Book Club January/February

What should we read?

  • The Measure by Nikki Erlick

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • 101 essays that will change the way you think by Brianna Wiest

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
So, on the back of several folks saying they'd be keen to be part of an HNZ book club, let's give this a try! ^_^

Having never been in a book club, I did some research and came up with this, though it can certainly be amended as we see how things go/ the interest, etc.

- From what I saw, whomever is leading typically nominates a few books and then the group decides on the read. So, from now until Sunday January 7th, please vote on the following choices. I've included links to the sypnosis page but didn't look beyond the part I've quoted. I imagine there are spoilers if you scroll through the links so beware! All I know about these books is that they appeared on lists of book club suggestions. :p

- “The Measure” by Nikki Erlick is a 2022 novel which introduces a world where people receive mysterious boxes with strings representing their lifespans. The story unfolds through the lives of eight characters, each facing the choice of whether to reveal their fate, impacting their relationships and futures. Some embrace the knowledge, while others reject it."

- “A spare yet eloquent, bittersweet yet inspiring story of a man and a woman who, in advanced age, come together to wrestle with the events of their lives and their hopes for the imminent future.'

"Over the past few years, Brianna Wiest has gained renown for her deeply moving, philosophical writing. This new compilation of her published work features pieces on why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life."

And if you want to lead the next read (because I think it would be fun to have different leaders), drop me a line and I'll generate a list that will get posted here:

Jan/Feb - Cyndi
Mar/Apr- Rowan
May/Jun- Mia
Jul/Aug- Sarah
Sep/Oct- Kadi
Nov/Dec- Daphne

- Since we read at different paces and are varying degrees of busy, I figured perhaps giving 2 months (7 weeks really since 1 week will be for voting) for each read?
We can drop our thoughts, questions, criticisms, etc. at our own pace but please use spoiler tags for anything spoiler-y.

-Site rules have to apply on all comments, etc. but we should all probably note that some of the books might have stronger language, themes, etc.

Finally, drop a line if you plan on joining in on the read! It'll be fun to see who all plans to join ^_^

I can't wait to read along with you all this year. :cool:

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Yessss I'm so excited for this! Looking at those summaries The Measure sounds fascinating, I'm hype for that one if it wins :p

I'd also love to have a go suggesting the options at some point! my to read list on goodreads is EMBARRASSINGLY LONG
I'm so terrible about actually reading things during the year (i read them all in like a two week period in the summer), so very keen for this.
Do you want a specific two months? otherwise, will just set you up for the next one.
Next one would be great, unless anyone else wants it for a specific reason! I'll scour my to-read list :r
ooh this sounds like fun.
I have already read (well listened to) 101 essays to read to change the way you think. (a tip for audiobook listeners it isn't something that should be listened to, as there is too much information too quickly)

while the measure probably sounds the most me option I am voting for our souls at night. mostly because it also sounds good and it is available from the library (and as an audiobook)

I would be up to guide a month/two-month reading theme. (ooh what three can I pick from my to-read list to shortlist, or should i pick a book i love so that you all have to read it)
ooh what three can I pick from my to-read list to shortlist, or should i pick a book i love so that you all have to read it)
I probably should have done that but most of my to-read list is rather dark so I had to search for some more typical book club reads though I probably will add the two that don't get chosen to my list. xD

Any particular period for leading, Mia?
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ohh very interested in this. All available through my library app but did have to request a hold on some so glad we have some time haha.

I would love to suggest some books 👀
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My library's app is notoriously terrible and didn't have ANY of these, so I'll have to acquire the winner another way 🫠
ohh very interested in this. All available through my library app but did have to request a hold on some so glad we have some time haha.

I would love to suggest some books 👀
Added you for Jul/Aug. If that doesn't work, lemme know!
Added you for Jul/Aug. If that doesn't work, lemme know!
That totally works but if I could request Sep/Oct, I'd love to pick something spooky 👻

But I'm fine as is if someone else wants to claim it!
Totally keen for this! I'll be happy to lead for Jul/Aug.
This is awesome I am hype and will take part!!

I voted for the option with the essays, mostly because of my attention span and I think it could ease me into reading :p But I do like all the options so will be happy with whatever is voted for.
Just a few days left to vote on our first read! So far, The Measure is leading!
Oooh count me in!
The measure or our souls at night look like fun
It looks like The Measure will be our first read! :party:

I should hopefully be getting my library e-copy this week! I'm 84th in line and the estimate is about 1 week to get to the head of the line. :p. How do you all plan to read?

While we get started, I figured I'd throw a discussion question out:

Would you open the box?
wow 84th and it will only take you a week. how many copies does your library have?

I did go into three bookshops on the weekend trying to find the measure. but couldn't see it. my library has it but it is on loan (due 21st December, so limited hopes for that getting returned) and the app has an ebook eta may and the other app has about 12 weeks wait. so it looks like I will be digging out my kindle.
I think my hold for the audiobook is only a week out 🤞

A physical copy might be more handy for this kind of group discussion but personally I have a much better chance of actually getting through a book if I can listen and multitask, mostly while working haha
I've put a hold at my public library, it shouldn't take too long to get a hold of it.
I just checked and if anyone has Spotify premium they have a lot of audiobooks and it looks like The Measure is available if people didn't want to wait so long for library holds. Obviously results probably vary from country to country but thought I'd mention it!

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