Burnout and Writing Tips

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
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I suspect I'm not the only one on site who is or has been dealing with some level of burnout lately, a lot has happened to everyone over the past couple of years and I'm sure we're all tired.

With that in mind and a lot of talk of productivity and activity I thought it might be nice to talk a lil about and share experiences dealing with burnout, relaxation tips, selfcare, how're you fostering your creativity and looking after yourself when you need a break?

And on the other end, when you do feel like writing, what are some useful hacks you've found to help you get going?

For me, I've been making sure I'm not forcing myself when I'm tired and I don't want to write, I'm letting my brain take a break and indulging in some other stuff. I'm also trying to make an effort to do non-screen time tasks especially walking my dog regularly (ideally I should probably add getting better sleep to that but one step at a time 🫠 ).

For writing tips though my ADHD *ss has come up with so many strats over the years now hahaha.

The simple one I like to use when I'm sitting there staring at a blank reply is I make myself write the response I wanna write 'badly'. 'Elliot did this. He sat down. He talked to Lily. He got up and left.' It's like a mini outline and it unblocks whatever was stopping me and I can usually either immediately segue into writing mid-way through doing that or I can start editing into a 'better' post. Worst case, a quote unquote "bad" reply is better than nothing, right?

But my fav technique has to be playing "Tag". I'll get an RP partner and we'll take turns posting a reply and tagging the other person in. It doesn't have to be on the same thread or anything, just something about a small bit of accountability of another person waiting on me + a regular break between posts while its their turn really, really works for me. Highly recommend!

What about you? How you taking care of yourself, any fun hobbies while you take a break? Or handy ways to get your brain working again?
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My best method is taking my meds and writing when I should be working so I suspect I'm the wrong person to ask. :r

I do need to start getting better at balancing things out, lately my life has just been work and then I'm too tired to do anything when I get home, even things I want to do. I have been trying to be more okay with just doing nothing though, even though I feel massively guilty about it I often just need to be doing absolutely nothing.

When I do write I usually try and go one character at a time to try and be in the right mindset without jumping about. It does mean some end up at the bottom of the pile, unfortunately, but when you get on a roll with one it's good to kind of ride it out!
The simple one I like to use when I'm sitting there staring at a blank reply is I make myself write the response I wanna write 'badly'. 'Elliot did this. He sat down. He talked to Lily. He got up and left.' It's like a mini outline and it unblocks whatever was stopping me and I can usually either immediately segue into writing mid-way through doing that or I can start editing into a 'better' post. Worst case, a quote unquote "bad" reply is better than nothing, right?
I do something like this but much stupider lmao... when I'm just staring at an empty box with an empty head I just start typing without any kind of like... sense to it. I'll wind up with a text box that looks like;

Ainsley sighed and said stead head bed sleepytime fart fart fart fart fart boo boo bah bah euaouaouhg fart

It's complete gibberish word vomit, but something about just my hands moving on the keys will usually kickstart my brain back into coming up with Actual Sentences.
Tag really works for me too, unsurprisingly.

But what also works for me is like... randomizing my characters and randomly picking one to write for. I use site called wheel of names and just put everyone's name in there. The randomness and making it into a game helps my brain stay focused. And I enjoy switching between characters for rp.
Loving this thread and these tips, especially the game of tag one I may have to try this out, if anyone's willing to play tag with me!!!

I am totally not the person who should be giving advice or tips on burn out but I do have a few things that could possibly help others?? It couldn't hurt to share in case it does.

Most importantly, on days when I write I love just sitting at my computer with some caffeine and reading/lurking the writing of others, I find when I read a really well written post or thread it inspires me to do the same and try and be more ~~ poetic with my wording and more descriptive, so would recommend reading something that inspires you if you feel a bit stuck :D

I also like listening to music but if the music has lyrics or words I can find this distracting so any music without words/singing is ideal for me, I usually stick to video game soundtracks because of this and it helps :p

One thing I do as well, is sometimes when I feel uninspired or unhappy with anything creative whether it be writing or a graphic or anything, it helps to take a break and go for a walk or do something else so your mind can get a rest, and then return a little while later with fresh eyes. Sometimes when we continue to work at something for too long we can make changes to the point its unproductive/makes the quality of the creative thing worse so taking a break before returning helps me with this at least!!!

