Been A While


ok so hiiiiiiiiii rose deliveries have had me like 'oh yeah hnz is fun actually' and I've decided to ride that momentum into a PD and see how we do from there. I've had a really hard time just getting the momentum to engage with HNZ for A WHILE NOW and I think a big contributing factor is that I haven't posted a PD in forever and all my current students are painfully neglected as a result 🫠

So here are my current students! I'm down for whatever with most of 'em, so feel free to suggest anything that comes to mind!


Thistle Carnahan
Ravenclaw 7th Year
rat queen 🪲 gremlin
Thistle is the youngest Carnahan, and she's never really gotten to stretch her full chaotic potential unfortunately. She's cheerful and enthusiastic, with a love of mischief, and creativity. She grew up the youngest in a boisterous house full of pranks and comedy, so she's always felt like she has a lot to prove in that regard. She hates being alone, and will happily insert herself into other people's business just to feel involved in stuff. She hasn't really managed to make many friends in her time at school unfortunately, so I'd love for her to get at least a bit more socialising in before she finishes school, though I'm also always down for enemies. Since she's graduating soon I think a senior prank could be fun, if any other seventh years are keen to be involved?

Holden Marshall
Gryffindor 6th Year
edgy loner ⛰️ in love and mad about it
Holden is the younger brother of Penelope Marshall, and half-brother of Eric and Connor Holland, for better or worse. (In his opinion; worse.) He's a pretty bitter, angry young man, carrying around a lot of hurt from the loss of his mother that he doesn't know how to express any way other than through lashing out, though he also finds muggle sports like rugby a good outlet. Beneath it all Holden's a good kid, he just doesn't have the emotional tools he needs. He's quite prickly, but definitely not impossible to make friends with if you can put up with his moods. I'd also love to find people for him to scrap with, he's definitely quite fight-y. He has unfortunately developed feelings for Milo Frogg recently, and is handling it about as well as you'd imagine :r

Cornelius Seymour VII
Slytherin 6th 5th Year
disgraced 👎 unpleasant

Marama Te Rangi
Gryffindor 5th Year
Heta Omega Member
everything is chill ✌️ (except her love life)

Trevvo Boot
Hufflepuff 5th Year
country boy 🥾 muddled muggleborn
Oh, poor, poor Corn. Cornelius is currently reaping plenty of what he's sown, and... taking it about as well as he could, all things considered. After being caught trying to cheat on his OWLs last year, he's been held back to repeat fifth year, and his entire life plans have been completely thrown out the window. Somehow, this has actually made him (slightly) more bearable, being less inclined to be awful now that he has nothing left to prove. He's also been benefiting from his feelings for Vanity Mettlestone, feelings he's beginning to suspect may be reciprocated. That said, he's still awful & I'm totally down for any kinda bullying/fighting plots, but I think he might have evolved enough to maybe even... make a friend?
Marama is the youngest Te Rangi, and possibly the most chill, though it'd definitely be a close call between her and Manaia. She doesn't take much seriously, preferring to look on the lighter side of life and approach everything with a carefree attitude, coasting through events as they come. This... usually serves her well, though she's recently run into some trouble when 'just a little kiss' with Ned Strangewayes turned out to be a pretty big deal after all, and blew up her relationship with her girlfriend, Alicia Richelieu. With all that going on, she could really use a friend or two to help her deal with her woes, and maybe smack a little bit of sense into her!
nobody look at his post count trevvo i am SO SORRY Trevvo Boot is a classic kiwi country boy, through and through. Three time under-13 sheep shearing champion, Trevvo had never known any life other than the farm until his Hogwarts letter arrived when he was eleven, and it took him a long time to believe he wasn't just the subject of an extremely elaborate prank. He still has trouble with it from time to time, and now he's had to adjust to his brother Jono joining him at Hogwarts this year. Trevvo is down-to-earth and friendly, and could desperately use literally anything at all. Poor guy has no friends and no plans, so I'm open to literally any kinda plots anyone has in mind!

