Bi-Weekly Update

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Goooood day to you all! Welcome to another Bi-Weekly update by yours truly. It's been such an exciting time for HNZ and there is plenty more where that came from, so without further ado, let's dive right in.

Week One
Welcome back to another term at Hogwarts! This is the beginning of semester two, so get your students signed up for classes. We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the term which I'm sure characters will enjoy and despite the fact that Gryffindor appears to hold a steady lead in the house points, I'm sure that a little extra work from the other houses might just change that around (though perhaps not ravenclaw).

Quidditch Upcoming
As with a new term, that means a new set of quidditch games, they will hopefully be as fun (though perhaps not as violent) as the last game. Quidditch captains should be reminded to PM the players about the up coming games, if you want to see when the games are happening, just check out the calendar.

New professors
We have a couple of new professors joining us this new semester, they are Professor Landon Carter taking over Herbology Years 1-4, who is roleplayed by the lovely Kaye.Thanks to all who applied to the positions, and a very warm welcome to those joining the Hogwarts teaching team!

As you may have noticed the IC superlatives have begun, you can find all the information in this forum here. The superlatives depend on people posting, they take a lot of work to do, and if there is a low response we're less inclined to do it in the future. So be sure to reply with all student and professor characters!

As always, as we head into the second semester, work for the yearbook begins, so we want to remind people now, to post in the various pages of the yearbook now before it is too late to do so. The more pictures the better! So be sure to submit the pictures before the pages close.​
HNZ has a policy on playbys as you all will know, but we'd like to take a moment to remind you it's not your face so therefore you have no ownership of it, you can pick whomever you want for the face of your character. This also means that others have no right to question why you picked such a playby, or complain about someone elses pick. It is up to them who they pick and not for you to pass open judgement upon them.

Wizengamot applications
The Wizengamot applications are now closed, we'd like to thank all those who took the time to apply and those folk should hear back in the near future about whether the application was successful or not. If you are unsure about what the Wizengamot is/what they do, there is currently a trial taking place which you can read Here, so that perhaps when another opportunity comes around to be a part of it, you'll know to try applying.

Another incredibly fun game of Werewolf has come to a close, the staff and I would like to extend our thanks to KR for hosting the game, so, thank you very much for doing that. It was a really fun game, and those who missed it can read all the action here. The game is a lot of fun, and I encourage those who did not sign up to play this time around to do so next time around.

If you haven't seen already there is a raffle happening, it's really simple, all you have to do is sign up and you could be in with a chance to win, so I encourage you to sign up here.​
[ul][li]Matters of Due Importance
Monty goes to Russia in search of a rare ingredient. Rachele also goes to Russia in search of a rare ingredient. What they find there is not what they expect and the strangers are forced to work together in order to make the best of their situation. They strike up a bit of a friendship soon after and Monty is given a new nickname :r[/li][/ul]

[ul][li] New Semester!</LI>
[li] Quidditch
[li] Superlative goodness
<LI>[li] Valentines day[/li][/ul]

And that's it! Thanks for paying attention. As ever if you have any questions/comments/concerns/just want to chat, feel free to post them here.

~ Emzies
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
That game of werewolf was brutal! :o
Thanks for posting this, Emzies.

We actually forgot to give Emzies an announcement:
Donna and I had been thinking about this for a bit and the enormous amount of activity for the Yule Ball cemented our decision to bring back the Valentine's Dance. Look for it to start on IC Valentine's Day. :party:
You and Donna are my favourite people right now!!! So exciting! ???
It's nice to see things brought back. :)
I'm more excited than I should be right now. :woot:
So excited for this valentine's dance :wub:
Wow love the idea!!! I love Valentine :wub: :wub:
Yayyyy I was hoping that would make a comeback!! ^_^
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Thanks for posting this, Emzies.

We actually forgot to give Emzies an announcement:
Donna and I had been thinking about this for a bit and the enormous amount of activity for the Yule Ball cemented our decision to bring back the Valentine's Dance. Look for it to start on IC Valentine's Day. :party:
<FONT font="Arial"><COLOR color="Black">

This sounds so funnnnnnnn! *dances* I'll make sure to be on. Hehe.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Thanks for posting this, Emzies.

We actually forgot to give Emzies an announcement:
Donna and I had been thinking about this for a bit and the enormous amount of activity for the Yule Ball cemented our decision to bring back the Valentine's Dance. Look for it to start on IC Valentine's Day. :party:
As part of Valentine's Day Dance celebrations there is also a rose delivery service for your characters. Students and professors don't feel shy in signing up or sending flowers for good fun times!

Thread explaining this more: Here
Thanks for the update Emzies! Ack, so many exciting things are happening right now!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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