Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice

Brendan flew overhead, keeping an eye on the players and feeling glad to see one of the other chasers take possession of the quaffle. It was important for even the alternates to get the practice in, though he was surprised it was the new girl who managed to take it first - and then to manage to score on top of that! All of these new players were proving to be surprisingly good. It wasn't looking good for the new Keeper, however, but with enough practice she'd surely do better. He watched from above, to see if one of the other chasers would take it back and have a go at scoring on their own.
Not being able to find a snitch was starting to become a little frustrating, but Theodore kept on trying. Any movement that wasn't one of the players was exciting, but each time he thought he'd spotted it, it was just a bludger reflecting the sunlight, or a bird flying by.
Fletcher continued to fly around the pitch, always on the lookout for the bludgers. She was growing impatient. She wanted to practise her aim more than just hitting the ball, and there was no way she was going to be able to learn that if she couldn't locate one in the first place.
As he flew around, Theodore found himself alongside Elvira again, trying to see if she was faring any better than he was. "Maybe the snitch got fed up from being caught by us so quickly and left the pitch." He mused, as unlikely as it was, he liked to imagine a sulky snitch moping about on the stands.
Finally. Maia pushed forwards and stretched out her arm as soon as she was close enough to the bludger to hit it and took a swing at the ball. However, it did not go towards the seeker she had aimed it at but to one of her captains, Brendan. She felt ashamed once he was hit and rushed towards him to apologise and tell him that he wasn't her initial target before she would fly around the pitch in search of bludgers again.
Cassi cursed to herself as another quaffle went through her. She risked a glance at Brendan and shook herself to step up. She threw the quaffle to play and got into position.
Fletcher to continued to search the skies for a bludger, getting increasingly frustrated as she tried to locate one. Shed done it once and she was sire she would do it again if she managed to find one.
Elvira gave Theodore a smile and sighed deeply. "That's seeming more and more likely, isn't it?" She said with a small laugh. It was a silly mental image, but a fun one. Suddenly she whipped her head aroud as she saw something glint from the corner of her eye. The snitch passed them by in the other direction. As if it was mocking them! Without another word she zoomed away from Theodore's side to chase it, not looking to see if he was following. She pushed herself to fly fast enough to catch up, and managed to grab it out of the air. "YES!" She said with a laugh. "We're going for a record this practice, I can feel it!" She held it into the ai to show her teammates and then let it go again.
Being stationary in the air had been a bad idea. Before Brendan knew it, his watching of the other players was interrupted by a jarring pain in his side. "Merde." He swore, feeling the air knocked out of him, and he struggled to regain his breath as Maia approached to apologise. "Tch. Ah, it's fine. I should have been moving around." He told her, sucking it up and watching her fly off, before heading further down the pitch himself. He heard cheering, and it seemed like Elvira had caught the snitch again. He was pretty impressed, and gave her a thumbs up from afar, not feeling like shouting out with the dull ache in his ribs.
Theodore had not been expecting Elvira's sudden reaction to something, and it took him a little too long to figure out it could have only been one thing. He took off after her, trying to see the snitch for himself, but by the time his eyes were on it, the older Seeker already had it in her hand. She was amazing! He stopped his acceleration and cheered, before returning back to the game. She was ahead of him by one now, and while he didn't expect to catch up, he was going to try his best.
Jess decided to fly higher up than the rest of the team to watch the practice and see how things were going. She was happy to see that everyone seemed to be excelling in their positions somehow whether it was the Chasers scoring or the Beaters hitting someone, even if it was her co-captain, he could take it. But she had not expected the Seekers to find another Snitch too soon after their last catch. Jess grinned and cheered and then yelled at them all to keep up the good work, not wanting them to get complacent or slack off. She went in search of bludgers to hit and saw one below her but as she dove down to hit it, it had flown out of reach so she kept searching for another one.
Maia followed a bludgers she's noticed out of the corner of her eyes after she apologised to Brendan. She felt a little more confident in hitting them though thought that she would need to improve her aim a bit more. She stretched out her arm and swung her bat against the bludger, aiming it towards Elvira.
Fletcher tried to stop the bludger that was flying towards Elvira, but after swiping at it she missed it completely. She swore as she knew the seeker would probably take the full impact once again.
Elvira was busy looking around once again for the snitch, when she heard the unmistakable sound of a bludger approaching. She cried out in pain when it struck her leg, her hand immediately flying to her shin to make sure nothing had broken. The sudden movement made her broom spiral downward, and it took her a little while to get her bearings. She glared at Maia. "Really, I need to be hit twice?!" She yelled, annoyed. She wasn't sure how much the younger girl could help it, but why were all bludgers aimed at her today? Feeling something buzz against her hair, she swatted at it in annoyance. Her leg was hurting and she was in no mood for this beetle or whatever it was. But it felt bigger than some insect, a bird? Blindly she grasped at it and let out a disbelieving exhale when she realized it was the snitch. Once again. "I think this stupid snitch likes me." She said quietly in disbelief. It didn't lessen the pain of the bludger, but it made her feel a little better. "Does this even count?!" She asked more loudly, trying to see if she could catch the eye of one of the captains.
Maia felt a little guilty when Elvira yelled at her for being hit twice now. ''I'm sorry!'' she yelled back. It was supposed to be her job to take the players out of the match but she didn't want them to dislike her because of it. Glad that the seeker had still managed to catch the snitch, Maia continued her search.
Jessica looked around incredulously as Elvira managed to catch the snitch yet again even after being hit by a bludger twice. She looked over at Brendan proudly for the team they’d constructed together and hoped this wasn’t just a beginner’s luck type of first practice. Jess looked over at Maia and said, ”Nice shot! But let’s try not to take out our Seeker since she’s killing it right now,” she joked. Meanwhile Sica was not having so good a practice herself in missing so many hits and it was beginning to frustrate her since she was a captain, she needed to show them why she was good enough for this role.