Lucy Holland
Ravenclaw 4th Year
Wild Patch Member/Ravenclaw Quidditch Co-Captain
kawaii cutie 🍬 kinda insensitive
LUCY MY DAUGHTER!!!!! Lucy is definitely the character I've been most active with in the last few years, and as a result I don't need as much for her, though I'm always keen to explore and see what comes up! Lucy is the daughter of the previous Minister of Magic, though she doesn't compose herself like it. She's energetic, loud, and enthusiastic for just about everything life throws at her, for better or worse. Lucy loves her friends and tries to be a good person, but she's a bit spoiled and often fails to consider other people's feelings, especially when she's excited for something. Lucy's had a few crushes over the years, and she's ready to spread her wings romantically so I would love any kinda flings around her age, though I'm also totally happy if there are any older characters willing to experience the torment of Lucy having a completely unfulfillable crush on them.

Dhivya Khatri
Hufflepuff 3rd Year
ACCIO! Photographer
always stressed 💃 failed perfectionist
Dhivya is Naveen Khatri's older twin, and she's always been the protective and assertive twin, taking on the world so Naveen has someone to hide behind. She stretches herself as thin as possible and then some when it comes to responsibilities and commitments, and won't hesitate to take a friend's problems onto her own plate at a moment's notice. She hasn't had a major burnout yet, but I'd love for her to get to that point at some stage. Dhivya has also been quite neglected, so I'm open for totally anything at all for her, I don't have anything planned so I'm happy for friends, enemies, future romances, anything at all!

Te Rēweti Mahuika
Ravenclaw 2nd Year
quiet 🎹 loner
Te Rēweti is another one of Kahurangi's niblings (cousin to the Te Rangis) and he takes quiet to a new level. He lives most of his life with his face in a book, and spends the rest of his time daydreaming or writing music by himself. He's a tough nut to crack, being so closed off and anxious around strangers, but once you're in his inner circle he'll cling to you for dear life. He spends a lot of his time at school clinging to his aunt & cousin (though Marama dodges him as much as she can because having your twelvie cousin hanging off you is not cool) and has a minor rivalry going on with Rion Pendleton as a result. That aside, I've got no plans whatsoever for him, so I'm totally open to anything. He's quite difficult to befriend, but anyone willing to put in the work is welcome to try. He's also an easy target for bullies, so feel free to have at him!

Aleja Morales
Hufflepuff 1st Year
Hogwarts Monthly Intern
unseen observer 🤫 secret-holder
Aleja is my newest lil firstie, and I've been waiting for her for a long time! She's the twin sister of Carolina, (much) younger half-sister of Vivian Brackenstall, daughter of Ignacio and Ruby, and cousin of Miro. Aleja is another quiet one, though she's got quite an interest in people. She comes from a big family and always feels most comfortable when she's surrounded by people and noise, contented to blend into the surroundings and just listen. As a result, she often winds up knowing much more about what's going on around her than anyone realises, and she tends to quietly have her nose in a whole lot of people's business. Aleja is dyslexic (id: #124392) and reads and writes at approx. the level of a six/seven year old, something she's quite self-conscious about. She wants to push herself to keep improving while at Hogwarts so she's signed up for Hogwarts Monthly in the hopes that having a reason to write will make her practice more, and improve her confidence. I don't have anything going on with Aleja at the moment, so I'd love for her to make some friends. I'm planning to combine her love of snooping and her efforts on the Monthly to get the gossip column going again, so there's plenty of room for drama there, and if anyone's got any gossip they'd love to see plastered on the pages of the paper, drop me a line!

I'm not making a full table for them, but additionally;

Rupert Cresswell - Deputy Minister, always available for Ministry-related plots!
~Professor Kahurangi Josephs - Ravenclaw HoH, always available for school plots!
Maria Madison - HNZ school counsellor, always available for student counselling plots!

