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  1. Rome Savage

    Closed Musician to Musician

    Rome was fairly oblivious to Delaney’s mood and his drinking, she was paying more attention to the musician at the front of the room and sipping her drink slowly. She didn’t want to drink it all in one go and be forced to either end the conversation to keep up the lie, though he wasn’t that...
  2. Rome Savage

    Closed Musician to Musician

    Rome certainly liked that he perked up a little when she’d said she would be playing later, it didn’t matter that he’d definitely figure out that she wasn’t. That didn’t matter to her at all. It wasn’t like she was ever going to actively pursue this guy beyond this night. She was a little...
  3. Rome Savage

    Closed Musician to Musician

    Rome had been expecting to finished her drink and then leave. She was three quarters of the way done and already thinking about how great it would be to just go to bed when someone next to her spoke. She glanced at him ready to tell him to get lost, when he recognised her. She smirked lightly...
  4. Rome Savage

    Closed Musician to Musician

    Rome loved life outside of school. It had been a good number of years since she had left school but it was better every day than all of the years of school combined. It was just better. She had her own band, she play consistently, had a good enough fanbase and had some little side activities...
  5. Rome Savage

    Scits Wanted

    We can set something up between terms if you want?
  6. Rome Savage

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  7. Rome Savage

    Scits Wanted

    Rome here could maybe help, she's a singer and she'd probably have soft hints in her songs about it. so it could be as simple as a conversation after a concert where jenna asks about it? Rome's also a massive liar so she'd over exaggerate everything and be keen to draw her in on false claims
  8. Rome Savage

    Graduation 2046

    In all seriousness, Rome had thought this day would just never come, it just seemed like, despite her best efforts, she would be perpetually stuck at hogwarts until the day she either murdered everyone else or herself. But, the day eventually came, and she couldn't admit to being unhappy about...
  9. Rome Savage

    Y30 Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 145 [hr]Rome cast a quick protego, one of the newer and more powerful ones they had learned in DADA to stop the other girl's spell. She liked duelling, it helped her feel good about her magic, and it was what she intended to do after so being good at it did help. She was quick to...
  10. Rome Savage

    Y30 Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 150 [hr]Rome loved that the duelling tournament was happening in her final semester of the school, it was one last opportunity to prove herself. She also believed that she definitely had an advantage over her partner. She was definitely going to win. She bowed and did the usual...
  11. Rome Savage

    Only Option Left

    Returning to Hogwarts for her final year had not been what Rome had wanted to do. She would've rather leave the school, just not graduate and focus instead on getting better at spell casting, work on stances, improve herself even just a little so that she could start competing. She had decided...
  12. Rome Savage

    Apparition Exam

    This was the only thing Rome had been looking forward to in Hogwarts since she'd arrived at the school. It was the last true test of her magic, the NEWTs afterwards didn't matter to her at all. She just needed to be able to do this, and then if she even came back to hogwarts was another matter...
  13. Rome Savage

    Apparition lesson three

    Rome was happy as the week rolled down, one step closer to it being over. She didn’t hate when it was the study week, mostly because there were no classes and she could just sit about and read the odd paragraph. It was likely why she had never done that well in her classes, pulling out the...
  14. Rome Savage

    Apparition Lesson 2

    Rome sighed to herself as she made her way through the school. The only things she liked in this school were few and far between. The more time she considered not coming back the more sense it made, but she knew her parents would be against it, and she couldn’t really leave her twin. She knew...
  15. Rome Savage

    Apparition Lesson One

    Rome knew that really at the end of this semester she could leave school if she wanted. She could pack up her things and walk away. She’d have her apparition license, she was already seventeen, there was very little keeping her at the school apart from, well, Cairo and her one friend from all...
  16. Rome Savage

    Rate the avi

    10/10 She's beautiful
  17. Rome Savage

    Career Fair

    Rome was wondering around the careers fair, a last minute decision as her twin was off galavanting around the world with his camera and she was just left in New Zealand with not much to do. Rome had found out about it and rather than completely dismissing it decided that given that she hadn't...
  18. Rome Savage

    Meeting 3: Styx Angry

    Rome was surprised that she had to wait outside but she was called in, and that was when her nerves seemed to raise slightly. She walked into the room, holding her head as high as she could muster given what was likely about to happen, and gave a short glare at the two others there. Rome knew...
  19. Rome Savage

    Y28 Dueling Match #23

    Current Points: 120 [hr]The girl was so surprised when the other girl tried to irritate her, or rile her up that she didn't even notice the spell hit her on the shoulder causing a cut to appear. This didn't make Rome very happy at all, she raised her wand and pointed at the other girl, casting...
  20. Rome Savage

    Y28 Dueling Match #23

    Current Points: 130 [hr]The girl was so pleased when the other dodged the spell, Rome definitely thought that dodging a spell was a sign of weakness, of not being entire good at magic. Rome's frustration and anger came through so strongly in all her spells, in how lazily it seemed that she...