Lastly, this is more something I did when I was at uni and had to write essays/assignments. But the way I would keep writing and not feel overwhelmed or burnt out by finishing an essay or working on something for hours on end, is by setting timers for focus time and break time.

I would set a timer from 30 minutes/an hour, and while this timer is on you only focus on writing and planning and being productive. Then once the timer goes off you reset the timer and take a break for the same time of 30 minutes/an hour, and once the second timer goes off, reset the timer and use the time to focus again.

So this way you have 30 minutes/1 hour of focus, and then 30 minutes/1 hour of break time, and I find if I really dedicate myself to focusing when it is supposed to be the focused time I manage to get a lot of work done, and I have the break time to be unproductive and rest and reset :p
Def recommend stepping away and taking a break thing too, Anna you're so right. And same with the timer thing! I've used that before with like 20 min writing 10min break and assuming I get myself going I'll often find myself working past the focus time once I get going. Just something about convincing myself "you only have to work for X amount of time" makes it feel not so overwhelming :wub:
I bounce from site to site a lot, and I find that it helps if you have 1 task, you can do it, move on from it to do something else (reply on discord, write a bit on a document, etc) and then circle back to HNZ. Then you don't have to focus all of your energy on just one thing.

I also do a lot of randomizing, so I often don't know who I am replying with until the wheel of names lands on them, with the characters that don't often come easily to me. Killian and Styx are second nature. The others I tend to struggle on unless I put myself in a right mindset.

Music also helps a lot. Video game music, like Anna mentioned, really inspires me to write.
Man, I'm completely opposite about randomising lmao, jumping around like that completely rattles my brain. I go from the top of my character list down, and once I get to the bottom I loop back up to the top again. I prefer to get in one character's mindset and stay there until I'm ready to move on to the next person, if I'm jumping around too much I start getting frazzled and typing the wrong name in replies
I bounce from site to site a lot, and I find that it helps if you have 1 task, you can do it, move on from it to do something else (reply on discord, write a bit on a document, etc) and then circle back to HNZ. Then you don't have to focus all of your energy on just one thing.

I also do a lot of randomizing, so I often don't know who I am replying with until the wheel of names lands on them, with the characters that don't often come easily to me. Killian and Styx are second nature. The others I tend to struggle on unless I put myself in a right mindset.

Music also helps a lot. Video game music, like Anna mentioned, really inspires me to write.
What kind of video game soundtracks do you listen to while writing, any you would recommend? I really like the Final fantasy X soundtrack the most because the music for it is 10/10 and it makes me happy

In general I find that final fantasy soundtracks work well but am happy to listen to something new if you have recommendations!!
Yeah I'm the same, hence adults get completely shafted and some characters get more love than others because easier starting points, but at least it's something. :r

Stepping away is good, I find I get most of my inspiration when I'm either driving or when I go for walks. Unfortunately, since I moved I actually walk a lot less, because I find that I can't force myself to go for a walk unless there's a reason, like 'I'm going to walk around the block to the cafe'. I find I walk a lot more in the city, as opposed to out in the country where there's nowhere to go and everything is just far enough away to drive instead. :lol: But taking that time away to think is definitely helpful. Even showers can help a lot, I find. (And the benefit of you're also taking a shower!)
Man, I'm completely opposite about randomising lmao, jumping around like that completely rattles my brain. I go from the top of my character list down, and once I get to the bottom I loop back up to the top again. I prefer to get in one character's mindset and stay there until I'm ready to move on to the next person, if I'm jumping around too much I start getting frazzled and typing the wrong name in replies
I am the same where if I have like, 5 posts to do with 1 character I will complete all 5 posts in a row before switching characters, this makes it easy for characters in school that have a bunch of classes :D
Also forgot to say earlier but I'm also definitely a fan of tag! Anyone who wants to play sometime feel free to hmu, it's a great way to get into the groove together and smash through a bunch of replies 🎉
Also forgot to say earlier but I'm also definitely a fan of tag! Anyone who wants to play sometime feel free to hmu, it's a great way to get into the groove together and smash through a bunch of replies 🎉
I am going to bother you for tag now, no tag backs!!! =))
What kind of video game soundtracks do you listen to while writing, any you would recommend? I really like the Final fantasy X soundtrack the most because the music for it is 10/10 and it makes me happy

In general I find that final fantasy soundtracks work well but am happy to listen to something new if you have recommendations!!
I am a big fan of the FFVII soundtrack. Some FFVIII music is good too. I also tend to listen to the Zelda soundtracks, from Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, and A Link Between Worlds.

