Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

Brendan was just absolutely astounded by the seeker gameplay this match. His jaw dropped, seeing the snitch caught yet again. What was going on? This was crazy. HNZ had no chance. Seeing the younger chaser take the quaffle once again, Brendan fly after her in case she needed to pass, as well as to keep a better eye on her and her scoring technique.
Theodore really needed to step up his game to impress the captains, which was getting more and more difficult as Elvira took a lead in catching snitches. Still, he was amazed by her, and hoped that he'd be just as good someday if he wanted to take the sport on professionally. The youth looked around for the snitch, but saw nothing.
As Celine continued to watch the practice play out, she couldn't decide if this was the most successful one in which she'd ever partaken - or becoming some sort of three-ring circus. The Quaffle seemed to be at the opposite end of the pitch far more than she had anticipated, despite Jessica's directions back when they'd been on the ground. The new beaters hadn't ever met Peter before he'd graduated, she didn't think, but they seemed to have fallen into the same trap that he had of aiming the bludgers at fellow players more often than seemed necessary - Celine absentmindedly rubbed the spot on her thigh where the older boy had accidentally hit her last year as she watched. She hoped Elvira was doing okay, but with three catches already under her belt Celine figured her friend was probably pretty happy with her performance anyway. If only she could feel the same herself, and she watched the chasers closely as they moved across the pitch.
Theodore's heart leapt as he caught the glimmer of gold up ahead, and immediately accelerated toward the buzzing snitch, his arm desperately outstretched to grab a hold of it. Unfortunately for him, it was too fast, and zipped off to the side before he could reach it. He looked around, trying to catch sight of it again.
Maia continued to follow the Chaser as she flew to the pitch, looking left and right for any incoming bludgers she had to send off.
Cassi watched as the chasers bobbed their way around the pitch. Celine was on her guard as well at the opposite end.
The blonde looked around her as she flew to the other side of the field. Cheryl noticed a beater followed her and was glad she would try to protect her. But she wasn't gonna be unfocused by that so looked in the direction of where she had to go. The blonde came closer to the hoops and saw an chance to score again. The other chaser came close too, so if she didn't had a chance she could pass it. But Cheryl was confident and threw the quaffle in one of the hoops and scored! Cheryl cheered and looked at the keeper who missed. She felt bad that te keepers had having a hard time, but she was sure they would do fine in the game.
Brendan cheered as the newest alternate managed another score. The Keepers needed to step up their game, but with how well the Seekers were doing, there wasn't as much to worry about. But they couldn't be relying on them to find the snitch as quickly as the had been in a real game. Taking possession of the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, Fulke jetted off toward the opposing hoops.
Theodore leaned back, feeling his arms cramping up holding onto the broom a little too tightly. He rotated out the discomfort in his shoulders, and resumed searching for the snitch. He waved toward one of the beaters as he passed them, trying to be friendly both for the sake of being friendly, and to avoid being targeted by any bludgers. He didn't want to end up like Elvira, it looked way too painful.
Maia cheered when Cheryl managed to score another goal and then flew away from the chaser again to fly circles around the pitch and look for bludgers to hit.
Fletcher grinned as one of their chasers managed to score again, and continued to fly around in search of a bludger she could hit at someone. Fletcher wasn't usually for violence, but she did have someone in mind that she would aim at should she come across the ball.
Brendan frowned, trying to find the other chasers, since it felt like just he and Cheryl were the only ones putting in the effort. Seeing none of them in front of him, he continued onwards toward the hoops and entered into the scoring zone, throwing the quaffle through the rightmost hoop. It passed through, and again he was unsure if he should be pleased or disappointed by his success. There was no balance between the ratio of scores versus saves, which he would have preferred. As much as he would have liked to think he was just that good, the newbie was faring just as well. Flying back, the redhead looked around to see if any of the other chasers would step it up and take possession for a change.
Maia accelerated once she spotted a bludger on the other side of the pitch and smiled, knowing that this was going to be it. Once the Beater was close enough, she took a swung at the ball and aimed it towards the younger Seeker, Theodore.