I've got other adult characters in roles I'm happy to RP them filling (if you want a skiing lesson with Lizzie or want Nell to write an article about your character or anything like that) so feel free to drop me a line abt them too, but I wanna highlight those 3 especially since they're the ones people are most likely to wanna RP with :p

I'm probably gonna be a little bit choosey just to keep my load manageable, but I'm totally keen to hear any ideas you've got. I'm especially keen to flesh out the characters who I mentioned have been quite neglected, but I'll happily hear out anything for anyone!
I think there's been a bit of that with roses so I'm glad I agreed to it :r

I'm cautious of my own tendency to just drop things buuuuut I know we mentioned Miranda possibly helping Aleja out/being a kind of mentor? I also have Miranda in my head being a bit sour and wanting to feel sorry for herself about her dorm when her roommates are lovely, actually - which her mother will probably yell at her about down the line lol. That's more just something for later on for Lucy but I'm down for mentoring Aleja for now? (I also have my firstie, Peregrine, who might get on with her since she's also on the paper and is a very polite bundle of anxiety, as just a general offer not necessarily for right now).

I can also throw Audrey at any fifth year since she's not doing absolutely everything anymore and could probably use more actual friends (and not just hang off Teddy and Lucy M while they have more to do than she does) and is one of the characters I have an easier time writing. I also have this boy if you want someone to actually maybe think Corn is alright since he's also a bit of a stuck up loser who is quite literally having it beaten out of him at the moment (who decided there should be 4 beaters and 1 seeker in the Slytherin team anyway?). Idk I think he'd actually look up to him a little bit somehow :lol:

That's all a bit of just general vague ideas but if anything appeals, awesome, and if not no dramas!
@Ignatius Wolffort

Ohhh yes I remember talking about Aleja & Miranda, I'm deeeeeeeeefinitely still keen for that! She's quite embarrassed about her writing & she'd definitely need support to get her articles done.

Also def keen for Miranda & Lucy stuff down the line, just drop me a message whenever!

Thinkin about Audrey, she could be an interesting combo with Trevvo possibly? Not sure if his crunchiness would put her off or if the chill vibes would do her some good, but could be interesting to throw into a thread and see what happens?

Ignatius looking up to Corn is VERY VERY FUNNY and I love it lmao - he's a bit young for Corn to think of him as a friend I think, but he'd definitely feel bolstered and pressured simultaneously by having an admirer.
Hey Rowan! I literally love all your characters so much! And I'm so happy roses have brought you back, that alone made it worth it! 🌹

I can offer Teddy for Corn, they have the history of an arguments with spin the bottle and his cheating featuring as a question on the Brotherhood quiz. We could continue the feud they have brewing and see what happens? Teddy has an inflated ego, is quite a wind up, and responds to anger with teasing, with a tendency to make it waaaay worse. This could be fun!

Also I can offer @Huw Carew for Te Rēweti. Huw is a really sweet guy, I thought he was shy but he's only shy until he knows you. He's learning guitar and wants to get better. He wants to write his own songs which is where I think this pairing would work to potentially write a song together.

And finally, Dhivya and @Sofi Ayre are technically roommates but i don't think they've ever interacted. I would love to get these two together and become friends. I don't have a particular plot in mind but just see what happens.

I could go on but I feel this is enough for now. Take your pick or none
Hiya Rowan!!

I'm slowly getting back to the swing of things, but I'd still like to offer a few! Though you're totally free to decline any or all of them!! For Thirstle, I have Conan to offer! I know they've had a couple of threads together in the earlier years of Hogwarts, but I'd totally be down for Conan to be part of the senior prank.

For Trevvo I can offer Marley - They're in the same year and house, I can offer as a friend if you'd like! I'm always happy for Marley to make new friends hehe! She has been adopted by a muggle father, so she sort of relates to learning about the magical world - I guess she can try her best to help him? But I maybe they also learn about it together?? Honestly, I'm just throwing anything lols!!

I also wanted to poke here and mention about that Nolan and Manaia thread as well - if you're still interested in that? Totally cool if not!

But yeth, those are a couple of ideas I have so far, totally cool if these ideas dont speak to ya!
Hey Rowan! I literally love all your characters so much! And I'm so happy roses have brought you back, that alone made it worth it! 🌹

I can offer Teddy for Corn, they have the history of an arguments with spin the bottle and his cheating featuring as a question on the Brotherhood quiz. We could continue the feud they have brewing and see what happens? Teddy has an inflated ego, is quite a wind up, and responds to anger with teasing, with a tendency to make it waaaay worse. This could be fun!

