🌹 Rose Giving Thorny Yellow

Brooke Townsend

🤍 No Grit No Pearl 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10/2039 (22)
[Yellow rose for @Eric Holland ]

Eric Holland was a tough person to find. Brooke knew him by reputation, even if Sydney didn't already complain about him enough at home, but he wasn't exactly an active member in many clubs outside SDA, and Brooke was pretty sure Sydney would kill her if she so much as breathed at the duelling chamber. Instead, Brooke had stationed herself in the entrance hall, keeping an eye out for any of deliveries, not that she would know many by sight yet. "Hey, Eric Holland, right?" Brooke said, hurrying over when she'd spotted someone who seemed to match Eric's description. He looked surly enough at least.
Eric had been surprised to get a rose the moment he stepped out of the common room, but wasn't expecting more than that. He was just going to grab some food, then return to the Gryffindor common room for now. He would be glad when this day was over. But as he crossed the entrance hall, a young girl approached him too. How did all these kids know who he was? "Yeah, what is it?" He asked her, though he kept on walking too.
Brooke tried not to huff when Eric didn't stop walking, hurrying to keep up with his longer stride. "I've got a rose for you if you don't mind holding on a second," She said, trying to fish it out without bumping into anyone. In general, Brooke tried to take Sydney's opinions on things with a grain of salt, but she did wonder if her notable dislike of Eric Holland had any merit, especially after some of the rumours she'd heard about him.
Eric sighed and stopped walking, frowning at the girl. "Okay, fine." He said. "Give it to me." He held out his hand expectantly. He had liked his last rose a lot, but he still preferred not to be disturbed by strangers trying to give him flowers.
"Thank you," Brooke said when Eric finally stopped and held out a hand for his rose, letting her take a minute to find it and pull it out. As she handed over the yellow rose and note, Brooke almost wanted to ask Eric about her sister, but her instincts told her perhaps that wasn't the best idea. "Happy Valentine's day," She settled on instead, giving Eric a bright smile.

Thanks for being a great brother and always having my back!

Love, Connor
Eric sighed as the girl too out the rose, and he took it from her without a word. As she wished him a happy Valentine's day, he shrugged. "Whatever." He muttered, focusing on the note. He couldn't help a small smile at the contents, glad Connor wasn't angry at him anymore. He then quickly scowled again as he folded up the note. "Bye." He muttered to the girl before walking off.

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