rose giving y36

  1. Lillith Montgomery

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunshine in the dark

    Lillith went down to the dungeons for the first time, it was to deliver her last rose. Her basket consisted of a single yellow rose and a few baggies of chocolate chip cookies. She didn’t want to do much waiting around and look around so she just decided to knock on the the slytherin door. Once...
  2. Lillith Montgomery

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Bumblebee

    Lillith walked around the quidditch pitch looking for the next delivery. She had heard of the name when she watched the quidditch matches. She carried a basket with several roses and more than several baggies of chocolate chip cookies. Along with the rose delivery, she wanted to check out the...
  3. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendships with A Lion

    It was Samantha's last rose she was about to give out and she was a little sad. She had enjoyed her day giving out roses. Valentine's Day was one of Samantha's favourite holidays. Sam decided to head back towards the Great Hall and had hoped to find who she was looking for. "Hi, do you know...
  4. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Crushes & Badgers

    It was almost the end of the day for Samantha's rose giving, and she was almost done! She had liked seeing the reactions and interacting with people. Samantha was on her second to last rose and headed back to the Great Hall, hoping she'd find who she was looking for. "Excuse me, do you know...
  5. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Petals and a Young Lion

    Samantha had spent her day giving out the roses and she had loved it, and couldn't wait to do it again. She had a basket filled with roses she was going to give out throughout the day. Samantha walked into The Student Lounge, hoping to find who she was looking for. "Ivy Ashworth? Is there an Ivy...
  6. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving Bright Yellow for a Raven

    It had been Valentine's Day, and the day only had just begun. It had been Samantha's second rose she was giving out, and she was excited for giving out more. She had walked around Hogwarts and decided to try out the library. The library wasn't that busy but it was quiet. Samantha wasn't sure who...
  7. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    🌹 Rose Giving A Pink Rose For a Gryffindor

    This was Samantha's first time rose giving, throughout her time in Hogwarts, and she was excited. Samantha walked into the Great Hall, a basket filled with roses she would be delivering for the day. She looked around the hall to find a particular person until she finally found who she was...
  8. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Bonnie Yellow Rose

    [Yellow for @Ezekiel Lavish ] Having done a lap of the castle, Elliot decided to head outside, hoping he could at least swing by to check on the Wild Patch if he couldn't find any of his deliveries outside. Spotting some nearby Gryffindors, Elliot moved over to them trying not to feel too...
  9. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Wild Roses

    [Yellow rose for @Annabeth Easterling ] Rose giving was always something that kept Elliot busy, but it seemed even more so this year with him helping run the Wild Patch. He was relieved when he spotted one of the students on his list as he made his way down the corridor, detouring so he could...
  10. Elliot Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving First Year Buds

    [Yellow Rose for @Oscar Davies ] Elliot had hoped after a few years delivering roses, he'd have a system down for finding people, but then every year he got roses for more and more students he'd never heard of before. He'd figured he'd just have to bite the bullet this year and start asking at...
  11. Brooke Townsend

    🌹 Rose Giving Fond Flowers

    [Yellow Rose for @Acacia Dunn ] Brooke was hopeful with her next delivery being an important member of Heta Omega, she might be easy to find near the clubroom. Brooke had considered joining Heta next year, since it seemed like an excellent way to make friends, and she tried to covertly peer...
  12. Brooke Townsend

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Worth Trusting

    [Yellow rose for @Aonghas Fergusson ] Brooke was struggling trying to track down her next rose. She'd definitely heard the name Fergusson before, though she wasn't sure if it was because it was an old family or because she was fairly sure there was a quidditch player out there with the same...
  13. Brooke Townsend

    🌹 Rose Giving Blossoming Yellow

    [Yellow rose for @Annabeth Easterling ] Brooke was finding locating younger students so much easier, grateful she had another one of her classmates on her list for her next delivery. It was easy enough to spot Annabeth as they were heading out Herbology, and Brooke was glad they had classes...
  14. Brooke Townsend

    🌹 Rose Giving Thorny Yellow

    [Yellow rose for @Eric Holland ] Eric Holland was a tough person to find. Brooke knew him by reputation, even if Sydney didn't already complain about him enough at home, but he wasn't exactly an active member in many clubs outside SDA, and Brooke was pretty sure Sydney would kill her if she so...
  15. Brooke Townsend

    🌹 Rose Giving Brewing a Yellow Rose

    [Yellow rose for @Estella Fuentes ] Brooke was rather looking forward to all this rose giving, though it was a little hard to figure out how to find everyone and also do all her classes. She was relieved that one of her roses was for a classmate at least, and hurried to catch Estella after they...
  16. Ruben Right

    🌹 Rose Giving The Last Yellow

    Ruben was out for his last delivery of the day, his feet were aching as he had walked through the whole castle at least ten times. "Mazikeen Roe? Does someone know who Mazikeen Roe is?" he asked everyone. He had just saw the peculiar name, another one, he loved peculiar names. Parents can be...
  17. Ruben Right

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink Hearts

    Ruben was excited to be giving a rose other than yellow, it was his only different rose amd he knew exactly what it meant and he couldn't wait to see the boy's reaction to it. He was looking for a student bame Apollo, a student he couldn't wait to find. "Apollo Bixby. Got a Valentine's Day...
  18. Ruben Right

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for another van Houten

    Ruben was surprised to see the last name 'van Houten' again on his list. He'd make sure to ask this girl if she was related to Lars but first he would have to find her, a not so simple task. He had lost count how many times he had walked down the corridors but it was all worth it just to the...
  19. Ruben Right

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for a fellow

    Ruben had no idea who the next person in his list was. The person certainly had an odd name, the young boy had never seen it before, he liked the originality. "Lars van Houten? Does anyone knows Lars? I got a delivery for him" he said as he went through the corridor. He hoped he found the boy...
  20. Ruben Right

    🌹 Rose Giving Simply Yellow

    Ruben was looking for a girl named Hayzel, it was his first deliver today and he couldn't be more excited. He wondered how the girl would take it. Would she be surprised? Would she act like she didn't care? Would this be her tenth rose? Would she be relieved? He couldn't predict that but he was...