Also I can offer @Huw Carew for Te Rēweti. Huw is a really sweet guy, I thought he was shy but he's only shy until he knows you. He's learning guitar and wants to get better. He wants to write his own songs which is where I think this pairing would work to potentially write a song together.

And finally, Dhivya and @Sofi Ayre are technically roommates but i don't think they've ever interacted. I would love to get these two together and become friends. I don't have a particular plot in mind but just see what happens.

I could go on but I feel this is enough for now. Take your pick or none

Aaaaa thank you!!! And thank you (and Camilla obvs) for running the roses 🎉 I know how much work it is so I really appreciate you guys keeping it going!

Ohhhh Teddy vs. Corn is a veeeeeeeeery fun idea, Corn is also super easy to wind up, so I can see them working each other into an absolute disaster :p I'm absolutely keen for this!

Huw sounds like a perfect match for Te Rēweti! They could easily run into one another in the arts room makin' music & go from there maybe?

Also def keen for Dhivya & Sofi! I was actually thinking about them the other day when I was adding threads to Dhivya's bio & realised she hadn't actually interacted with any of her roommates since the sorting night thread oops :p Dhivya can't resist taking quiet people under her wing, so I imagine she'd kind of naturally pick up a bit of a mum friend role?

Hiya Rowan!!

I'm slowly getting back to the swing of things, but I'd still like to offer a few! Though you're totally free to decline any or all of them!! For Thirstle, I have Conan to offer! I know they've had a couple of threads together in the earlier years of Hogwarts, but I'd totally be down for Conan to be part of the senior prank.

For Trevvo I can offer Marley - They're in the same year and house, I can offer as a friend if you'd like! I'm always happy for Marley to make new friends hehe! She has been adopted by a muggle father, so she sort of relates to learning about the magical world - I guess she can try her best to help him? But I maybe they also learn about it together?? Honestly, I'm just throwing anything lols!!

I also wanted to poke here and mention about that Nolan and Manaia thread as well - if you're still interested in that? Totally cool if not!

But yeth, those are a couple of ideas I have so far, totally cool if these ideas dont speak to ya!

Mariaaaaaaaa :wub:

YESSSS Conan is totally welcome to be part of the senior prank! (I still haven't figured out exactly what I wanna do so if you have any ideas lemme know :p I need to do a proper scour of Gambol & Japes for inspiration...)

Awww I love that for Trevvo & Marley, I def think he'd appreciate having someone else who's kind of in the same boat with all the magic stuff. I can easily see them bonding over that.

AND YEAH I WAS PLANNING TO MESSAGE & ASK IF YOU STILL WANTED TO DO THAT PLOT I'M SO SORRY ALIUAuauhghghgh it's just coincided with my Inspiration Collapse Episode x_x Do you wanna just pick up the same thread or start something fresh? I'm totally happy either way!
Mariaaaaaaaa :wub:

YESSSS Conan is totally welcome to be part of the senior prank! (I still haven't figured out exactly what I wanna do so if you have any ideas lemme know :p I need to do a proper scour of Gambol & Japes for inspiration...)

Awww I love that for Trevvo & Marley, I def think he'd appreciate having someone else who's kind of in the same boat with all the magic stuff. I can easily see them bonding over that.

AND YEAH I WAS PLANNING TO MESSAGE & ASK IF YOU STILL WANTED TO DO THAT PLOT I'M SO SORRY ALIUAuauhghghgh it's just coincided with my Inspiration Collapse Episode x_x Do you wanna just pick up the same thread or start something fresh? I'm totally happy either way!
That all sounds good to me! No rush on ideas for the prank! If I think of anything, I'll defs let you know!

Yes! Exactly that!

That's totally all good! We could defs start with a new thread! I don't mind hehe!

Were there any in particular you wanted to start at all?
Te Rēweti x Magdalene Grey - I feel like Maggie is just annoying enough that she could try and befriend Te Rēweti and keep trying until he at least acts like her friend. She doesn't give up easily.

Kahurangi x Siobhan - I feel like we haven't done a thread with them in a while. I'm down with whatever with them, or if that's one too many plots, we can still just say things are good.
I'm going to offer just one because I've been pretty bad with keeping up with threads and I really need to have a better way of organising what I have going on asdfghjk.

