Dear [Whomever]

Dear Time,

Please slow down. Everything is going by too quickly for me and while I've wanted this for so long and am really excited I don't know if I'm ready to say bye to everyone yet :erm:

- Scared.
Dear You,

Oh please cut it off. You know I love you but today, especially, and everyother time you do it, it makes me show a side of me I don't like/want to show around you. I keep asking you to stop and I thought you respected me enough to actually stop it. You may find it funny but I find it highly annoying but I just wish you would understand that and stop it..especially when I keep asking you too.

Our time together is limited, I know. So please stop making me feel like this when I'm around you because I want to remember the last few days as something nice and not me being really annoyed with you :tut:

- Someone who does love you despite my odd moments <3
Dear Student Finance England,

I find it hard to believe that you have incorrect bank details in my name, I reconfirmed then only a coupld of months ago. What did you just pluck these new details out of no where? If you've given someone else my money I will not be happy. As it happens I need this money to pay rent or I shall be left homeless. If I cannot resolve this tomorrow at the finance office there will be hell to pay.


Another dissatisfied customer.
Dear Mood,

Please try not to switch yourself back and forth...

Thank you,


Dear someone,

Can you cheer me up?

Thank you,


Dear Y,

I am so confused. Why are you doing this to me? Don't mess about with my feelings. Don't try to make me care. I know.. I know that you don't do it intentionally, and that it's just your way, but it's unfair. I'd like to say that this is the same thing that happened with J, and that it will all pass, in time, but because I don't want it to be so, I think it's going to hang over my head for quite a while. I wish that I could just say something and get through to you, but then I know you wouldn't feel the same, I know you would shun me for it. I've liked you like that since the first day I knew you, and I feel like a fool for it.

If we ever meet, face to face, I'd like to tell you what I really think of you, but until then..

- X
Dear headphones,

Thanks for breaking. Now, I have an excuse to buy a new pair.


Dear Choir Boy,

I apologize for the awkward encounter. I've never really had a guy compliment me on my personality before, so I got a little shy. I didn't mean to walk away, I just didn't want to let everyone see me turn red.

Dear Bestie,

Thanks for, well you know, being there when I always need you. Putting up with me in my most stubborn and bitter moments. You've stuck by me in my worse so I promise I'll watch out for you no matter what. I've had bad luck with best friends in the past but I'd rather focus on the future and the many more years we hopefully have to be well...ourselves.

White Chocolate :wub:

dear big one
I like you. pleas may you talk to me, and not make me feel left out when you and your friends babble off in chineese.
thank you for letting me take the place in the chem group today, but ig you want to go with your friends i don't mind swapping with you.
the girl in your chem class

Dear little one
I ike you too, but in a different way. you have (like your facebook page says, like a tedy bear. something to be with but not not in "that way".
sorry for not messing up in the lab today, but at least i didnt pour the stuff down the sink or spill Hydroxide everywhere. :r
the person opposite you in compounding.
Dear Former Friend who became my friend again

You will never get me jealous for only one text nor a thousand trillion text. You are so funny, I don't care if you got a gf now, I know you move on and I am happy for you. I got myself a bf now and his so charming and kind ... Hope you got the same :)

Sincerely, Joyce
Dear you-know-who-you-are,

Grow up. Soon. Please.

<3 Me
Dear Heart,

I know we have done this again and again
BUT! this is different in more ways than I could ever explain. We can both agree when we left the ex it was heart breaking and we vowed to never love again. I thought I could do that but I just can't. The right person for me has been right there the whole time. I wake up and the I love you texts bring tears of happiness to my eyes. He can very well be our prince charming. I know we have to take this slowly. He has been hurt and so have we. They say time heals all wounds and I can truly say that with each day that goes by I heal more and more. This may even sound crazy but we are even planning on spending the rest of our lives together. Before there was a fear of falling that hard for someone but not this time. I truly can not wait to wake up in his arms every morning. I am sitting here waiting for him to get off of work so I can see him text me good-night. Oh heart please just stop being scared and enjoy the feeling of falling in love more and more each day.

The person that really loves the boy. <3
Dear Body,

Get better and heal up! And please, don't let this be anything serious.

