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My parents have rented an airbnb on the coast somewhere for Christmas and then once I've actually talked to my dad I'm looking to go up to Brisbane for a week or so, have human connections and what not. :lol:

I did not win powerball tonight otherwise I'd be off anywhere and everywhere.
A friend of mines dad actually did win £7 million few years back. Totally not jealous, well, maybe a little.
I just googled and it was a jackpot win and actually £13.5 million
heck!!! that’s ridiculous! wow!
That is wild! I googled what it is in NZD and went o_O That's probably an interesting question to ask though - if you did win lotto, what's the first thing you would buy for yourself? Ignoring all the payments, bills, rent/mortage, and whatever.

I feel like the first thing I'd get is probably a PS5 or a gaming laptop so I can play all the games I'm currently missing out on. Either that or a cake - but not just any cake. A really nice cake. One of those fancy bakery ones.
I'd buy a house. Well, probably an apartment/flat, but still. Move closer to the city, actually have access to a life.

I'd also get a cake but there's no nice places here, hence the house :lol:
Not counting a house which I would also definitely buy first, my second purchase would be a grand piano xD
i would love to travel the world honestly - i think that’s what id spend with my money, that’s the job i wanna do in the future and what i studied for so hopefully i get to do that soon

otherwise i’ll upgrade all my electronics, get all the gaming stuff and geeky things i would love and then give some money to my family as well as my family back in the philippines
I need to get out of here desperately but miraculously getting a bunch of money is my only realistic hope, and, you know, it's not realistic.
Also not counting a house or apartment/living space - the first thing I would buy is plane tickets for my friends to come to Australia, perhaps front the money for visa applications as well so they can stay for as long as they want - they all want to come and visit Australia and none of them currently has the means to do so - so that would be option numero uno
if you did win lotto, what's the first thing you would buy for yourself?
As soon as that money clears, I'd be on my way to somewhere in the Caribbean where I'd spend my time on a beach looking at zillow so I could buy a house when I return.
I'd go to NYC, and national trip to see all the biggest wonders. Niagara falls, grand canyon, the Coca Cola factory in Atlanta.
First up I'd take all the family to Disney world. Then buy a house right on the North Cornish coast and plan out my next holiday which would probably be a round the world cruise.
Man I love cruises, I agree Verity, that would be my next stop after all my friends leave Aus. Or they could come with, coz thats a heck tonne of money.
I've never been on a cruise though I think I'd like it
so a lot of you don't know this about me, but I am a carer for my sister who is severely disabled.

let me also preface this by saying that we were once told my sister would "never be independant, she would never walk, never talk and never be able to do anything for herself so you should stick her in a home and be done with her" - this was by a world renowned doctor by the way.

anywho, on with the story - most of you may not understand why this particular interaction is hilarious, but for those of you who do!

read it and weep.

so she walks up to me, where I'm sitting in the kitchen;
my sister: we need to put in the screw
me: screw for what? (my car just died essentially fyi)
my sister: your car
me: we can't put in the screw
my sister: oh, why?
me: its need to go to the mechanic for a special screw
my sister: ah, okay, do you have a credit card?
me: yeah, why
tamara: I need to buy something
me: what do you wanna buy
my sister: a cheeseburger.

a menace honestly.
If people could just not set of fire works tonight that would be grand, its not even new years eve yet, like calm down lads

how was everyone's Christmas?
my xmas was good until i found out i had covid later on during xmas day :cry: this is my second year in a row having covid during xmas which is sad 😔 but that’s okay! i managed to catch up with a lot of hnz stuff which is nice!

My mate/workmate got me a rlly cool fan-made Hermione wand that shoots out literal fire which was pretty cool (it was a xmas gift that had arrived late lols!)

No fireworks has been shot early for me yet which is good, but i hope the early fireworks don’t keep you or any of y’all’s pets awake!! it’s too early for fireworks!!

i hope everyone had a good xmas! whether it was celebrated with your friends, family, loved ones or even by urself, i hope you all had a good one! And a happy new year to you all!! I wish you guys all the best for the upcoming year! 🙌🏻
Oof Maria that sucks! I had covid last Christmas too but I managed to avoid it somehow this year! And yes, happy new year to everyone!!
Happy New Year to everyone! Has anyone got any plans, or anything they're looking forward to this year?

Dan and myself have my best friends wedding in October which I'm excited for, she's my oldest friend and I love seeing her happy with the man she's chosen! Some of ya'll know her actually because she used to be on here. Melissa! (Alyss Summers)

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