📸 Photo Challenge 📸

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Hello and welcome back to another year of the photo challenge! 🌟

For anyone unsure what they might be signing up for let me lay out the idea of this challenge once more. During the photo challenge you will be given multiple prompts, each one completely up to your own interpretation. A great way to show your creativity and have some fun! Some of the prompts might focus on you while others might be more centered around one or more of your characters.

Still unsure of what's happening? Take a look at some of the previous challenges to see what it's all about! (Here & here).


This challenge will consist of multiple rounds, each providing you with a different prompt. Completing a prompt and uploading your photo/video will results in you earning one point. The top two point earners are the end of the competition will receive a fun prize!

  • Site rules apply for all photos submitted
  • Each round will last for approximately 48 hours so make sure to get your photo in before the next round is posted!
  • The game is played OOC which means you can only sign up once per roleplayer
  • Photos submitted for this challenge should be photos made specifically for the purpose of this challenge (and should not be repeated even if you feel like it fits another prompt too)
  • Feel free to pop in and share your creativity even if you haven't signed up for the competition part of this game!

[b]Sign ups:[/b]

Sign ups:
  • Ainsley Lynch

[B]Sign ups:[/B]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]





Sign ups:
  • Ainsley Lynch
  • Demetrius Wagner

[B]Sign ups:[/B]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Demetrius Wagner[/class]
Sign ups:
  • Ainsley Lynch
  • Demetrius Wagner
  • Teddy Pirrip

[B]Sign ups:[/B]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Demetrius Wagner[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Teddy Pirrip[/class]
Sign ups:
  • Ainsley Lynch
  • Demetrius Wagner
  • Teddy Pirrip
  • Amber Chou Wilson

[B]Sign ups:[/B]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][class=hufflepuff]Demetrius Wagner[/class]
[*][class=gryffindor]Teddy Pirrip[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
Sign ups:
  • Ainsley Lynch
  • Demetrius Wagner
  • Teddy Pirrip
  • Amber Chou Wilson
  • Elvera Le Fey
The game will be starting very soon, so this is the last call to sign up to play for a prize!
It's time to get this game going so here's our first prompt!

A glimpse into the future - show us something you're looking forward to (could be IC or OOC!)

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Omg, how boring am I that the very first thing that came to mind was the bypass construction on a route I use most days that's due to be finished next month? Oh well... NEW ROAD, LESS CONGESTION!

Congratulations on the promotion marijke and when you are planning your trip down under let me know.

My thing I am looki g forward to is my new house. Which I will get the keys to at the end of the month. (These aren’t the keys to it they are the keys to the air bnb I am staying at this
OMG Marijke let me know when you're down here aaaaaaaa if you're down ÅŒtepoti way I'd love to show you around!!!

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Just a few more hours to join the fun of showing us something you're looking forward to! Loving the entries so far. ^_^

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I got engaged over the holidays so here's a glimpse into my future- I'm looking forward to a wedding in the kinda near future (late 2025/early 2026- by wedding standards that's practically tomorrow it seems!). Just need to find a venue I like that has one of my preferred dates!
That's time on Prompt 1!

Teddy Pirrip - 1
Elvera Le Fey - 1
Ainsley Lynch - 1
Demetrius Wagner
Amber Chou Wilson

Time for the next round. For this one, we want to see a photo of something that reminds you of someone else's character.

Here's mine!


This reminds me of Kiersten's Saul Bollywood. These are candles but they remind me of something that might've ended up on one of his menus. And they smell amazing.

Excited to see your photos. The 48 hour countdown begins...now!
This owl on my mantelpiece always makes me think of @Lysander Summers :wub:


It came out of a jumbo kinder egg I got over easter <3 (also yes i still have christmas cards up i never like taking down lovely messages from friends)
Crap I missed the start of this and almost round 2 as well 😬

but I have one, my colorful bead collection reminds me of @Marnie Frogg

I don’t know if I am a bit late on this but this is my prompt 2 and it always reminds me of @Nell Night which cos one of the main reasons I bought it.

I'm going to count it (just this time) because I am far too late posting the next round due to unforeseen circumstances!

Teddy Pirrip - 1
Elvera Le Fey - 2
Ainsley Lynch - 2
Demetrius Wagner
Amber Chou Wilson - 1

Let's move on to round three: the wand chooses the wizard! This round is all about something that just felt right when it came into your ownership.


I had been wanting this 3-piece vinyl/lp set that I had been wanting for a long time even when I didn't even have a record player yet (the records are transparent which I love as well) - I then got it from my brother soon after I purchased my record player and not long after I couldn't find this precise set for purchase anymore when I looked for it online so it felt wonderfully right.
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Ong Rowan. I was just thinking I needed to post mine. And then I open the site and see you posted a minute ago. I do love your house it really does feel like you and very right. And I love your hall and all the art (and I am glad you still like the flowers.

Anyway here is my thing. It is a pebble. I found it years ago (like probably over a decade) on a beach/sand dune when I was on holiday. And it just felt right in my hand so I kept it. And it has lived in my hand bag ever since. I am pretty sure it has transferred through at least four bags since then.
That's time on that prompt! Loving the sentiments behind your choices.


So many of my memories with my grandparents are tied to them drinking coffee made by one of these. It was nice to get one of my own to remind me of those times more often.

Teddy Pirrip - 1
Elvera Le Fey - 3
Ainsley Lynch - 3
Demetrius Wagner
Amber Chou Wilson - 1

Next is a classic photo challenge prompt- show us your wizarding finest! We want to see a real world example of something one of your characters would wear. I'll add mine tonight!

I only had the beans to put together one outfit this time round (considered doing one for Dhivya but all my dance gear has the name of the school I work at on it lmao alas) so here's a Lewque for Finn

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I was feeling slightly uninspired for outfits. but here we go.


before she became a healer she was a muggle doctor, and liked working in scrubs, as they are comfortable and practical. in muggle hospitals they had a thing called fun scrub Fridays, especially when she worked in the children's hospital. you will often find her in scrubs at work and maybe on Fridays she will be in something a bit fun like these two sets to cheer up her paediatric patients.

Time's up! I do love me some wizardwear!

Teddy Pirrip - 1
Elvera Le Fey - 4
Ainsley Lynch - 4
Demetrius Wagner
Amber Chou Wilson - 1

Next up for round five: it's all about ✨ inspiration ✨ . We'd like to see something that has inspired you to create a certain character or something you think could very well inspire you (or someone else) to bring life to a new one!
This took me an embarrassingly long time to come to lmao


A reference for the brits (and brit-adjacent folks) - @Corn Seymour VII is heavily inspired by Arnold Rimmer, from the sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. I rewatched the series last year for the first time in ages and I forgot how gooooood it is oh my GOD
I've been so bad at keeping up with this so I'm determined to try not to be the person who signed up and then didn't do a single photo so -


These are the tarot cards I use to brainstorm characters, or answer questions about characters, ect. Probably my favourite deck, it feels very versatile. It's called the modern witch tarot in case anyone's curious. Just a rider waite clone basically but I dig its vibe.

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