Old School Week Getting Out

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Sadie Gates

Energetic | Bubbly | Triplet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sadie knew that she was definitely bored and she wanted to get some chance to have fun before going home. So she just went to the yule ball, hopingg to catch someone and then forgetting about the company as fast as she noticed the ice rink and was already on it.
Cameron still thought school dances were stupid, but at least the decorations tonight would make his photos for the yearbook look more interesting. Or specifically, the ice rink would definitely make for more entertaining ones. He posted up near the ice rink, raising his camera when he saw Sadie already on the ice and hoping she'd fall so he could get a photo of it.
Sadie was just enjoying the skating when she saw someone holding a camera in her direction and then understood that it was her classmate Cameron. "I'm not gonna fall Cameron," she exclaimed as she skated towards him. "Better you go on the rink and I will catch a photo of you falling," she teasingly offered as she closed camera with her hand.
Cameron clicked his tongue in annoyance, wrinkling his nose as Sadie touched his camera. "You'd fall if I pushed you," he said sourly, moving his camera away, disappointed he'd been caught and that Sadie didn't seem uncoordinated enough to make this interesting. "I've never ice skated before," he added on, eying where she was standing on the ice warily.
"Yeah, I don't doubt it. But I will pull you with me then," Sadie chuckled and just smiled at him friendly. She was sure that there was more to Cameron than him being annoyed all the time. "Come here then. You should try it, it's amazing. And don't say no, you have to try it," she convincingly talked, hoping that he would agree. "Please?" Sadie added just in case.
Cameron scrunched up his face at Sadie, unsure how she could be so confident while literally standing on thin ice. He was poised to say no, using the yearbook as an excuse, but her please caught him off guard and he hesitated. "Fine," he said shortly, setting his camera aside, "But if I fall I'm taking you down with me."
Sadie was surprised that he agreed so easily but excitedly nodded. "Deal, if we go down, then we will go down together," she was fine with those terms. She got him skates. "Try them on and let's go! I will teach you," she assured him. She wasn't sure if that was his size but she just hoped that it was.
Cameron didn't know why Sadie looked so excited about falling down on cold, wet ice, but at least he wouldn't look like a complete idiot if he tried to do this alone. He took the skates from her, fighting down a blush as he quickly strapped them on and tried to stand. "How do you even balance on these things??"
Sadie offered him hands to grab to balance. "Well, you have to lean in your knees a little and at the beginning you can either hold my hands or put them out to the sides straightly," she easily explained as she showed how deeply he had to lean in his knees. "It's not that hard as it looks, you just have to try it" Sadie reassuringly smiled at him.
Cameron grabbed for Sadie's offered hands immediately as they moved out onto the ice, immediately feeling dangerously off balance. He didn't even have time to feel embarrassed about it, too worried about falling on his face. "This is stupid, how does anyone find this fun?" He asked, wobbling nervously.
Sadie giggled as Cameron complained, holding him tightly. "It gets better with time, I promise," she slowly skated backwards. "You see, you kinda have to make like a tree with your skates to move forward," Sadie tried to explain how to do it and also show it.
Cameron wanted to be annoyed at how easily Sadie was able to move on the ice but he was mostly focused on staying up right, trying to bend his knees like she'd shown him. "Make like a tree??" He said incredulously, skates slipping as he looked down at his feet and had to scramble to keep his balance, ears flushing as he clung tighter to Sadie's hands.
Then Sadie understood how dumb it sounded. "You know how kids draw a spruce? It's like you put your feet as you usually would and then just slip it a little backwards and to the outside, then with other feet do the same," but Sadie was a little amused to see him blushing but she didn't say anything about that, just trying to teach him.
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