Celine was focused on a stretch involving using one hand to pull the other arm across her chest when she saw the new alternate keeper approach her, and she smiled warmly in greeting. Upon hearing the other girl's words however she shook in her head in slight reassurance. "No of course not, don't think that. I was only an alternate last year myself, so I don't really feel any different." She switched to stretching the other arm. "We're in this together." She would have liked to have said more, but Jessica began the practice at that moment and so Cassi didn't get a chance to reply to any of what she'd said. Hopefully she'd taken something out of it though.
Celine listened to Jessica's instructions patiently, and then once directed to take off mounted her broom and streaked off towards the northern hoops. It was only once she got there that she realised Brendan had headed off in the opposite direction, and with nothing to do for a while she simply watched the rest of the team. Elvira was zooming about as she tended to do, and Celine winced as from her line of sight a Bludger came out of nowhere to hit her friend on the shoulder. She knew that felt like, and she hoped the hit had looked worse than it actually was. The other seeker seemed okay, considering Elvira had nearly run him over in her attempt to swerve, and Celine watched in amazement as the kid managed to catch the snitch! Maybe he was going to be a natural - although with Elvira around Celine wasn't ever really going to get a chance to see it in a real game... as her friend proved by then managing to also catch the snitch as well straight after. Despite all of the exciting action however, Celine did manage to catch sight of the successful goal being scored at the other end of the pitch, and readied herself in preparation for the chasers about to head her way.