Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Hello Welcome to the first Bi-weekly update of may. Happy May Day and for those of you who have a long weekend enjoy and just pretend this was posted on time.
Debate 2 is well underway. this debate focuses on education so see what the candidates think of students accessing the forbidden forest and if there should be extra classes in the school.
family, aurors and campaign workers are also encouraged to react and there is a listening party for students and one for professors.

While on the topic of the election we are looking for our host of the third and final debate on commerce so this time we are looking for a current or former shopkeeper or another entrepreneur/business person. if you have a character who would like to host it or have some burning questions for the candidates you should send a PM to Cyndi and Emzies with the questions or character you'd like to put forward as well as a small paragraph explaining why their character is suited to leading a debate on commerce.

Halloween is a wrap. with new decorations this year the event was a huge success with the magical haunted forest. thank you to everyone who participated in all the fun RP's that went on. and to those who entered the costume contest you all looked amazing, winners will be announced shortly.

Ravenclaw played Hufflepuff. while the Beaters attempted their previous winning tactic of wiping out the other team Hufflepuff managed to get the snitch and took a win. this means that next semester Ravenclaw will play Gryffindor and Slytherin will be against Hufflepuff for first place.

Brightstone and Week 5
we are moving into week five of classes, can you believe it. make sure you get on top of posting, doing, and marking classes so that you don't have a huge amount of cramming to do on study week (we all know you are going to have a huge amount of cramming to do study week)
It is also Brightstone weekend. so head into town and make the most of being able to go to the shops.

Talking about shops. we have two new(ish) shopkeepers. Wish a big congratulations to Olivia Drage as she takes over The Apothecary and Ezra Cade who has moved from owning Borgan and Burkes to Quality Quidditch Supplies. Congratulations Amanda and Dan.

HNZ is official of age on HNZ. by that I mean It is the site's seventeenth birthday. can you believe that this site has lasted so long and is still going strong?
there is a lot going on this month and the party has already started with sign-ups for some of the competitions and games already open such as Werewolf, Photo Challenge, as well as the community signature and places to react to meeting your charictor, list your top 17 things reminisce on events of the last seventeen years, and give us your biggest smile and see the faces behind the names. It is worth checking back as there are even more exciting things to come.

OOC superlatives are open. That is superlatives for the people behind the characters. nominations are currently underway. so let us know who you think is most likely to make a new character or who is the most likely to brighten your day. nominations can be found here

A big shout out to Rowan, Kris, Ana, Claire, and Kadi for their efforts in consistently filling the board with their awesome graphics over the last few months. :wub:
have you ever thought of joining this awesome bunch? you can it is easy, just have a go at graphics request or have a go at making your own. you don't have to be perfect on your first attempt. like every art skills are things you develop over time and it is so satisfying when you make something new or try a new skill
I don't know how to? I hear you say. Even if you don't have skills yet filling requests is a great way to develop them and develop your own unique style. If you need help rowan has posted some tutorials here to get you started.
I don't have photoshop to any other graphics software
you don't need fancy software to fill requests. people have done graphics on paint before or try an online platform.

  • Absolutely Batty: After ditching her brothers to let them figure things out between themselves a vampire runs into a bat. But how much flirting will it take until he finally asks her out?
    • Other Roleplays in this plot
    • Flight of the Desmodontinae The conversation continues on the way back to Gryffindor tower.
    • A Reluctant Vampire a Gryffindor tries to set both her brothers up. But are the boys really that oblivious?
  • New Development:Indra and Weston learn more about the eel, and a little more about each other too.
  • Wide Awake after being forced to study all holidays Leonardo is looking forward to some quidditch training with Jordie to blow out the cobwebs. but maybe he should take a nap first.

  • Birthday Fun
  • Werewolf (please sign up it will be a good one this year and I really want to make it to 14 players)
  • more election adventures
  • end of semester
  • Yule ball
  • is it too early to say the Christmas holiday?
  • Lots more spotlighted threads in the next BWU because everyone will want to submit them

That's a wrap folks have a lovely day and here is your reminder to do something today that makes you smile and remember to sign up for werewolf
Mia :mia:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thank you for the update Mia! Love all the birthday antics :wub:

you don't have to be perfect on your first attempt. like every art skills are things you develop over time and it is so satisfying when you make something new or try a new skill

I sooooo wanna highlight this if anyone is keen to get into graphics but struggling with the early learning stages. My early sigs looked like this and at the time that was where my skills were at - nobody just picks up Photoshop and magically knows all the things they can do with it. Requests are an amazing way to get practice, and over time you'll find your style and develop new skills as you get more comfortable with the program you're using and the tools/resources available. It can be really frustrating when your eye for art is better than the skills you have at making it, but the only way to get through those early stages is to persevere and keep trying new things. Looking back even though none of those sigs are in styles I would make today I'm still fond of them, because I know I worked hard and learned a lot in the process :party:

Also wanna say that in addition to the tutorials if anyone is keen to get into making graphics and wants some pointers/troubleshooting/just to chat about it feel free to drop me a line absolutely any time! I love love love talking about graphics and I'd be super happy to help out anyone who's giving it a try!

Just 'cause Daph, Kris, Kadi, Ana, Claire, and I are the most prolific graphic makers doesn't mean it's any kind of exclusive club, there are no requirements to make graphics other than giving it your best and having fun and spending half an hour wiggling the text right two pixels then left two pixels then right two pixels then down one pixel?? NO thats worse up THREE pixels and left FOUR ok now it looks right

EDIT: ALSO if anyone is looking for a Photoshop alternative I strongly recommend PhotoPea - it has all the same functionality for free and is browser based, so no need to download anything!
Thanks for posting, Mia! Very excited to read all of the birthday topics as people begin posting in them and games get going. ^_^
Here are the winners of the costume contest! Congrats and thank you to all who participated!

Best Overall: Louis Vernier - Knight in Shining Armour
Best Magically Enhanced: Caleb Thorne as a Fairy
Most Scary - Andi Hart as a Clown
Best Group/Couple: Rosie Archer & Aurora Archer - Minister Candidates
Most Ridiculous - Sawyer Carnahan as A Man With Too Much Time on His Hands
Most Traditional Halloween - Louis Alcott as a skeleton

Points have been awarded.
While on the topic of the election we are looking for our host of the third and final debate on commerce so this time we are looking for a current or former shopkeeper or another entrepreneur/business person. if you have a character who would like to host it or have some burning questions for the candidates you should send a PM to Cyndi and Emzies with the questions or character you'd like to put forward as well as a small paragraph explaining why their character is suited to leading a debate on commerce.
Last call! If you're interested, please send a PM with the information mentioned no later than Thursday 12pm GMT. Thanks!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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