Cassi winced as Elvira took a hit from the bludgers. She felt sorry for Maia though.Keeping her stance at the hoops,she watched for the quaffle being carried by one of the chasers. She heard Elvira whooped at cathcing the snitch but Cassi did not risk a glance as the quaffle came toward her which she managed to save. She had done it.Her first save.
Fletcher glared at Maia as she hit Elvira for a second time, wishing that she'd managed to defend her from the bludger. She watched as Cassi managed to save a goal finally, and cheered as Elvira managed to catch the snitch yet again. They hadn't been playing very long at all and they already had over 600 points.
''I'm sorry!'' Maia repeated, this time looking at her other captain. She felt bad for targeting Elvira now, making a mental note to go apologise to the seeker after the training was over. For now, though, she flew circles around the pitch in search for bludgers.
Cheryl was happy with scoring and hoped she would do it again. The other chaser seemed nice and gave space to try out again. Cheryl smiled at the other chaser and kept her eyes open. When the keeper threw the quaffle back in the game Cheryl catched it and flew to the other side of the hoops. She had to make some speed to get pass the others.
Fletcher continued to fly around the pitch, hoping she'd find a bludger she could hit in Maia's direction. The third year knew she hadn't targeted her on purpose and sometimes the balls had a mind of their own though, and she tried to just concentrate on finding another of her own.
Not really sure what to do once she noticed that there weren't any bludgers around for her to send towards people, Maia decided to follow the chaser as she made her way to the other side of the pitch, thinking that by protecting her she'd be useful.
Elvira was hurting, but also feeling proud. She still couldn't believe she had caught the snitch three times in one game, though she wasn't sure if she could catch the last time when she hadn't really tried. She zoomed around, trying to ignore the pain from the two bludgers.
Fletcher began to flip the bat in the hand, wondering if she had the strength play with her right. Her left was becoming tired but she knew she did better with it. She caught a glimpse of a bludger though and quickly sped off after it, knowing exactly what she was going to do if she caught up to it.
Cassi was pleased to save a goal and was determined to keep it that way.She readied herself as chasers got the quaffle into play again.

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