Character Spotlight: July 2024!

šŸŒŸ Another month, another spotlight! šŸŒŸ

As most, if not all, of you know we like to use the start of each new month to celebrate one of your characters that has caught our attention for one reason or another. This could be an incredible biography, intriguing plots or a remarkable personality. Usually, it's a combination of a few factors that has left us impressed and willing to see more. Whatever the reason, a spotlighted character is one that we adore and the monthly spotlight is a great way for us to celebrate your creativity!

This month we're spotlighting Margo Fox, RPed by Kadi!

For more information on Margo make sure to check her bio right here! (Or check out her gorgeous aesthetic)

As is tradition, we asked Kadi a couple of questions:

What was your initial thought when you were contacted about being spotlighted?
For a second I was confused, then very excited!!

What was the inspiration for your character?
Oh man well I made her account almost 4 years ago and Iā€™m sure I came up with her a while before that so itā€™s a little fuzzy. I think I was at a point where I was trying to come up with backgrounds for characters that were intentionally different and I hadnā€™t had anyone who was an orphan so I took that aspect and built her up from there. Avery, her brother, came into the picture at some point but I donā€™t remember exactly when but it did add another layer of tragedy to her background. Sorry girl.

But from the beginning she was always meant to be a bit of an old soul and being raised by her grandmother just kind of added to it, and I think at her core is someone who has to work at being a bright kind person and she does put in that work.

What is your favourite RP that your character has taken part in?
There have been a lot of plots Iā€™ve enjoyed doing with Margo, but Iā€™ll keep it short lol
But I really enjoyed the continuity of The Friends We Made Along the Way and The Friends We Keep. I also really liked Margo and Michaelā€™s painfully awkward flirting.
It would be an annoying amount of threads to link (I can if people want lol) but the plot of finding her brother has been pretty fun to drag out over pretty much her entire time at Hogwarts. Especially when I've been winging it most of the time haha.

What is your favourite aspect of your character?
Probably how nice she is. For self serving reasons it makes it easier to interact with different characters haha. But on a more serious note, sometimes "nice" can feel a little boring but I do think for her it's always been a conscious choice. She's had a lot of bad things happen to her but turning bitter or jaded has never really been an option she'd consider. She is very persistent in her optimism and I find it admirable.

Your least favourite aspect?
Maybe how secretive or closed off she can be. Not that I think itā€™s a bad thing but because itā€™s frustrating to write because I wish she would just spit things out but itā€™s just not who she is haha. Itā€™s always been a trait of hers but I feel like as sheā€™s gotten older the more itā€™s become a problem for her. She wants to be seen as a ā€œnormalā€ girl with a ā€œnormalā€ life so when she has to be honest about her reality itā€™s really hard for her to break that illusion for someone to really see her and get to know her.

If you could meet your character in real life would you want to? Why or why not?
Probably. I think sheā€™d be fun to get coffee with and talk about books. Maybe start a romance book club with. I think sheā€™d be into that.

What do you feel your strength in developing characters is?
I'm not very good at introspection, so if anyone could tell me that would be great lol. Compliments please!
But seriously, I do think I'm pretty good at giving character's solid backgrounds and knowing where they come from which makes RP when they're just starting out a bit easier.

Your weakness?
Same as above, gentle critique welcome (kind of).
Just kidding! I do know I struggle sometimes with keeping characterization consistent. Like sometimes I'll lean into one of their traits and without realizing it they've drifted off course from who they were supposed to be. Which I think can be a part of the fun of RP but sometimes its Not Intentional.

What would you recommend to those looking to further develop their characters?
I am a true believer in aesthetic boards to help nail down a vibe. I'm a pretty visual person so it helps be a lot and usually I'll find a quote or some random text that does feel very true to a character that can help ground them a bit. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea but for me its a crucial step of character creation.

What are you most looking forward to on HNZ in the next several months?
Well the most obvious answer especially right now is sorting of course! It's always exciting to see new kids coming around

What is your favourite part of HNZ?
Of course I have to shout out the wonderful and creative community on HNZ. I feel like I've made some very real friends here over the almost 5 years I've been around. But I also really love how easy it is to try out new and different kinds of characters, and that we all get to be so creative together.

Please join us in congratulating Kadi on this month's spotlight or ask any burning questions you might have!

(on behalf of the HNZ site staff)
Congrats Kadi! Well deserved, Margo is wonderful and it's been great following her journey through school. Excited to see where she goes next!
Congrats Kadi :wub:
:party: Congrats, Kadi!! I can't believe Margo's graduating already, she was a firstie just the other day!!
Woo Kadi I just realized I never congratulated you here, I love Margo :wub:
Thanks everyone! She has been very fun to write over the years ^_^
Yeeey congratulations Kadi!!

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