Marama x Aroha - I don't think they've interacted before, Marama is a year older, but they're both Māori and both Gryffindors so I think they could relate to each other pretty well. Aroha would also probably (metaphorically) beat some sense into Marama about the kiss incident but still not be too judgmental? She's probably accepting of people to a fault but at the same time calls things how she sees it. We can either start fresh or just say they know each other, either works for me.
Ngl the Corn x Teddy idea is the one I have the most muse for/most excited about. I think throwing the two of them together would be fun! I can start something for them if you like and we can visit the other two ideas a little later to spread the load.
That all sounds good to me! No rush on ideas for the prank! If I think of anything, I'll defs let you know!

Yes! Exactly that!

That's totally all good! We could defs start with a new thread! I don't mind hehe!

Were there any in particular you wanted to start at all?

Yay perfect!
I can start one for Manaia & Nolan (feels only fair for it to be my turn x_x ) if you wanna start for Trevvo & Marley? And for Conan & Thistle I reckon we maybe leave off until the end of the semester if that's cool? going out with a bang :r

Te Rēweti x Magdalene Grey - I feel like Maggie is just annoying enough that she could try and befriend Te Rēweti and keep trying until he at least acts like her friend. She doesn't give up easily.

Kahurangi x Siobhan - I feel like we haven't done a thread with them in a while. I'm down with whatever with them, or if that's one too many plots, we can still just say things are good.

Te Rēweti & Maggie - ohhh yesss perf! Te Rēweti is from a very big boisterous family, so he'd definitely appreciate that approach :p

Kahurangi & Siobhan - YES I've been meaning to message you about these two! Been forever - I'd def be keen to explore where they're at these days!

I'm going to offer just one because I've been pretty bad with keeping up with threads and I really need to have a better way of organising what I have going on asdfghjk.

Marama x Aroha - I don't think they've interacted before, Marama is a year older, but they're both Māori and both Gryffindors so I think they could relate to each other pretty well. Aroha would also probably (metaphorically) beat some sense into Marama about the kiss incident but still not be too judgmental? She's probably accepting of people to a fault but at the same time calls things how she sees it. We can either start fresh or just say they know each other, either works for me.

Oof no I feel you :p My thread organisation system is just one giant google doc & I haven't managed to find a good way to keep future plots straight x_x

Love Marama & Aroha though! I reckon saying they know each other already is a good shout, absolutely keen for Aroha to smack some sense into her :p

Ngl the Corn x Teddy idea is the one I have the most muse for/most excited about. I think throwing the two of them together would be fun! I can start something for them if you like and we can visit the other two ideas a little later to spread the load.

Yessss that sounds perfect! Thank you for starting :wub:

Ok I'm probably going to throw way too much at you so feel free to pick and choose what sparks joy. And we can of course spread stuff out too.

For Thistle there's Leah, I think at one point we had floated the idea of some kind of fling between them. Leah probably sees her as elusive and kind of cool, not entirely sure how they'd get along and it might be kind of fun if they turn into an off and on thing??? Also down for seventh year prank! There's also Elise who's in the same house who also probably thinks Thistle is very cool if you want to explore that at all. Always down for sibling stuff too but that doesn't feel like a priority right now but ya know.

For Holden there's Santiago who is his roommate so I feel they probably have some kind of relationship. For a long time he was also Very Moody but I think he's finally coming out of that phase if you want to do something with that? In another timeline I think they could have been very enabling duo in a bad way lol, who knows maybe there's still time 👀

Going to broadly offer Oskar to your 5th years with nothing too specific but he is now roommates with Corn and we had talked about him and Trevvo becoming unlikely friends which I still think would be fun. He would probably try and avoid Corn like the plague, could be funny if he tried to corner him into a conversation. Also glad to offer him as a potential crush/fling for Lucy? He is an cute boy and only a year ahead.

For Dhivya I'm always down for twin stuff, I can sense a potential fight brewing for them with the Ivy rose and all that which could be fun. But also gonna throw out Elise as a friend suggestion? They're both on Accio and I think they could be unlikely friends, or more??? In the future??? Idk we can see.

