of it. You survived fires upon fires and tours in Iraq - to be killed because you didn't want to wear a helmet on your motorcycle. I hate you so much for that now. You chose that reckless abandoned over walking your daughter down the isle, seeing your parents continue to grow old, helping Uncle Wells.... and even the first day of kindergarten for your little girl. You're selfish, you know that? I f***ing hate you for leaving.

I'll miss you. We all will.

Sincerely, that strange girl marrying your cousin.

PS: WE'll keep a picture of you in the front row of our wedding next year...
Dear America Ferrera,

I love my choice in PB today more than ever.

Thank you.
Dear Maya,

Can you get off your bloody high horse and just talk to me please? I created you, you're supposed to do what I say, not what you want. What is wrong with you?

Your Rper.
Dear Touhou,

PLEASE behave for me next weekend. I really want to not screw up at the marathon because I'm hugely nervous about it! If I can get a solid run I'll be happy.

(edit: PS: please don't troll me by having me die on the 'you win' cutscene, counting it as a loss. That's rude :p )

and dear hands,

please don't shake too hard with nerves. Tight movement, you know.

-the girl who's been trying to make this marathon happen for 18 months now
Dear you,

You are the absolutely, most frustrating person I have ever come to known since 2011. To be frank, I make plans for the future, which you were actually very supportive for, and looked forward to, even with a little flirting afterward, and then absolutely no contact for over a week.
What the absolute hell? I thought I deserved a little more than that but whatever.

People like you make me want to become a damn spinster or a crazy cat lady.
~ Future cat lady
Dear you,

You promised not to mess with my head. Please remember that.

Dear you,

You can do this.


Dear Internet,

Would you kindly give me a break once in a while? I don't feel like O'm asking for much, seriously. You seem to raid all my priceless time, and get me into deep doggy-mess over data charges.

You know, I'm actually a bit scared. You're now able to predict my usage habits and know whenever I have birthday, and such. Also, I'm so angry by the fact that I can never order an Amazon gift for my parents without them seeing it as a side-ad.

Don't bother replying,
Dear self,

You know what you have to do. Don't regret the things you were too afraid to try.

Dear self,

I'm so proud of you :party:

Dear Sociology,

Could you quit being so ridiculously thought provoking?

The girl who needs to finish this.

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