Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Hey guys, sorry this is late. Long story short, my car hated me and I fixed it. So, now I get to get back in the game! So, sit back and let us see the updates.
This is week 5, so make sure that you are posting your lessons regularly, and in a timely manner. On top of that, be sure that your marking is up to date. If you don't have a make up section, you should have one up this week at the least. Also, students, if you are doing lessons, keep up the good work! Next week is also a good week to catch up, as well as the next. Lesson 6 is normally the easiest. ;)
Halloween Feast
Somehow I completely missed it, but Halloween has come and gone! As per the White Elephant present, Steph was able to put in her input on the winners. And I am lucky enough to announce the costume winners of this year's feast. And here they are!
Best Costume: Overall Eleanor Hope as a gingerbread man.
Best Costume: Magically Enhanced Darcy Pratt as Poison Ivy
Best Costume: Most Scary Charlotte Owens as a possessed teen
Best Group/Couple: Archie Renner and Orwell Brocken as rockstars
Most Ridiculous: Zara Lovette as a steampunk princess.
Most Traditional Halloween: Victoria Havelock as a cat.
Congratulations to all you guys!
Another thing that managed to slip by me, is that Brightstone Weekend has closed. So, if you didn't finish your rps, I would probably suggest PMing that person and making sure that the plot is finished, or at least known, before moving on with more school RPs. Otherwise, it will be open in a few weeks!
There is a Quidditch match coming up next week between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. So, Quidditch players, be sure to check your PMs! We can expect it to be a good one, that's for sure. Feel free to comment below on who you are rooting for.

We have a special person spotlighted this month, and it is Marisol Woods (rped by Abby)! If you have not read about it, then you need to come here for all of the news as well as more information on her character.
There are some applications that are going live. If you want to be involved in the shopkeeper business, this may be your chance! It is simple, easy to follow, and very awesome group color if I say so myself. So, be on the lookout for those applications and best of luck to all of you that apply.
A new-old Orchid
It feels almost like, a sin to be announcing my return, in the BWU, but here it is because it is news. xD I am on the road to switching colleges, so I'd have more free time (though it looks like my activity actually decreased this week, it is all due to my car and spending hours and hours working on it). I am back on site staff, and will be here for a long time!
We have another game of Werewolf! Kelsey is leading it this time (also due to the White Elephant winning), with some added differences that will make the game even more fun! You can sign up here!
[ul][li]Luck is on our side
After getting a taste of Felix Felicis, the two teens run into each other with one hour of the potion's magic to spare.
Other RPs in this Plot:
Potions Lesson</LI>
[li]One by One
Gabriel and Felix run into each other on the cliffs. Punches are thrown.
[li]A first birthday!
Headmistress King hosts a birthday party for Vex![/li][/ul]
<LI>[li]Yule Ball
[/li][/ul]And that's all folks. So, leave a comment, question or just anything below if you like.

~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn!
Congratulations to all the Halloween winners!
Congrats to all of the costume winners!
I'm very excited to see how the new roles in Werewolf turn out. It should make for an even mor exciting game! I hope I can join. :)

Thanks for posting this update, Kaitlyn. Welcome back! ^_^
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn :D
Zara thanks everyone for the win :wub: And congrats to all the other Halloween costume winners!
Congratulations Halloween winners! Evelyn would sure be upsad about not winning :r Thanks for the update!
Go Eleanor and her gingerbread costume! :frantics: =))

Congratulations to all of the winners and thanks for the update Kaitlyn :wub:
Winning someting in the Halloween Costume Contest again :frantics: :frantics: Thanks so much! :D ^_^
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Thanks for the update Kaitlyn!
Ooh, first time I might be able to join the game xD
As always an exciting and awesome BWU! Congrats to the Halloween winners as well!
Thanks for the update Kaka, and congrats to all the winners!

Hogwarts Monthly has been posted, feel free to go and post in it and have your characters react! ^_^
Yay for the Halloween winners :D

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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