For Te Rēweti I think we had mentioned he might get along well with Doyle, and not to piggy back too much on Verity's suggestion but he's also into music, bro band 2.0????

And lastly for Aleja, I think her and Sybil might be fun to throw together?? They're both on the paper and I could see her trying to help Aleja with her writing (if she's open to that) and Sybil can ramble a lot so I imagine she might spill the beans on things she over hears that she miiiiight not mean to etc.

Ok I'm done lol.
KADIDIDIDIDI so many ideas u spoil me

For Thistle there's Leah, I think at one point we had floated the idea of some kind of fling between them. Leah probably sees her as elusive and kind of cool, not entirely sure how they'd get along and it might be kind of fun if they turn into an off and on thing??? Also down for seventh year prank! There's also Elise who's in the same house who also probably thinks Thistle is very cool if you want to explore that at all. Always down for sibling stuff too but that doesn't feel like a priority right now but ya know.
Ooooh Thistle & Leah is fun! I'll need to double check with Daph bc we'd talked about Thistle & Ezra but I kept. forgetting to reply to our threads so idk where we're at with that. She's def welcome to be in on the prank tho!

Would def love some kinda carnafam shenanigans maybe at/after grad? worlds most annoying siblings gettin slizzered and thistle tries to dye his hair pink vengeance time

For Holden there's Santiago who is his roommate so I feel they probably have some kind of relationship. For a long time he was also Very Moody but I think he's finally coming out of that phase if you want to do something with that? In another timeline I think they could have been very enabling duo in a bad way lol, who knows maybe there's still time 👀
Ahahhaha I think we did one or two threads with them very early on so in the back of my mind they've always been Grumpy Friends. Def down to explore this more santiago absolutely wrecking his poop when he finds out holden likes milo bc he has to be on a team with him rip

Going to broadly offer Oskar to your 5th years with nothing too specific but he is now roommates with Corn and we had talked about him and Trevvo becoming unlikely friends which I still think would be fun. He would probably try and avoid Corn like the plague, could be funny if he tried to corner him into a conversation. Also glad to offer him as a potential crush/fling for Lucy? He is an cute boy and only a year ahead.
Oskaaaaaaaaaaar!! I'd def be keen to play with him and Trevvo, and DEEEEFINITELY be keen for a fling with Lucy! her boyhunt finally pays off >:)

For Dhivya I'm always down for twin stuff, I can sense a potential fight brewing for them with the Ivy rose and all that which could be fun. But also gonna throw out Elise as a friend suggestion? They're both on Accio and I think they could be unlikely friends, or more??? In the future??? Idk we can see.
Yessss I'm loving the rose drama, I reckon we see how that shakes out & take it from there?

And yesss I hadn't twigged that she would know Elise but of course she would, I think they'd be fun to explore! I think Dhivya is kind of intimidated by how chill Elise is? Compared to her frazzled ass :p

For Te Rēweti I think we had mentioned he might get along well with Doyle, and not to piggy back too much on Verity's suggestion but he's also into music, bro band 2.0????
Ohhh YESSS I'm def keen! Bro band is a great idea, tho it'd take a real fight to get Te Rēweti confident enough to perform :p @Teddy Pirrip thoughts?

And lastly for Aleja, I think her and Sybil might be fun to throw together?? They're both on the paper and I could see her trying to help Aleja with her writing (if she's open to that) and Sybil can ramble a lot so I imagine she might spill the beans on things she over hears that she miiiiight not mean to etc.
Oooooh I love this! I feel like they could maybe accidentally enable each other's worse sides :r I think Aleja would be more embarrassed to let someone close to her own age know about her dyslexia than older students, but Sybil could notice enough to put the pieces together.

i was gonna finish this by saying something nice but then u bullied me on discord for nto replying yet so im gonna be mean instead 😈 u smeel

im jk i love u five ever
Love Marama & Aroha though! I reckon saying they know each other already is a good shout, absolutely keen for Aroha to smack some sense into her :p
Yay! I can start that one if you like?
Yes pllssss! Thank you!!

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