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  1. Sadie Gates

    Old School Week Runaway, my Atlantis

    Sadie decided to enjoy the summer weather outside in a cute summer outfit. She brought a canva and some paints to continue her painting. And while continuing her work, she put on magical headphones and listened to music, swaying her head a little in the rhythm of the music. @Cameron Roswell
  2. Sophie Wilson

    Old School Week Looking for a Story

    Notebook in hand, Sophie looked around Obsidian Harbour feeling a little disappointed. She had come here to find something to write about for the prophet, but it was almost eerily quiet. She had been vaguely thinking of doing a story on the new business the daycare brought to the area, but she...
  3. Emmanuel Okoye

    Old School Week Post-Exam Reading

    With his last exam done, Emmanuel had grabbed his favourite book and come to the library. he found a quiet spot near the back of the library, away from most others and settled down with a book. Looking forward to getting some alone reading time.
  4. Michael Watson

    Old School Week Looking For Secrets

    Michael had been trying to not be embarrassingly bad at Quidditch, but he also wanted to do a few other things at school too. He had joined the paper, but wanted to find something to write about. He was walking the hall, tapping the walls to see if he could find any secret passages or something.
  5. Wednesday Weeks

    Old School Week Wandering

    Wednesday had no particular want to do anything other than walk around. And maybe locate her sister. But wandering sounded better.
  6. Seamus Reid

    Old School Week Floating

    It was a warm summers day. Most of the kids were at home, and the school was quiet. He had come outside and gotten into the lake, just floating, and swimming, enjoying the refreshing water as a break from the hot stuffy air.
  7. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Old School Week Post Ball Brunch

    It was the morning after the yule ball and Elvera had made her way to the great hall for a breakfast. or rather brunch. she looked at what was left and got herself some toast. before adding avocardo, pepper, and some tomato.
  8. Celia Vu

    Old School Week Like Two Fists and a Heart Attack

    Thanks to someone, the Quidditch cup was no longer a possibility, so Celia had turned her attention towards a different trophy. She wanted to add another Dueling Tournament championship to her collection this year, and to ensure that happened, she'd come to the chamber for some extra practice...
  9. Timothy Black

    Old School Week Old Friends, Good Friends

    After the Yule Ball, Tim had decided to invite Kiara over to his house. She knew where he lived, she knew him and pretty much, Tim loved her company a lot. So, as he was going his chores around the house, he waited for Kiara to come over.
  10. Raafe Khatri

    Old School Week Hidden Treasures

    Raafe had heard a rumour that there used to be a something special hidden on the Seventh floor and it'd piqued his interest. So far all he'd found was an old armoire, though he was eagerly investigating it, trying to wedge open the stubbornly stuck drawer with little success so far.
  11. Theodore Westwick

    Old School Week Independent Little Steps

    Zoe was usually the one dropping off the twins at daycare, but today Theodore had done it. It was a strange experience, seeing his little girls step into the classroom hand in hand without even looking back. It made him think of when they were babies, it was really going by fast. He wondered if...
  12. Blair Bianchi

    Old School Week Christmas Time

    Blair felt incredible being back in New Zealand. After the winter in Russia, it was just nice to feel the warmth and be able to wear nice clothes instead of being wrapped up like a tortilla. And even more, she had planned to meet Branson and it was the best part. She had a present in her hands...
  13. Hugo Stark-West

    Old School Week All of the books

    Hugo entered the library. exams were over and he wanted to check some books out to take home for over the holidays. he stood for a moment. just looking at the shelves. there were so many book he didn't know where to start.
  14. Ellie Tsai

    Old School Week Watching the Snow Fall

    Ellie was a summertime girl, she didn't enjoy this ice and cold when really outside the sun warmed the earth so well. Quietly to the side of the room, she knelt down and picked up some of the enchanted snow and tossed it up into the air. It fluttered down nicely, but she hadn't ever seen much...
  15. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Old School Week Chaperone

    Elvera was on supervisor duty this year at the ball. she stood next to the ice rink in a long off-white victorian style dress making sure that people were safe and behaving.
  16. Summer Irvine

    Old School Week Afternoons In The Park

    With four kids at home it wasn't strange that Summer's parents wanted to get out every now and then, especially when they were all home for the break. She was happy they had brought them to the park, promising her parents she'd behave before running of to the playground and climbing onto one of...
  17. Aika Chen

    Old School Week That Time of the Year

    @Silas Broomhead Aika wanted to grab something for the evening at the dorm, so she was at the kitchens. In the long term, she was here to enjoy the coziness of the kitchens, feel the aroma that she always remembered from her childhood, and in short term, she wanted to pick up some snacks for...
  18. Aika Chen

    Old School Week Mad Hatter

    Aika enjoyed the time outside of the dorm at this time of the year. She just wished that she could be home with her dad, brother and uncle Chal during summer instead of being at school, but still, here she was. Excited for the holidays but while waiting, she decided to put some blanket on the...
  19. Evander Mikaelson

    Old School Week The Most Beautiful Place

    Evander didn't want to attend the Yule Ball and he also didn't want to stay in the dorm, so he found the most compromising place. The courtyard. He still heard the music, people who decided to go for a walk could notice him but he had leaned with his back at tree while sitting on a bench and...
  20. Sadie Gates

    Old School Week Getting Out

    Sadie knew that she was definitely bored and she wanted to get some chance to have fun before going home. So she just went to the yule ball, hopingg to catch someone and then forgetting about the company as fast as she noticed the ice rink and was already on it.