Sir Kaitlyn
Dear Self,

Only fourteen more days and your done. Just keep calm, focused, and actually do your psychology project before the day it's due.

Your inner Procrastinator
Dear Football Referee's From Australian Country League, Hunter Region, NSW, B Grade.

Please start being fair, i am sick and tired of having biased ref's costing us the game on crap calls, all because you like to accept bribes. Grow up, be a man, and do your bloody job properly. Seriously. Or, just die in a hole.

A very angry player.

I miss you a lot. It is unfair that I have to lose so much family in such a short time. We were so close to one another and right now I really need your guidance with what to do in my life. Rest in peace.

Dear death.

Why do you have to take life away? Your so cruel D:


Dear body

You chose the worst time to get sick.
Be better.

A sick singer.

Dear Thursday,

Woohoo! I love that the school has dubbed you 'Reading Day.'
Hopefully, this means there will be fewer students.


A potential fan
Dear this.

End. Now. Kthx.

Dear other chorists, or whatever we call ourselves.

You aren't exactly making this easy. After three and a half years you'd think I'd be feeling right at home, but since all that sh*t last year I'm actually starting to hate it. I know some a lot of you will see this, so I'm just writing to let you know how horrible it is.

-Second alto in the third row again.
Dear Weather,

Light up for at least a week, it's been horrible for a couple months now. Not only that, your making me and my little dude sick. I hate when he sick, it's like what the fudge man D:!! Least he sleeping well tonight, and tomorrow hopefully you weather will be nice to let it shine. Just for a few days, plz?

your not so biggest fan right noaaaa D:


The people you hire suckkkkk! I mean how can you be allowed to ride a bus and not know where places are located? Are you kidding me? For real? I ask one of your employers today and he didn't even know that there was an ER right across the street from Stop and shop shopping plaza. Come on! That's why I prefer back home.

The non-local girl.

Dear RI,


Love MA biggest Fan!
Dear Uni Ones,

Wow..2 years gone? Where did the time go? I know I didn't stay out all that long last night and didn't get to say the goodbyes I wanted but who knows (?) I might see some of you again before I head. Love you all and I'm going to miss you but lets hope we're able to see each other a bit in this coming year.

See ya all September 2012

- Patsy ♥
Dear life.

Sort yourself out. You have been so suckeh.

Dear Donna's life.
Stop being suckish and be nice to her, or I'll get mad.
- me.
Dear exams.
Why do you have to come along now? I'm trying to write an RP, and you come along and say I can't use my laptop in class. It's killing my writing times!
- me, again.

Dear Storm,

It was highly unnecessary for you to be as loud as you were last night. Because of you I got less than three hours of sleep and I'm really cranky. Next time you want to blow through Niles do me a favor and be quieter while doing so. Sheesh.

The one you kept awake all night
Dear Projects,

I really don't want to do you. I think a final exam is enough on my poor brain so you shouldn't be added right in top of it. But since I'm paying for my education now, I guess I'll just have to suck it up huh?


Dear You,

You don't know me, and most especially you don't know my story.
Though I'm glad that you're not bugging me anymore, I feel free.
There are so much more I wish to say but I don't like to waste my time mentioning about you.
Anyway, I wish you nothing more. :shifty:

Dear Nickerdoodles,

I'm sorry if I sent you that PM which was probably stupid, I was very much Impulsive that night.
Obviously you didn't replied, which was a bad and a good thing. Anyway do forget my message.

P.S It's not YOU I'm talking about , HE's the Boss and apparently you aren't at all.

Your truly,
Asdfghjklqwertyuio! THE END ;)
Dear Self

Please don't get hungry now, you still have 29 hours to go.

Dear Choir

We NEED to make it to Nationals. They're in Wellington, for a start! So please, actually turn up to rehearsals even if you're only in the big combined choir and only have one rehearsal a week, because when people aren't there it stresses the seniors out. Choir comes before lunch and gossip. Also, to the snarky year ten who told me she'd never seen me at practice before- I know the music better than you despite the fact that I'm only just getting back into that specific choir. I've had to put Media Studies before Choir because I had a assessment, and since then practice has been spotty anyway. But I digress. I might sound stressed now, but you just wait until we're AT the competition and can't let you perform because you don't have a clue what we're doing.

- an annoyed senior


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