Other music that are sometimes lyric-less are like, Two Steps from Hell, Varien, and a lot of anime music, especially from Attack on Titan. Sometimes what sounds like a choir in the background is also very inspirational.

I am the same where if I have like, 5 posts to do with 1 character I will complete all 5 posts in a row before switching characters, this makes it easy for characters in school that have a bunch of classes :D
That is also what I do, especially if they have lessons to do, I'll do all of their stuff and move on to another character. Unless they have like 10 things then I need to break it in half otherwise I will be burned out of that character.

As far as tag goes, I love to play it when I don't have others waiting, otherwise I will feel guilty about not replying to others too xD
The randomising wheel is really interesting, i never knew that people did that hehe! For me i do the opposite of what Rowan does and start from the bottom up haha! But sometimes i just go by the character I’m really in the mood for first.

For me I take my time when it comes to replying, otherwise i’m gonna loose my mind haha - sometimes i take my time, just to figure out what my character will say or react as. like Anna, I too have to answer all the posts from one character and then go onto the next.

I listen to music too when i’m replying as music in general helps me focus - my music i listen to is just music from my favourite singers and what not. When i’m bored and I honestly have nothing to do, HNZ is the first thing that pops into my head for the thing for me to do hahaha

I will defs have to try this tag technique tho 🤔
As far as tag goes, I love to play it when I don't have others waiting, otherwise I will feel guilty about not replying to others too xD
The way I've played is you just reply to anything in your queue, lessons included, any post counts as a tag for the other person, doesn't need to be for a thread for the person you're playing with!

As far as jumping around vs going in order I switch around. Most commonly I jump around at random cause I get stressed and overwhelmed or bored even doing everything in order but other days I need the structure to get anything done 🤷‍♂️

I will say if I ever feel really stuck on what I'm trying to work on sometimes the best thing for me is to skip it and switch characters to do another post instead.
Yeah, as much as I try to stick with one character I do find I get stuck sometimes and just have to go to another one and come back. And then there's like, priority order, like things like Halloween/Yule/Valentines take priority because of hard timeframe.

This is all mental organization because every time I attempt to try and be really organised I...do not succeed. :r
Taking my meds is probably the biggest thing for me but that doesn't always prevent burnout. I know some people don't do lessons, but if I'm struggling I usually do lessons because you don't have to worry so much about a back-and-forth. Sometimes I get a bit stressed out trying to make sure my reply gives the other person something to work with, so lessons are just an easy way to get the ball rolling. Just today I was having trouble with replies and did a lesson or two and suddenly I felt more 'in' the character and able to write.

Also pacing myself. If it's not a good day, just doing one or two replies and calling it is fine. Sometimes I can come back and do a couple more, sometimes I can't, but that's okay. It's just about getting something done where you can.

Stepping away is what I do as a last resort, if I'm having a really bad time with it. Sometimes brains just need a break. Go outside, do something a bit different, and then come back to it. The only problem with that is if it's too long, getting back into it can be difficult so I have to be careful with that one.

I really like Kris' idea of doing a really simple, almost mini-outline first and then extrapolating on it. I think that'll be really useful, so thanks!
I tend to feel really guilty about how I find it easier to write some characters over others and end up prioritising them, which also ends up shutting my responses down a bit and contributing to burnout. Feeling as though I shouldn't be responding on Character A when I have left Character B hanging far longer. I think that's just a matter of like, accepting it and just working with it rather than against it.

(I woke up feeling a bit burned out today despite wanting to get on some replies after a couple of days mostly off except for Quidditch).

Again I guess it's just a, somehow I have to learn to accept it and not beat myself up over it. I feel like I'm letting people down when it's characters down the list and I can't even get them started. But at the end of the day it is just a hobby that should be fun and on days where it isn't really happening (more when it's 'the thought of writing gives you psychic damage' rather than 'I want to write but can't quite get started') all you can really do is go "okay I won't try and force myself I'll just rest a bit more".

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