Theodores attention turned toward the hoops as he saw one of the captains score another goal. He cheered for him, but for some reason the older boy didn't look the most pleased about it. He couldn't understand why, but he considered the chaser role too complicated to understand, let alone enjoy. Too many rules. It was an easier and more rewarding job finding the snitch, a job he was about to get back to when a bludger suddenly came toward him. Too late to do anything else, he threw up his hands to cover his face, the most important part, but felt a blow to his chest as the iron ball made contact. It. Hurt. The youth yelled out, clutching at his ribs, but despite the aching pain and tears stinging his eyes, nothing felt broken or cracked. He breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down and wait for the pain to die to a dull ache before he could move anywhere.
Fletcher had her eyes on Maia now, she was hitting too many people. Realising she was about to again, and wanting to practise her defence, Fletcher watched as she hit the bludger towards the second seeker, but before she could react in time it hit the boy and she winced. It looked as though it hurt, and the third year felt bad about not being able to deflect it. She was getting impatient now, and knew she needed to get better, faster.
As Celine failed to save another goal, she clenched her teeth tightly in response. It was beginning to stress her out that she couldn't manage to demonstrate any of the skill she had shown in her tryout - what must the captains think of her? Keeper might be a small position to some, but it was a very crucial one and if Celine couldn't do what she was supposed to be doing she felt useless - there was no space for her to be useless though, because she was the team's Keeper. She needed to step up her game.
Theodore clung close behind the curly-haired beater. She hadn't been able to defend him before, but if he could stick a little behind her, he thought he might have had a better chance at any further bludgers being blocked. He rubbed at his sore chest, and kept an eye out for the snitch. Finding it a second time was the only thing that could make him feel any better.
Cassi grimaced as she saw the goal the chasers scored on Celine's hoops. Today was not really a good start for both of them. Still,practice isn't over and Cassi was determined to save a few more.
Maia was happy that she had managed to hit Theodore. She was playing all right now and hoped that she could keep it up.
Elvira winced in sympathy, and search for the snitch momentarily forgotten she flew over to Theodore. She flew next to him and gave him a sympathetic smile. "First bludger hit is always the worst." She said, reaching over to pat his back. "Just fly around for a bit, it'll fade." The poor kid was clearly in pain, and Elvira felt some sort of protectiveness over him. He was her alternate, after all.
Fletcher hoped that next time she found a bludger she would be able to hit it. Realising she was being tailed now too, she knew she had to step up her game.
Theodores attention turned to Elvira as she came over to him, and he smiled despite the ache. It was weirdly reassuring to have her be concerned about him. He'd spent the previous year wanting to be just like her, and now here he was, playing quidditch and having her check up on him after taking a bludger to the chest. Not where he'd predicted he'd be in a years time. "Thanks. That beater really has it out for us." He joked, but admittedly it was a good strategy to take out the seekers. He just wished she'd focus on hitting them away from the team rather than at them.
Fletcher could briefly hear that the two seekers were talking behind her, when she spotted a bludger heading straight towards them. She paused in the air, lining herself up with her bat raised above her head, determined this time not to let it hit either of them. She swung at it and managed to hit it dead on, although once again she hadn't been paying any attention to where it was flying off to. After being so wrapped up in just making sure the seekers wouldn't be another target, the ball veered off course. She'd only wanted to keep it away from all their team members, but instead she watched as it sailed straight towards Maia. She paused in shock as she realised she'd managed to hit a second player herself, although at least the alternate might be more careful herself in future.
Elvira laughed a little. "No kidding, but it's a good preparation for the real thing." She assured him with a grimace. She waved at him as she headed her own way again, still keeping an eye out for the snitch.
She was about take a swing at a bludger when she noticed one coming straight towards her. Unable to dodge it, the bludger hit her Beater's arm. Maia groaned loudly and let go of her broomstick for a moment, her eyes tearing up. She glanced at the other Beater and muttered something in Chinese that she did not dare say if her parents would have been around, as it would surely get her grounded. She tried to concentrate on looking for bludgers again, cautiously look around her just in case Fletcher would aim another one at her.

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